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   NED object is [HH87] 079; Reference is  1989ApJ...339...12H

   Fig. 1.- Contour plots of S(1.49 GHz) for sources listed in Table 2. The
 three numbers that appear above each plot are the source number (from Table 6
 in Paper I), the field number (from Table I), and f{theta}, the primary beam
 correction (eq. [1]). Contour levels are -2.83, -2, -1.41, -1 x
 10**(-4)/f{theta}Jy for dashed contours, and 1, 1.41, 2, 2.83, 4, 5.657, 8,
 11.31, 16, ...x 10**(-4)/f{theta}Jy for solid contours (except for maps in
 fields 3 and 4, which start at 0.2 mJy). Crosses mark the infrared positions
 (from Table 6 in Paper I) and are 20 arcsec in diameter.	 

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