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5.4.2. Small Scale Constraints

Dwarf Galaxies and Massive Halos

While the HDM scenario is very attractive for giving the Universe its observed power on large scales and for having an identified candidate particle (e.g., the neutrino), there are two small scale constraints that essentially completely rule out the theory. One constraint is provided by the maximum phase space density that neutrinos could have. This was first pointed out by Tremaine and Gunn (1979) and works as follows:

If neutrinos have a mass, then at some point in their cosmic evolution they must become non-relativistic and, like baryons, become trapped in a galactic potential. If the the neutrinos are sufficiently massive (e.g., geq 30 eV) they can dominate this halo mass. For a spherical halo, the escape velocity is given from Newtonian dynamics as


For galaxies like the Milky Way which have M ~ 1011 - 1012 and R ~ 10 - 30 kpc, Vesc ranges from 300 to 500 km s-1. If the halo is dominated by neutrinos, then an important exclusion principle comes into play.

Neutrinos are fermions and only one fermion can occupy a unit volume of phase space. The maximum positional space is the volume of the halo and the maximum momentum space is mnu Vesc. Hence the total phase space volume, which by the exclusion principle is equivalent to the total number of neutrinos that exist in this volume is given by

Equation 35   (35)

or, using the expression for escape velocity

Equation 36   (36)

An upper bound on the total mass of neutrinos in this halo is then

Equation 37   (37)

where M on the left hand side is really the total number of neutrinos (Nnu) times mnu. Thus we can now write an lower bound for mnu:

Equation 38   (38)

For normal galaxies, the constraint is relatively uninteresting as it leads to an lower bound on neutrino mass of a few eV. However, there is some evidence that the dwarf satellite companions to the Milky Way (e.g., Draco, Ursa Minor) are gravitationally bound systems instead of expanding systems due to tidal encounters associated with their low perigalactic orbits (see Piatek and Pryor 1995). These systems are characterized by M ~ 107 and R ~ 0.1 kpc. For these objects, equation 38 then gives an lower bound on mnu of 500 eV. A stable neutrinos species with a mass this large can easily be ruled out on cosmological grounds as the Universe would have collapsed long ago.

High Redshift Galaxies

Another strong constraint comes from the existence of galaxies at high redshift. Top down scenarios require fairly long times for large scale instabilities to fragment down to smaller scales. For a neutrino dominated Universe, the initial mass scale is 104 times that of even a large galaxy. A rough timescale for this process to occur would be a dynamical timescale. At z = 0 a typical supercluster has a radius of 5-10 Mpc and a velocity dispersion of 500 km s-1. These structures themselves are not virialized but they do contain one or more virialized cores which we identify with smaller scale clusters of galaxies of radius approx 1 Mpc. From these parameters, we derive a crossing time of approx 1010 years which is an appreciable fraction of the Hubble time. Thus we expect late galaxy condensation and formation in this top-down scenario. This is clearly not observed and is regarded by most as conclusive evidence that we do not live in a neutrino dominated Universe.

The Epoch of Galaxy Formation

Clearly, the best constraint on galaxy formation will come when we actually observe the process and identify at what redshift galaxies begun to form. Recent ground-based observations have now detected galaxies, at redshift z approx 3. Steidel (et al. 1995) have unambiguously detected star forming galaxies at this redshift. The amount of star formation present at this redshift appears to be 5-10 times less than at redshift z = 1-1.5. At redshift z = 4, the overall star formation is down by a factor of 5 relative to z = 3. Furthermore, in these high redshift objects, the star formation seems to be confined to much smaller spatial scales, centered on the galaxy, than at lower redshift. Since the production of metals is strongly correlated with the star formation per unit volume at some epoch, z, then the rise in this rate should correlate with the rise in the metal abundance of QSO absorption lines. The data to date are consistent with this expectation and indicate a rough peak in star formation per unit volume at z = 1.5-2. In addition to high-redshift galaxies detected by Steidel et al., Hu et al. (1996) have detected the presence of Lymanalpha emitting galaxies which are located near QSOs at z approx 4.5. While the exact nature of these galaxies is unclear, they do conform to the simplest expectation that the initial epoch of star formation at high redshift in galaxies should give rise to Lymanalpha recombination radiation.

A rich data set for further investigating the properties of high-redshift galaxies is the Hubble Deep Field data (obtained in December 1995). Figure 5-3 shows the data and it is quite striking. Many of the galaxies in this field look like they are in the process of formation as they are composed of multiple condensations which may be in the process of merging together to form one, large galaxy. The redshifts, to date, of these interesting objects, have not yet been determined. Attempts to infer their redshifts from their colors combined with stellar population models are highly uncertain at best. A recent analysis by Lanzetta et al. (1996) argues that the reddest objects in the HDF have z geq 6. Clearly this requires spectroscopic confirmation which will be difficult as the candidate galaxies are faint.

Figure 5-3

Figure 5-3: The Spectacular Hubble Deep Field showing approximately 1500 distant galaxies in a 2.5 x 2.5 arcminute field. Image courtesy of the HST Public Archive.

In summary, the available data on the properties of high redshift galaxies and QSO absorption lines suggest the following:

bullet The initial stage of galaxy formation ,defined as when the first generation of stars is formed, occurred prior to z = 3 and is best identified with the formation of spheroids (either elliptical galaxies or spiral bulges). The formation of extended disks clearly takes a longer time and was apparently very active between z = 1-2. Vogt et al. (1996) show convincing evidence that objects with normal disk kinematics are in place by z = 1. The presence of these high redshift structures severely limits the amount of matter that can be obtained in any HDM model.

bullet At z = 5 the universe is 7% of its present age or .7 - 1.4 billion years. QSOs have been detected at this redshift so we know that small-scale structure formation can occur on the 1 Gyr time scale. Its possible that these distant QSOs are the manifestation of galaxy formation and the formation of the first generation of stars. To generate the QSO activity requires the presence of a massive black hole. Possibly it is these massive black holes that have acted as the seeds to attract additional baryonic material. In fact, the origin of these massive black holes, 1 billion years after the birth of the universe is really quite interesting. If they are the evolved remnants of massive star clusters, then they obviously formed much earlier than z = 5.

bullet The simple idea that a protogalaxy would form the bulk of its stars during the initial collapse is probably incorrect. Over a dynamical timescale (a few x 108 years for galactic potentials), if most of the gas turns into stars then a star formation rate of 100-1000 Msun per year would result. While such a large star formation rate has been observed in some Ultraluminous IRAS galaxies (see Sanders et al. 1988), which are most likely the merger of two well formed galaxies, there are no objects at high redshift yet identified that exhibit this behavior. This is a strong argument that galaxy formation is not a quick process, marked by a very large star formation rate (and a very large supernova and metal-enrichment rate ), but perhaps is a far more quiescent and longer process. Indeed, detailed studies of elliptical galaxies at z = 0 now strongly suggest that there is a range of ages in their stellar populations and that their full formation occurred over several billion years (see Rose et al. 1995).

bullet The role of feedback to the galaxy formation process either through supernova or the formation of QSOs is not yet well understood. If the Universe has been completely re-ionized by QSOs, the observations indicate that this occurred at z geq 5. Possibly this event served to further delay the general process of galaxy formation.

bullet The observations of Steidel et al. that star formation in galaxies was well in place by z = 3.5 is difficult to understand in CDM models as this implies there was already small scale power by this redshift. Mo et al. (1997) demonstrate that the presence of small scale power at this redshift is greatly aided by non-zero Lambda as the time per unit redshift interval is greater in this case.

bullet The morphology of objects in the HDF gives the strong visual impression that galaxy formation is occurring via an assembly line process in which small sub-units are being accreted into a larger entity. However, these sub-units are already composed of gas and stars so some process had to produce them at a much earlier epoch. Possibly, this process is the one physical process that we understand - simple Jeans mass collapse at high redshift. These (baryonic) sub-units then produce galaxies, via merging, as they respond to the underlying mass distribution which is dominated by dark matter. This is a potentially complex physical process that will challenge our understanding.

Pairwise and Peculiar Velocities

The final small scale constraint which can be considered is the average velocity and/or spatial separation between two random galaxies. Peculiar velocities that might arise from gravitational interactions between galaxies or between a galaxy and an overdense region such as a cluster cause deviations from Hubble flow but do not alter the position of the galaxy on the plane of the sky. Thus spatial correlation functions that are performed in physical space which may be isotropic become anisotropic when mapped onto redshift space (see discussion in Kaiser 1987). The amount of anisotropy in redshift space can be measured through the lower order moments of the peculiar velocity distribution. For galaxy pairs, the first moment of the distribution, v12 is sensitive to the growth of the spatial or two-point correlation function. The second moment sigma12 provides a direct measurement of the kinetic energy of any random motions. In the equilibrium gas, sigma12 balances the gravitational potential and hence can be used to measure the effective mass. This is the situation in a cluster of galaxies in hydrostatic equilibrium.

For standard CDM, normalized to give the observed power on small scales, sigma12 is predicted to be approx 1000 km s-1. Open models in which Omega0 approx 0.2 predict sigma12 approx 500 km s-1. The most recent determination of sigma12 is based on a sample of 12,800 galaxies that comprise a well-defined subset of the Northern and Southern Sky Redshift surveys. The results (see Marzke et al. 1996) of this analysis are unfortunately ambiguous:

bullet The measured sigma12 is 540 ± 180 km s-1. While this is larger than the 1983 measurement of 340 ± 40 km s-1 (see Davis and Peebles 1983), it still does not effectively discriminate between open and closed CDM models.

bullet The samples are "contaminated" by the presence of rich clusters where sigma12 reflects the cluster velocity dispersion which is significantly higher than sigma12 for field galaxies. This "contamination" is severe. When galaxies which are thought to be members of rich clusters are removed from the sample sigma12 lowers significantly to 295 ± 100 km/s. In essence, this removal is accounting for the most non-linear structures that are present and these aren't necessarily a good probe of CDM structure formation scenarios. In this case, it would seem that the open Universe CDM models are strongly favored.

bullet The amount of "contamination" depends on the volume of the redshift survey. Local samples are biased against selecting galaxies that are members of rich clusters and hence sigma12 is biased to low values. This explains the low value originally measured by Davis and Peebles. If one uses the observed distribution of cluster velocity dispersions (see Zabludoff et al. 1993), it is possible to estimate how big a volume must be obtained in order for this "contamination" to not be a dominant effect in the sample. Marzke et al. (1996) estimate the required volume exceeds the volume of the existing redshift sample and therefore no fair sample yet exists to properly measure sigma12. Nevertheless, the indications are that sigma12 is relatively low and the small scale velocity field is therefore mostly quiescent.

This quiesence would appear to rule out most of the explosion models and the large scale hydrodynamic models of Cen and Ostriker (1994) . Since those models introduce a non-gravitational component to the peculiar velocity, they necessarily produce high sigma12. However, one way to reduce sigma12 is via galaxy-galaxy interactions and dynamical friction. Accounting for the possible role of mergers appears to make the sigma12 measurements consistent with the predictions of high resolution hydrodynamic simulation such as those of Zurek et al. (1994). If this is true, however, the small scale clustering and dynamical properties of galaxies would then be probing the evolution of galaxy merging more than structure formation scenarios. A recent analysis of the Canadian deep redshift survey finds strong evidence for increased merger activity out to z approx 0.3 and derives a merging rate that goes as (1 + z)2.9 ± 0.9, consistent with the expected (1 + z)3 dependence (see Patton et al. 1996).

In fact, the effects of merging, which means that the number density of galaxies as a function of redshift is not conserved, has serious implications on the use of small scale structure to constrain structure formation scenarios. This is because merging greatly modifies what is observed on small scales and leads to an overall decrease in the galaxy density on small scales if numerous small galaxies merger into one larger galaxy. Hence the pairwise velocity dispersion, the two point correlation function, and the amount of power on small scales could all be modified, by merging, from their original values. Such a signature, however, would be clearly detected as a strong redshift evolution of these quantities. At present, insufficient data exists to search for this signature.

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