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In this page we will give a series of links to the cropped GALEX NUV and FUV intensity FITS images of the 1034 galaxies in this Atlas. Images were processed using the standard GALEX pipeline and are flux-calibrated and WCS compliant. In addition to the standard header keywords written by the GALEX pipeline we have also added to their FITS headers information regarding the position of the center of the galaxy in each image (XCENTER and YCENTER, in pixels), size of the cropped image (NDIMX and NDIMY, in pixels), zero point (in AB scale) of the corresponding image (ZP), and the level of the background (SKY), its mean standard deviation (SSKY) and standard deviation of the mean (ESKY; see Section 4.2 and Gil de Paz & Madore 2005 for details).

The fits images will be available at the time of publication.

Images can also be individually requested from the first author.

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