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NGC 157. - Burbidge, Burbidge, and Prendergast (1961a) report the presence of Halpha all along the slit (p.a. 30° and 50°) from 75" northeast of the center to 82" southwest of the center. The authors report that the rotation curve is similar to NGC 7479. If the arms are trailing, the SE side of the galaxy is the near one (i = 58°.6). Using the values quoted by Burbidge et al. (1961a) (v = 1797, H = 75 km s-1 Mpc-1, d = 24 Mpc) the primary dust lanes are about 400 pc in width and can be traced along a spiral arc of about 1 kpc in length. There appears to be a difference between location of the HII regions in the NE (preceding) arm, where the bright emission regions are close to the inside edge of the bright blue arm, and that of the HII regions in the south following arm, where the emission regions appear to be near the outer edge of the luminous blue arm.

The blue photograph reproduced in the Hubble atlas shows clearly the intricate structure of the dust in this galaxy; the enlargement should read 4X rather than 9.4X.

The nuclear region of NGC 157 is quite small and redder than the arms, as can be seen from a comparison of the blue and lambda6782 photograph. The Halpha photograph has the calibration photograph superposed by mistake.

NGC 157 NGC 157
NGC 157 NGC 157

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