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16 Nucleus elongated along minor axis.
128 Nucleus notched. Surrounded by 3 small kD systems. Tidal arm?
473 Nucleus + ring.
520 Torn system with dust lane.
750-1 Connected.
890 Outer envelope very faint.
1097 Discrete hot spots in nucleus.
1365 Hot spots in nucleus.
1808 Nuclear hot spots.
2545 Ring.
2742 Companion like 5194-5?
2775 Far:kD3.
2976 Rather smooth intensity.
3351 Hot spots in nucleus.
3384 Distant :kD6.
3395 3395 and 3396 connected.
3396 3395 and 3396 connected.
3414 Bar only.
3607 Dust.
3628 Nuclear region obscured by dust.
3665 Dust arc.
3681 Elongated nucleus.
4038-9 Large irregular double loop. Inner, bright part, loops of bright H II regions.
4041 Hot spots in nucleus. Near, gS1-gD1; distant, gkS1-gkD1.
4064 Hot spots in nucleus.
4128 Circular nucleus.
4314 Small S in nucleus.
4321 Hot spots in nucleus.
4324 Ring around nucleus.
4341 Much brighter than 4342.
4395 4395-9-4400-01 one object.
4435 Bar only; circular nucleus.
4496 Two overlapping systems?
4567 4567 and 4568 in contact.
4568 4567 and 4568 in contact.
4569 Or gS5p.
4594 kD-kS system with heavy dust lane.
4712 Or afS5.
4753 Dust.
5248 Hot spots in nucleus.
5253 Bright central concentration of hot spots?
5394 Wisp.
5485 Dust.
5633 Multiple hot spots in nucleus.
5653 Distant, kD3; like 5633; nucleus spotty, but very bright.
5678 Like 5633 and 5653; multiple hot spots in nucleus.
5689 Distant, kD6.
5701 A small fgS1: shining through.
5866 Dust lane.
6946 Obscured.
7332 Strong plate: kD7; weak plate: g?D7.
7469 Or gD3p + ring; N.
7625 Or f?I?p. Turbulent elliptical with dust.
7742 Brilliant ring.
7814 Heavy dust lane.

While the present material includes most bright galaxies north of the equator, it does not have the completeness that could be desired for detailed study of the above mentioned characteristics. It is hoped in the future to extend the form classification to a fainter limit, so that such problems can be investigated with precision.

The development of the new system and the classification of the galaxies listed were carried out during a two-month period as guest investigator at the Mount Wilson-Palomar Observatories in the fall of 1957. The writer is deeply indebted to the Mount Wilson-Palomar Observatories for the use of facilities and the plates in the unique Hubble collection. An especially great debt is acknowledged to Drs. I. S. Bowen and A. R. Sandage; without their cooperation this work could not have been carried out. Acknowledgment should also be made to Dr. N. U. Mayall for a critical reading of the manuscript.

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