The bibliography is divided into two parts. First, there is a chronological list that begins with Wilsing and Scheiner's attempt to detect solar radiation in the late nineteenth century and continues through the discovery of the millisecond pulsar in 1982. The list is alphabetical, by first author, within a particular year. The second part is an alphabetical, by first author, list of all of the papers and books listed in the first part, with SEE references from secondary authors. Numbers to the left of each entry indicate that the item is either a monograph (B) or an article (A), or (S) if included in Sullivan's Classics in Radio Astronomy (1982)). The format for each item is:
No. | Author(s) |
``Title'' | |
(publication year) place: publisher (for monographs) or journal title, volume, and inclusive pagination (for articles) |
You are invited to peruse the bibliography and encouraged to go back and read the originals. The bibliography gives some of the essence of the history but to enjoy the full flavor you must read the papers for yourself. Many are contained in Sullivan's Classics and the majority of the others are likely available in your own library or on interlibrary loan from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory library.