S22 | Wilsing, J., Scheiner, J.,
"On an attempt to detect electrodynamic solar radiation and on the change in contact resistance when illuminating two conductors by electric radiation = Ueber einen Versuch, eine electrodynamische Sonnenstrahlung nachzeweisen, and ueber die Aederung des Uebergangswiderstandes bei Beruehrung zweier Leiter durch electrische Bestrahlung" (1896) Ann. Physik u. Chemie 59: 782-792 |
A59 | Lodge, 0.J.,
"Signalling through space without wires" (1900) The Electrician, 3d ed: 33 |
S24 | Deslandres, H., Decombe, L.,
"On the search for Hertzian radiation emanating from the sun = Sur la recherche d'un rayonnement Hertzian emane du soleil" (1902) Comp. Rendus Acad. Sci. (Paris) 134: 527-530 |
S23 | Nordmann, C.,
"A search for Hertzian waves emanating from the sun = Recherche des ondes Hertziennes emanees du soliel" (1902) Comp. Rendus Acad. Sci. (Paris) 134: 273-275 |
A292 | Oswald, A.A.,
"Transoceanic telephone service-short-wave equipment: technical features of the new short-wave radio stations of the Bell System" (1930) Trans. AIEE 49: 629-637 |
S14 | Jansky, K.G.,
"Directional studies of atmospherics at high frequencies" (1932) Proc. IRE 20: 1920-1932 |
A72 | Anon.,
"New radio waves traced to centre of the Milky way" (1933) N.Y. Times 82: 1 (5 May) |
A169 | Jansky, K.G.,
"Electrical phenomena that apparently are of interstellar origin" (1933) Pop. Astron. 41: 548-555 |
A61 | Jansky, K.G.,
"Radio waves from outside the solar system" (1933) Nature 132: 66 |
S15 | Jansky, K.G.,
"Electrical disturbances apparently of extraterrestrial origin" (1933) Proc. IRE 21: 1387-1398 |
S5 | Jansky, K.G.,
"A note on the source of interstellar interference" (1935) Proc. IRE 23: 1158-1163 |
A62 | Arakawa, D.,
"Abnoraml attenuation in short radio wave propagation" (1936) Rep. Radio Res. Japan 6:31-38 (May) |
A274 | Friis, H.T., Feldman, C.B.,
"A multiple unit steerable antenna for short-wave reception" (1937) Proc. IRE 25: 841-917 |
A181 | Jansky, K.G.,
"Minimum noise levels obtained on short-wave radio receiving systems" (1937) Proc. IRE 25: 1517-1530 |
A263 | Newton, H.W., Barton, H.J.,
"Bright solar eruptions and radio fading, 1935-1936" (1937) MNRAS 97: 594-611 |
A12 | Whipple, F.L., Greenstein, J.L.,
"On the origin of interstellar radio disturbances" (1937) Proc. NAS 23: 177-181 |
S11 | Henyey, L.G., Keenan, P.C.,
"Interstellar radiation from free electrons and hydrogen atoms" (1940) Astrophys. J. 91: 625-630 |
S16 | Reber, G.,
"Cosmic static" (1940) Proc. IRE 28: 68-70 |
S7 | Reber, G.,
"Cosmic static" (1940) Astrophys. J. 91: 621-624 |
A166 | Baade, W.,
"The Crab Nebula" (1942) Astrophys. J. 96: 188-198 |
A275 | Fraenz, K.,
"Measurement of the sensitivity of receivers with short electric waves [in German]" (1942) Hochfreq. Electroakustik 59: 105-112, 143-144 |
A172 | Minkowski, R.,
"The Crab Nebula" (1942) Astrophys. J. 96: 199-213 |
A93 | Reber, G.,
"Cosmic static" (1942) Proc. IRE 30: 367-378 |
S8 | Reber, G.,
"Cosmic static" (1944) Astrophys. J. 100: 279-287 |
A100 | Appleton, E.V.,
"Departure of long-wave solar radiation from black-body intensity" (1945) Nature 156: 534-535 |
A102 | Artsimovich, L.A., Pomeranchuk, I.Ya.,
"The radiation of fast electrons in a magnetic field" (1945) J. Phys., USSR 9: 267-276 |
A276 | Bakker, C.J.,
"Radiogolven uit het wereldruim = The reception of radio waves from space" (1945) Ned. Tijdschr. Natuurk. 11: 201-209 |
S26 | Southworth, G.C.,
"Microwave radiation from the sun" (1945) J. Franklin Inst. 239: 285-297 |
S10 | Van de Hulst, H.C.,
"Radiogolven uit het wereldrium; herkomst der radiogolven" (1945) Ned. Tijdschr. Natuuurk. 11: 210-221 |
A101 | Appleton, E.V., Hey, J.S.,
"Solar radio noise" (1946) Phil. Mag. 37: 73-84 |
A108 | Appleton, E.V., Hey, J.S.,
"Circular Polarization of solar radio noise" (1946) Nature 158: 339 |
A102 | Artsimovich, L.A., Pomeranchuk, I.Ya.,
"The radiation of fast electrons in a magnetic field" (1946) Zh. Eksp. Terr. Fiz. 16: 379-389 |
A277 | Dicke, R.H., Beringer, R., Kyhl, R.L., Vane, A.B.,
"Atmospheric absorption measurements with a microwave radiometer" (1946) Phys. Rev. 70: 340-348 |
S20 | Dicke, R.H.,
"The measurement of thermal radiation at microwave frequencies" (1946) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 17: 268-275 |
S31 | Dicke, R.H., Beringer, R.,
"Microwave radiation from the sun and moon" (1946) Astrophys. J. 103: 375-376 |
A95 | Gamow, G.,
"The expanding universe and the origin of the elements" (1946) Phys. Rev. 70: 572-573 |
A278 | Ginzburg, V.L.,
"On solar radiation in the radio spectrum [in Russian]" (1946) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 52: 487-490 |
A92 | Greenstein, J.L., Henyey, L.G., Keenan, P.C.,
"Interstellar origin of cosmic radiation at radio frequencies" (1946) Nature 157: 805 |
A168 | Hey, J.S., Phillips, J.W., Parsons, S.J.,
"Cosmic radiations at 5 metres wave-length" (1946) Nature 157: 296-297 |
S25 | Hey, J.S.,
"Solar radiations in the 4-6 metre radio wave-length band" (1946) Nature 157: 47-48 |
S32 | Hey, J.S., Parsons, S.J., Phillips, J.W.,
"Fluctuations in cosmic radiation at radio-frequencies" (1946) Nature 158: 234 |
A279 | Martyn, D.F.,
"Polarization of solar radio-frequency emissions" (1946) Nature 158: 308 |
S29 | Martyn, D.F.,
"Temperature radiation from the quiet sun in the radio spectrum" (1946) Nature 158: 632-633 |
A183 | Moxon, L.A.,
"Variation of cosmic radiation with frequency" (1946) Nature 158: 758-759 |
A173 | Pawsey, J.L., Payne-Scott, R., McCready, L.L.,
"Radio-frequency energy from the sun" (1946) Nature 157: 158-159 |
S30 | Pawsey, J.L.,
"Observation of million degree thermal radiation from the sun at a wave-length of 1.5 metres" (1946) Nature 158: 633-634 |
S27 | Ryle, M., Vonberg, D.D.,
"Solar radiation on 175 Mc./s." (1946) Nature 158: 339-340 |
A280 | Saha, M.N.,
"Origin of radio-waves from the sun and the stars" (1946) Nature 158: 717-718 |
A184 | Sander, K.F.,
"Measurements of galactic noise at 60 Mc/s" (1946) J. IEE 93: 1487-1496 |
A103 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Oh izluchenii radiovoln galaktikoi i verkhnimi sloiamiatmosfery solntsa
= on the radiation of radio-waves by the Galaxy and by the upper layers
of the solar atmosphere"
(1946) Astr. Zh. 23: 333-347 |
A281 | Onsoeld, A.,
"Die kosmische kurzwellenstrahlung = The cosmic short-wave radiation" (1946) Naturwiss. 33: 37-40 |
A264 | Bay, Z.,
"Reflection of microwaves from the moon" (1947) Hung. Phys. Acta 1: 1-22 |
A177 | Lovell, A.C.B.,
"Meteoric ionization and ionospheric abnormalities" (1947) Rep. Prog. Phys. 11: 415-443 |
S28 | McCready, L.L., Pawsey, J.L., Payne-Scott, R.,
"Solar radiation at radio frequencies and its relation to sunspots" (1947) Proc. Roy. Soc. A190: 357-375 |
A266 | Payne-Scott, R., Yabsley, D.E., Bolton, J.G.,
"Relative times of arrivals of bursts of solar noise on different radio frequencies" (1947) Nature 160: 256-257 |
A174 | Reber, G., Greenstein, J.L.,
"Radio-frequency investigations of astronomical interest" (1947) Observatory 67: 15-26 |
A179 | Sander, K.F.,
"Radio noise from the sun at 3.2 cm" (1947) Nature 159: 506-507 |
A282 | Schott, E.,
"175-MHz radiation from the sun [in German]" (1947) Phys. Blatt. 3: 159-160 |
A89 | Bolton, J.G.,
"Discrete sources of galactic radio frequency noise" (1948) Nature 162: 141-142 |
A90 | Bolton, J.G., Stanley, G.J.,
"Observations of the variable source of cosmic radio frequency radiation in the constellation of Cygnus" (1948) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A1: 58-69 |
S33 | Bolton, J.G., Stanley, G.J.,
"Variable source of radio frequency radiation in the constellation of Cygnus" (1946) Nature 161: 312-313 |
A104 | Covington, A.E.,
"Solar noise observations on 10.7 centimeters" (1948) Proc. IRE 36: 454-457 |
A185 | Herbstreit, J.W., Johler, J.R.,
"Frequency variation of the intensity of cosmic radio noise" (1948) Nature 161: 515-516 |
A105 | Hey, J.S., Parsons, S.J., Phillips, J.W.,
"An investigation of galactic radiation in the radio spectrum" (1948) Proc. Roy. Soc. A192: 425-445 |
A265 | Hey, J.S., Parsons, S.J., Phillips, J.W.,
"Some characteristics of solar radio emissions" (1948) MNRAS 108: 354-371 |
A106 | Ivanenko, D.D., Sokolov, A.A.,
"On the theory of the `luminous' electron" (1948) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 59: 1551-1554 |
A107 | Martyn, D.F.,
"Solar radiation in the radio spectrum I. Radiation from quiet sun" (1948) Proc. Roy. Soc. A193: 44-59 |
A283 | Northcott, R.J., Williamson, R.E.,
"Galactic noise and the plane of the galaxy" (1948) JRASC 42: 269-279 |
S17 | Reber, G.,
"Cosmic static" (1948) Proc. IRE 36: 1215-1218 |
A268 | Ryle, M.,
"The generation of radio-frequency radiation in the sun" (1948) Proc. Roy. Soc. 195: 82-97 |
A50 | Ryle, M., Vonberg, D.D.,
"An investigation of radio-frequency radiation from the sun" (1948) Proc. Roy. Soc. A193: 98-120 |
S34 | Ryle, M., Smith, F.G.,
"A new intense source of radio-frequency radiation in the constellation of Cassiopeia" (1948) Nature 162: 462-463 |
A284 | Williamson, R.E.,
"The present state of microwave astronomy" (1948) JRASC 42: 9-32 |
A96 | Alpher, R.A., Herman, R.C.,
"Remarks on the evolution of the expanding universe" (1949) Phys. Rev. 75: 1089-1095 |
A109 | Bolton, J.G., Stanley, G.J.,
"The position and probable identification of the source of galactic radio-frequency radiation Taurus A" (1949) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A2: 139-148 |
S35 | Bolton, J.G., Stanley, G.J., Slee, O.B.,
"Positions of three discrete sources of galactic radio-frequency radiation" (1949) Nature 164: 101-102 |
A162 | Hey, J.S.,
"Reports on the progress of astronomy: radio astronomy" (1949) MNRAS 109: 179-214 |
A285 | Piddington, J.H., Minnett, H.C.,
"Microwave thermal radiation from the moon" (1949) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A2: 63-77 |
A286 | Reber, G.,
"Radio astronomy" (1949) Sci. Amer. 181: 35-41 (Sept.) |
A269 | Ryle, M.,
"The significance of the observation of intense radio-frequency emission from the sun" (1949) Proc. Phys. Soc. 62A: 483-491 |
A270 | Ryle, M.,
"Evidence for the stellar origin of cosmic rays" (1949) Proc. Phys. Soc. 62A: 491-499 |
A110 | Schwinger, J.,
"On the classical radiation of accelerated electrons" (1949) Phys. Rev. 75: 1912-1925 |
S43 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Monokhromaticheskoe radioieluchenie galaktiki idvoemozhnost' ego nabliudeniia = Monochromatic radio emission from the galaxy and the possibility of its observation" (1949) Astr. Zh. 26: 10-14 |
A47 | Struve, O.,
"Progress in radio astronomy - I" (1949) Sky Telesc. 9: 27-30 |
A175 | Unsoeld, A.,
"Ueber der Ursprung der Radiofrequenzstrahlung und der Ultrastrahlung in der Milchstrasse" (1949) Z. Astroph. 26: 176-199 |
S36 | Alfven, H., Herlofson, N.,
"Cosmic radiation and radio stars" (1950) Phys. Rev. 78: 616 |
A186 | Allen, C.W., Gum, C.S.,
"Survey of galactic radio noise at 200 Mc/s" (1950) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A3: 224-233 |
A171 | Bolton, J.G., Westfold. K.C.,
"Galactic radiation at radio frequencies. III. Galactic structure" (1950) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A3: 251-264 |
A187 | Bolton, J.G., Westfold, K.C.,
"Galactic radiation at radio frequencies. I. 100-Mc/s survey" (1950) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A3: 19-23 |
A267 | Bolton, J.G., Westfold, K.C.,
"Structure of the galaxy and the sense of rotation of spiral nebulae" (1950) Nature 165: 487-488 |
A97 | Brown, R.H., Hazard, C.,
"Radio-frequency radiation from the great nebula in Andromeda (M 31)" (1950) Nature 166: 901-902 |
S18 | Kiepenheuer, K.O.,
"Cosmic rays as the source of general galactic radio emission" (1950) Phys. Rev. 79: 738-739 |
A99 | Little, C.G., Lovell, A.C.B.,
"Origin of the fluctuations in the intensity of radio waves from galactic sources - Jodrell Bank observations" (1950) Nature 165: 423-424 |
A163 | Pawsey, J.L.,
"Solar radio-frequency radiation" (1950) Proc. IEE 97: 290-310 |
A49 | Ryle, M.,
"Radio astronomy" (1950) Rep. Prog. Phys. 13: 184-246 |
A52 | Ryle, M., Smith, F.G., Elsmore, B.,
"A preliminary survey of the radio stars in the northern hemisphere" (1950) MNRAS 110: 508-523 |
A111 | Smerd, S.F.,
"Radio-frequency radiation from the quiet sun" (1950) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A3: 34-59 |
A98 | Smith, F.G.,
"Origin of the fluctuations in the intensity of radio waves from galactic sources - Cambridge observations" (1950) Nature 165: 422-423 |
A287 | Stanier, H.M.,
"Distribution of radiation from the undisturbed sun at a wave-length of 60 cm" (1950) Nature 165: 354-355 |
A51 | Stanley, G.J., Slee, O.B.,
"Galactic radiation at radio frequencies II. The discrete sources" (1950) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A3: 234-250 |
A48 | Struve, O.,
"Progress in radio astronomy - II" (1950) Sky Telesc. 9: 55-56 |
A236 | U.R.S.I.,
"Solar and galactic radio noise" (1950) URSI Spec. Rep. 1 |
A91 | Brown, R.H., Hazard, C.,
"Radio emission from the Andromeda nebula" (1951) MNRAS 111: 357-367 |
S44 | Ewen, H.I., Purcell, E.M.,
"Observation of a line in the galactic radio spectrum - radiation from galactic hydrogen at 1,420 Mc./sec." (1951) Nature 168: 356-357 |
A19 | Ginzburg, V.L.,
"Kosmicheskie luchi kak istochnik galakticheskogo radioielueniia = Cosmic rays as the source of galactic radio emission" (1951) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 76: 377-380 |
A63 | Lovell, A.C.B.,
"The new science of radio astronomy" (1951) Nature 167: 94-97 |
A112 | Machin, K.E., Smith, F.G.,
"A new radio method for measuring the electron density in the solar corona" (1951) Nature 168: 599-600 |
A288 | Machin, K.E.,
"Distribution of radiation across the solar disk at a frequency of 81.5 Mc./s." (1951) Nature 167: 889-891 |
A289 | Mills, B.Y., Thomas, A.B.,
"Observations of the source of radio-frequency radition in the constellation of Cygnus" (1951) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A4: 158-171 |
S45 | Muller, C.A., Oort, J.H.,
"The interstellar hydrogen line at 1,420 Mc./sec., and an estimate of galactic rotation" (1951) Mature 168: 357-358 |
A189 | Piddington, J.H.,
"The origin of galactic radio-frequency radiation" (1951) MNRAS 111: 45-63 |
A190 | Ryle, M., Elsmore, B.,
"A search for long-period variations in the intensity of radio stars" (1951) Nature 168: 555-556 |
A191 | Smith, F.G.,
"An attempt to measure the annual parallax or proper motion of four radio stars" (1951) Nature 168: 962-963 |
S37 | Smith, F.G.,
"An accurate determination of the Positions of four radio stars" (1951) Nature 168: 555 |
B23 | Van de Hulst, H.C.,
"A Course in Radio Astronomy" (1951) Harvard lectures (Leiden-mimeo.) |
A192 | Westerhout, G., Oort, J.H.,
"A comparison of the intensity distribution of radio-frequency radiation with a model of galactic systems" (1951) BAN 11: 323-333 |
A114 | Brown, R.H., Hazard, C.,
"Radio-frequency radiation from Tycho Brahe's supernova (A.D. 1572)" (1952) Nature 170: 364-365 |
A194 | Brown, R.H., Hazard, C.,
"Extragalactic radio-frequency radiation" (1952) Phil. Mag. 43: 136-152 |
S39 | Brown, R.H., Jennison, R.C., Das Gupta, M.K.,
"Apparent angular sizes of discrete radio sources - observations at Jodrell Bank, Manchester" (1952) Nature 170: 1061-1063 |
A116 | Christiansen, W.N., Hindman, J.V.,
"A preliminary survey of 1420 Mc/s. lineemission from galactic hydrogen" (1952) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A5: 437-455 |
A290 | Getmantsev, G.G.,
"Cosmic electrons as a source of radio emission from the galaxy [in Russian]" (1952) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 83: 557-560 |
A193 | Gum, C.S.,
"A large H II region at galactic longitude 226" (1952) Observatory 72: 151-154 |
B24 | Lovell, B., Clegg, J.A.,
"Radio Astronomy" (1952) London: Chapman & Hall |
A117 | Machin, K.E., Smith, F.G.,
"Occultation of a radio star by the solar corona" (1952) Nature 170: 319-320 |
A170 | Mills, B.Y.,
"The positions of six discrete sources of cosmic radio radiation" (1952) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A5: 456-463 |
A53 | Mills, B.Y.,
"The distribution of the discrete sources of radiation" (1952) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A5: 266-287 |
S40 | Mills, B.Y.,
"Apparent angular sizes of discrete radio sources-observations at Sydney" (1952) Nature 170: 1063-1064 |
A195 | Piddington, J.H., Minnett, H.C.,
"Radio-frequency radiation from the constellation of Cygnus" (1952) Aust. J. Sci. Res. A5: 17-34 |
S21 | Ryle, M.,
"A new radio interferomter and its application to the observation of weak radio stars" (1952) Proc. Roy. Soc. A211: 351-375 |
A196 | Shklovsky, I.S., Parenago, P.P.,
"Otozhdestvlenie sverkhnovoi zvezdy 369 goda s moshchnoi radiozvezdoi v Kassiopee = Identification of the supernova of 369 with an intense radio star in Cassiopeia" (1952) Astr. Tsirk. 131: 1-2 |
A197 | Shklovsky, I.S., Kholopov, P.N.,
"Otozhdestvlenie tumannosti NGC 1316 s radiozvezdoi v sozvezdii Pechi = Identification of the nebula NGC 1316 with the radio star in the constellation of Fornax" (1952) Astr. Tsirk. 3: 2-3 |
A291 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Radio spectroscopy of the galaxy [in Russian]" (1952) Astr. Zh. 29: 144-153 |
A54 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"O prirode radioizlucheniia galaktiki = On the nature of the radio emission from the Galaxy" (1952) Astr. Zh. 29: 418-449 |
S41 | Smith, F.G.,
"Apparent angular sizes of discrete radio sources-observations at Cambridge" (1952) Nature 170: 1065 |
A118 | Vitkevich, V.V.,
"Interferentsionnyi metod v radioastronomii = Interferometer methods for radio astronomy" (1952) Astr. Zh. 29: 450-462 |
A198 | Wild, J.P.,
"The radio-frequency line spectrum of atomic hydrogen and its applications in astronomy" (1952) Astrophys. J. 115: 206-221 |
A201 | Brown, R.H., Hazard, C.,
"An extended radio-frequency source of extragalactic origin" (1953) Nature 172: 997-998 |
A241 | Brown, R.H., Hazard, C.,
"A survey of 23 localized radio sources in the northern hemisphere" (1953) MNRAS 113: 123-133 |
A293 | Christiansen, W.N.,
"A high-resolution aerial for radio astronomy" (1953) Nature 171: 831-833 |
A199 | Ginzburg, V.I.,
"Sverkhnovye i novye zvezdy kak istochniki kosmikheskogo i radioizlukhennia = Supernovae and novae as sources of cosmic and radio radiation" (1953) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 92: 1133-1136 |
A200 | Greenstein, J.L.,
"The Crab Nebula as a radio source" (1953) Astrophys. J. 118: 1-15 |
S42 | Jennison, R.C., Das Gupta, M.K.,
"Fine structure of the extra-terrestrial radio source Cygnus 1" (1953) Nature 172: 996-997 |
A202 | Kraus, J.D., Ko, H.C.,
"Radio radiation from the supergalaxy" (1953) Nature 172: 538-539 |
A119 | Mills, B.Y.,
"The radio brightness distributions over four discrete sources of cosmic noise" (1953) Aust. J. Phys. 6: 452-470 |
A120 | Mills, B.Y., Little, A.G.,
"A high-resolution aerial system of a new type" (1953) Aust. J. Phys. 6: 272-278 |
A294 | O'Brien, P.A.,
"The distribution of radiation across the solar disk at metre wave-lengths" (1953) MNRAS 113: 597-612 |
A178 | Pawsey, J.L.,
"Radio astronomy in Australia" (1953) JRASC 47: 137-152 |
A203 | Sanders, T.M. Jr., Schawlow, A.L., Dousmanis, G.C., Townes, C.H.,
"A microwave spectrum of the free OH radical" (1953) Phys. Rev. 89: 1158-1159 |
A204 | Scheuer, P.A.G., Ryle, M.,
"An investigation of the H II regions by a radio method" (1953) MNRAS 113: 3-17 |
A121 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"O prirode svecheniia Krabovidnoi tumannosti = On the nature of the radiation from the Crab Nebula" (1953) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 90: 983-986 |
A122 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"The possibility of observing monochromatic radio emission from interstellar molecules [in Russian]" (1953) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 92: 25-28 |
A295 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Problema kosmicheskogo radioizlucheniia = The problem of cosmic radio waves" (1953) Astr. Zh. 30: 15-36 |
A147 | Vaucouleurs, G. de,
"Normal and abnormal galaxies as radio sources" (1953) Observatory 73: 252-254 |
A167 | Baade, W., Minkowski, R.,
"On the identification of radio sources" (1954) Astrophys. J. 119: 215-231 |
S38 | Baade, W., Minkowski, R.,
"Identification of the radio sources in Cassiopeia, Cygnus A, and Puppis A" (1954) Astrophys. J. 119: 206-214 |
A205 | Baldwin, J.E., Elsmore, B.,
"Radio emission from the Perseus cluster" (1954) Nature 173: 818 |
A240 | Bracewell, R.N., Roberts, J.A.,
"Aerial smoothing in radio astronomy" (1954) Aust. J. Phys. 7: 615-640 |
A123 | Brown, R.H., Twiss, R.Q.,
"A new type of interferometer for use in radio astronomy" (1954) Phil. Mag. 45: 663-682 |
A248 | Brown, R.H., Palmer, H.P., Thompson, A.R.,
"Galactic radio sources of large angular diameter" (1954) Nature 173: 945-946 |
A124 | Dombrovsky, V.A.,
"O prirode izlucheniia Krabovidnoi tumannosti = On the nature of the radiation from the Crab Nebula" (1954) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 94: 1021-1024 |
A70 | Greenstein, J.L.,
"Washington conference on radio astronomy--1954, ed. by J.L. Greenstein" (1954) JGR 59: 149-201 |
A206 | Haddock, F.T., Mayer, C.H., Sloanaker, R.M.,
"Radio observations of ionized hydrogen nebulae and other discrete sources at a wavelength of 9.4 cm" (1954) Nature 174: 176-177 |
A207 | Haddock, F.T., Mayer, C.H., Sloanaker, R.M.,
"Radio emission from the Orion Nebula and other sources at a wavelength of 9.4 cm" (1954) Astrophys. J. 119: 456-459 |
A125 | Hagen, J.P., McClain, E.F.,
"Galactic absorption of radio waves" (1954) Astrophys. J. 120: 368-370 |
A126 | Kerr, F.J., Hindman, J.V., Robinson, B.J.,
"Observations of the 21 cm line from the Magellanic Clouds" (1954) Aust. J. Phys. 7: 297-314 |
A209 | Kwee, K.K., Muller, C.A., Westerhout, G.,
"The rotation of the inner parts of the galactic system" (1954) BAN 12: 211-222 |
A210 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"On the nature of the discrete sources of cosmic radio waves [in Russian]" (1954) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 98: 353-356 |
A211 | Townes, C.H.,
"Microwave spectra of astrophysical interest" (1954) JGR 59: 191 |
A271 | U.R.S.I.,
"The distribution of radio brightness on the solar disk" (1954) URSI Spec. Rep. 4 |
A272 | U.R.S.I.,
"Interstellar hydrogen" (1954) URSI Spec. Rep. 5 |
A273 | U.R.S.I.,
"Discrete sources of extra-terrestrial radio noise" (1954) URSI Spec. Rep. 3 |
A208 | Van de Hulst, H.C., Muller, C.A., Oort, J.H.,
"The spiral structure of the outer part of the galactic system derived from the hydrogen emission at 21-cm wavelength" (1954) BAN 12: 117-149 |
A9 | Vashakidze, M.A.,
"On the degree of polarization of the light near extragalactic nebulae and the Crab Nebula [in Russian]" (1954) Astr. Tsirk. 147: 11-13 |
A212 | Williams, D.R.W., Davies, R.D.,
"A method for the measurement of the distance of radio stars" (1954) Nature 173: 1182-1183 |
A213 | Baldwin, J.E.,
"The distribution of the galactic radio emission" (1955) MNRAS 115: 690-700 |
A71 | Bok, B.J.,
"New science of radio astronomy" (1955) Sci. Monthly 80: 333-345 |
A127 | Brown, R.H., Palmer, H.P., Thompson, A.R.,
"A rotating-lobe interferometer and its application to radio astronomy" (1955) Phil. Mag. 46: 857-866 |
A250 | Brown, R.H., Palmer, H.P., Thompson, A.R.,
"Polarization measurements of three intense radio sources" (1955) MNRAS 115: 487-492 |
A65 | Brown, R.H., Lovell, A.C.B.,
"Large radio telescopes and their use in radio astronomy" (1955) Vistas Astron. 1: 542-560 |
A128 | Burke, B.F., Franklin, K.L.,
"Observations of a variable radio source associated with the planet Jupiter" (1955) JGR 60: 213-217 |
A214 | Davies, R.D., Williams, D.R.W.,
"An alternative identification of the radio source in the direction of the galactic centre" (1955) Nature 175: 1079-1081 |
A215 | Greenstein, J.L.,
"Theoretical problems of discrete radio sources" (1955) IAU Symp. 4: 179-191 |
A296 | Hagen, J.P., Lilley, A.F., McClain, E.F.,
"Absorption of 21 -cm radiation by interstellar hydrogen" (1955) Astrophys. J. 122: 361-375 |
A2 | Hey, J.S.,
"Solar radio eclipse observations" (1955) Vistas Astron. 1: 521-531 |
A216 | Kaidanovsky, N.L., Kardashev, N.S., Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Results of observations of discrete sources of cosmic radio waves at 3.2 cm" (1955) Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 104: 517-519 |
A217 | McClain, E.F.,
"An approximate distance determination for radio source Sagittarius A" (1955) Astrophys. J. 122: 376-384 |
A129 | Mills, B.Y.,
"The observation and interpretation of radio emission from some bright galaxies" (1955) Aust. J. Phys. 8: 368-389 |
B19 | Pawsey, J.L., Bracewell, R.N.,
"Radio Astronomy" (1955) Oxford: Clarendon Press |
A218 | Seaton, M.J.,
"The kinetic temperature of the interstellar gas in regions of neutral hydrogen" (1955) Ann. d'Astrophys. 18: 188-205 |
A219 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"On the nature of the radiation from the radio galaxy NGC 4486 [in Russian]" (1955) Astr. Zh. 32: 215-225 |
A220 | Stone, S.N.,
"A possible extragalactic source of 21-cm radio emission" (1955) PASP 67: 183-185 |
A238 | AUI,
"Planning document for the establishment and operation of a radio astronomy observatory, prepared for the National Science Foundation" (1956) NRAO internal rep. |
A221 | Baldwin, J.E., Smith, F.G.,
"Radio emission from the extragalactic nebula M 87" (1956) Observatory 76: 141-144 |
A69 | Bok, B.J.,
"A national radio observatory" (1956) Sci. Amer. 195: 56-64 (Oct.) |
A130 | Burbidge, G.R.,
"On the synchrotron radiation from Messier 87" (1956) Astrophys. J. 124: 416-429 |
A222 | Burke, B.F.,
"Mills Cross telescopes" (1956) AJ 61: 167-168 |
A142 | Droege, F., Priester, W.,
"Durchmusterung der allgemeinen Radiofrequenz-Strahlung bei 200 MHz = Distribution of galactic radiation at 200 MHz" (1956) Z. Astrophys. 40: 236-248 |
A67 | Emberson, R.M.,
"National Radio Astronomy Observatory" (1956) Science 130: 1307-1318 |
A223 | Getmantsev, G.G., Razin, V.A.,
"On the problem of the polarization of nonthermal cosmic radio emission [in Russian]" (1956) Trudy Soveshch. Vop. Kosmog. 5: 496-505 |
A224 | Heeschen, D.S.,
"21 -cm line emission from the Coma cluster" (1956) Astrophys. J. 124: 660-662 |
A247 | Jennison, R.C., Das Gupta, M.K.,
"The measurement of the angular diameter of two intense radio sources I. A radio interferometer using post-detector correlation [and] II. Diameter and structural measurements of the radio stars Cygnus A and cassiopeia A" (1956) Phil. Mag. 55-75 |
A225 | Mills, B.Y.,
"The radio source near the galactic centre" (1956) Observatory 76: 65-67 |
B15 | Pfeiffer, J.,
"The Changing Oniverse" (1956) New York: Random House |
A115 | Piddington, J.H., Trent, G.H.,
"A survey of cosmic radio emission at 600 Mc/s" (1956) Aust. J. Phys. 9: 481-493 |
B20 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Kosmicheskoe Fadioizluchenie" (1956) Moscow: Gos. Izd. Tek. Lit. |
A46 | Southworth, G.C.,
"Early history of radio astronomy" (1956) Sci. Monthly 82: 55-66 |
B18 | Anon.,
"Symposiuim on Radio Astronomy - C.S.I.R.O. Radiophysics Laboratory, Sydney - September 1956" (1957) Melbourne: CSIRO |
A226 | Barrett, A.H., Lilley, A.E.,
"A search for the 21 -cm line of OH in the interstellar medium" (1957) AJ 62: 5-6 |
A113 | Blythe, J.H.,
"A new type of pencil beam aerial for radio astronomy" (1957) MNRAS 117: 644-651 |
A227 | Bolton, J.G., Wild, J.P.,
"On the possibility of measuring interstellar magnetic fields by 21 -cm Zeeman splitting" (1957) Astrophys. J. 125: 296-297 |
A228 | Heeschen, D.S.,
"Neutral hydrogen in M 32, M 51, and M 81" (1957) Astrophys. J. 126: 471- 479 |
A229 | Heeschen, D.S.,
"Neutral hydrogen emission from the Hercules and Corona Borealis clusters of galaxies" (1957) PASP 69: 350-351 |
A60 | Jansky, C.M. Jr.,
"The beginnings of radio Astronomy" (1957) Amer. Scientist 45: 5-12 |
A81 | Lovell, A.C.E.,
"The Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope" (1957) Nature 180: 60-62 |
A231 | Mayer, C.H., McCullough, T.P., Sloanaker, R.M.,
"Evidence for polarized radio radiation from the Crab Nebula" (1957) Astrophys. J. 126: 468-470 |
A249 | Morris, D., Palmer, H.P., Thompson, A.R.,
"Five radio sources of small angular diameter" (1957) Observatory 77: 103-106 |
A232 | Muller, C.A., Westerhout, G.,
"A catalogue of 21 -cm line profiles" (1957) BAN 13: 151-195 |
A131 | Townes, C.H.,
"Microwave and radio-frequency resonance lines of interest to radio astronomy" (1957) IAU Symp. 4: 92-103 |
A230 | Van de Hulst, H.C., Raimond, E., Van Woerden, H.,
"Rotation and density distribution of the Andromeda Nebula derived from observations of the 21 -cm line" (1957) BAN 14: 1-16 |
B26 | Van de Hulst, H.C.,
"Radio Astronomy - IAU Symp. 4, ed. by H.C. van de Hulst" (1957) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press |
A76 | Blum, E.J., Denisse, J.F., Steinberg, J.L.,
"Radio astronomy at the Meudon Observatory" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 39-43 |
A243 | Bracewell, R.N.,
"Radio interferometry of discrete sources" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 97-105 |
B14 | Brown, R.H., Lovell, A.C.B.,
"The Exploration of Space by Radio" (1958) New York: Wiley |
A68 | Emberson, R.M., Ashton, N.L.,
"The telescope program for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 23-35 |
A13 | Haddock, F.T.,
"Introduction to radio astronomy" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 3-12 |
A66 | Haddock, F.T.,
"Radio astronomy special issue, ed. by F.T. Haddock" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 1-355 |
A80 | Heeschen, D.S., Dieter, N.H.,
"Extragalactic 21 -CM line studies" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 234-239 |
A64 | Jansky, C.M. Jr.,
"The discovery and identification by Karl Guthe Jansky of electromagnetic radiation of extraterrestrial origin in the radio spectrum" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 13-15 |
A188 | Jennison, R.C.,
"A phase sensitive interferometer technique for the measurement of the fourier transforms of spatial brightness distributions of small angular extent" (1958) MNRAS 118: 276-284 |
A237 | Kennelly, A.E.,
"Radio astronomy in 1890: a proposed experiment" (1958) PASP 70: 303-304 |
A79 | Kraus, J.D.,
"Radio telescope antennas of large aperture" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 92-97 |
A77 | Mills, B.Y., Little, A.G., Sheridan, K.V., Slee, O.B.,
"A high resolution radio telescope for use at 3.5 M" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 67-84 |
A233 | Oort, J.H., Kerr, F.T., Westerhout, G.,
"The galactic system as a spiral nebula" (1958) MNRAS 118: 379-389 |
A6 | Reber, G.,
"Early radio astronomy at Wheaton, Illinois" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 15-23 |
A132 | Ryle, M.,
"The nature of cosmic radio sources" (1958) Proc. Roy. Soc. A248: 289-308 |
A78 | Shain, C.A.,
"The Sydney 19.7 Mc radio telescope" (1958) Proc. IRE 46: 85-88 |
B10 | Bracewell, R.N.,
"Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy (IAU Symp. 9, URSI Symp. 1), ed. by R.N. Bracewell" (1959) Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press |
B22 | Christensen, R.,
"World Developments in Radio Astronomy" (1959) Santa Barbara: GE |
A57 | Elwert, G,
"Die 21 cm-Linie des Wasserstoffs und die Spiralstruktur des Milchstrassenssystems = The 21 cm hydrogen line and galactic spiral structure" (1959) Ergebn. Exakt. Naturwiss. 32: 1-78 |
A234 | Kerr, F.J., Hindman, J.V., Gum, C.S.,
"A 21 -cm survey of the southern Milky Way" (1959) MNRAS 119: 297-308 |
B9 | Kokurin, Yu.L.,
"Radioastronomiya: annotirovannyi, bibliograficheskii ukazatel otechestvennoi i inostrannoi literatury, 1932-1958 gg. = Radioastronomy: annotated bibliographical index of native and foreign literature, 1932-1958, ed. by Yu.L. Kokurin" (1960) Moscow: Akad. nauk SSSR |
A235 | Rougoor, G.W., Oort, J.H.,
"Distribution and motion of interstellar hydrogen in the Galactic System with particular reference to the region within 3 kpc of the center" (1960) Proc. NAS 46: 1-13 |
A133 | Ryle, M., Hewish, A.,
"The synthesis of large radio telescopes" (1960) MNRAS 120: 220-230 |
A134 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Radiogalaktiki" (1960) Astr. Zh. 37: 945-960 |
B21 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Cosmic Radio Waves" (1960) Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press |
B6 | Smith, F.G.,
"Radio Astronomy" (1960) New York: McGraw-Hill |
B27 | Tuve, M.A.,
"Symposium on Radio Astronomy, delivered before the autumn meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, November 17, 1959, Chairman, Merle A. Tuve" (1960) Proc. NAS special reprint |
A245 | Bracewell, R.N., Swarup, G.,
"The Stanford microwave spectroheliograph antenna, a microsteradian pencil beam interferometer" (1961) IRE Trans. Ant. Prop. AP-9: 23-30 |
A135 | Burbidge, G.R.,
"Galactic explosions as sources of radio emission" (1961) Nature 190: 1053-1056 |
A136 | Hazard, C.,
"Lunar occultation of a radio source" (1961) Nature 191: 58 |
B5 | McKinley, D.W.,
"Meteor Science and Engineering" (1961) New York: McGraw-Hill |
A134 | Shklovsky, I.S.,
"Radio galaxies" (1961) Sov. Astron. AJ 4: 885-896 |
A242 | Swarup, G., Yang, K.S.,
"Phase adjustment of large antennas" (1961) IRE Trans. Ant. Prop. AP-9: 75-81 |
A180 | Ryle, M.,
"The new Cambridge radio telescope" (1962) Nature 194: 517-518 |
A137 | Scheuer, P.A.G.,
"On the use of lunar occultations for investigating the angular structure of radio sources" (1962) Aust. J. Phys. 15: 333-343 |
A55 | Skobel'tsyn, D.V.,
"Radioastronomiia [special issue]" (1962) Trudy Fiz. Inst. im. P.N. Lebedeva 17: 1-190 |
A161 | Whitford, A.E.,
"Radio astronomy section - Whitford Committee report (preliminary edition)" (1962) NRAO internal rep. |
A254 | Blum, E.J., Boischot, A., Lequeux, J.,
"Radio astronomy in France" (1963) Proc. IRE Australia 24: 208-213 |
A259 | Bowen, E.G., Minnett, H.C.,
"The Australian 210 -foot radio telescope" (1963) Proc. IRE Australia 24: 98-105 |
A138 | Burbidge, G.R., Burbidge, E.M., Sandage, A.,
"Evidence for the occurrence of violent events in the nuclei of galaxies" (1963) Rev. Mod. Phys. 35: 947-972 |
A139 | Conway, R.G., Kellermann, K.I., Long, R.J.,
"The radio frequency spectra of discrete radio sources" (1963) MNRAS 125: 261-284 |
A256 | Davies, R.D.,
"Radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank" (1963) Proc. IRE Australia 24: 231-236 |
A140 | Greenstein, J.L., Matthews, T.A.,
"Red-shift of the unusual radio source 3C 48" (1963) Nature 197: 1041-1042 |
A258 | Hatanaka, T.,
"Radio astronomy in Japan" (1963) Proc. IRE Australia 24: 243-251 |
A260 | Hewish, A.,
"The realisation of giant radio telescopes by synthesis techniques" (1963) Proc. IRE Australia 24: 225-231 |
A257 | Kalachov, P.D.,
"Some radio telescopes in the U.S.S.R." (1963) Proc. IRE Australia 24: 237-242 |
A58 | Nupen, W.,
"Bibliography on atmospheric aspects of radio astronomy, including selected references to related fields" (1963) NBS TN 171: 1-385 |
A253 | Pawsey, J.L.,
"Radio astronomy issue, ed. by J.L. Pawsey" (1963) Proc. IRE Australia 24: 93-255 |
A141 | Schmidt, M.,
"3C 273: a star-like object with large red-shift" (1963) Nature 197: 1040 |
B16 | Steinberg, J.L., Lequeux, J.,
"Radio Astronomy" (1963) New York: McGraw-Hill |
A143 | Weinreb, S., Barrett, A.H., Meeks, M.L., Henry, J.C.,
"Radio observations of OH in the interstellar medium" (1963) Nature 200: 829-831 |
A255 | Westerhout, G.,
"Current radio astronomical research in the Netherlands" (1963) Proc. IRE Australia 24: 214-218 |
A144 | Bolton, J.G., Van Damme, K.J., Gardner, F.F., Robinson, B.J.,
"Observation of OH absorption lines in the radio spectrum of the galactic centre" (1964) Nature 201: 279 |
A145 | Hewish, A., Scott, P.F., Wills, D.,
"Interplanetary scintillation of small diameter radio sources" (1964) Nature 203: 1214-1217 |
A252 | Kraus, J.D.,
"Radio and radar astronomy [special issue], ed. by J.D. Kraus" (1964) IEEE Trans. Mil. Elec. MIL- 8: 143-301 |
A56 | Kraus, J.D.,
"Recent advances in radio astronomy" (1964) IEEE Spectrum 1: 78-95 (Sept.) |
B7 | Smith, F.G., Carr, T.D.,
"Radio Exploration of the Planetary System" (1964) New York: Van Nostrand |
B11 | Zheleznyakov, V.V.,
"Radioizluchenie Sclntsa i Planet = Radio Emission of the Sun and planets" (1964) Moscow: Nauka |
A146 | Dicke, R.H., Peebles, P.J.E., Roll, P.G., Wilkinson, D.T.,
"Cosmic black-body radiation" (1965) Astrophys. J. 142: 414-419 |
A182 | Friis, H.T.,
"Karl Jansky: his career at Bell Telephone Laboratories" (1965) Science 149: 841-842 |
B12 | Gt. Brit., S.R.C.,
"Radio astronomy: report of the Committee ... under the chairmanship of Lord Fleck, 1961-1964" (1965) London: HMSO |
A94 | Penzias, A.A., Wilson, R.W.,
"A measurement of excess antenna temperature at 4080 Mc/s" (1965) Astrophys. J. 142: 419-421 |
A246 | Ryle, M., Elsmore, B., Neville, A.C.,
"High-resolution observations of the radio sources in Cygnus and Cassiopeia" (1965) Nature 205: 1259-1262 |
B13 | Kraus, J.D.,
"Radio Astronomy" (1966) New York: McGraw-Hill |
A148 | Longair, M.S.,
"On the interpretation of radio source counts" (1966) MNRAS 133: 421-436 |
A149 | Roll, P.G., Wilkinson, D.T.,
"Cosmic background radiation at 3.2 cm--support for cosmic black-body radiation" (1966) Phys. Rev. Lett. 16: 405-407 |
A4 | Ze-zong, X., Shu-ren, B.,
"Ancient novae and supernovae recorded in the annals of China, Korea, and Japan and their significance in radio astronomy" (1966) Science 154: 597-603 |
A244 | Broten, N.W., Legg, T.H., Locke, J.L., McLeish, C.W., Richards,
R.S., Chisholm, R.M., Gush, H.P., Yen, J.L., Galt, J.A.,
"Long base line interferometry: a new technique" (1967) Science 156: 1592-1593 |
A150 | Gold, T.,
"Rotating neutron stars as the origin of the pulsating radio sources" (1968) Nature 218: 731-732 |
A151 | Hewish, A., Bell, S.J., Pilkington, J.D., Scott, P.F., Collins,
"Observation of a rapidly pulsating radio source" (1968) Nature 217: 709-713 |
A152 | Large, M.I., Vaughan, A.E., Mills, B.Y.,
"A pulsar supernova association?" (1968) Nature 220: 340-341 |
B4 | Lovell, B.,
"The Story of Jodrell Bank" (1968) New York: Harper & Row |
A153 | Lyne, A.G., Smith, F.G.,
"Linear polarization in pulsating radio sources" (1968) Nature 218: 124-126 |
A154 | Staelin, D.H., Reifenstein, E.C.,
"Pulsating radio sources near the Crab Nebula" (1968) Science 162: 1481-1483 |
A262 | Swenson, G.W. Jr., Mathur, N.C.,
"The interferometer in radio astronomy" (1968) Proc. IEEE 56: 2114-2130 |
A155 | Cocke, W.J., Disney, M.J., Taylor, D.J.,
"Discovery of optical signals from the pulsar NP 0532" (1969) Nature 221: 525-527 |
A160 | Smith, F.G.,
"The pulsars" (1970) Telecommun. J. 37: 750-752 |
A3 | Westerhout, G.,
"The early history of radio astronomy" (1972) Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 198: 211-218 |
A261 | Findlay, J.F.,
"Radio and radar astronomy [special issue], ed. by J.F. Findlay" (1973). Proc. IEEE 61: 1172-1363 |
B2 | Hey, J.S.,
"The Evolution of Radio Astronomy" (1973) New York: Science History Publ. |
B17 | Lovell, B.,
"Out of the Zenith" (1973) Oxford: University Press |
B25 | Brown, R.H.,
"The Intensity Interferometry - its application to astronomy" (1974) London: Taylor & Francis |
A164 | Poppel, W.,
"Radioastronomia en linea de 21cm del hidrogeno interstelar = Radioastronomy in the 21 cm line of interstellar hydrogen" (1974) Rev. Astron. (Argentina) 46: 23-32 |
B1 | Edge, D., Mulkay, M.J.,
"Astronomy Transformed: The Emergence of Radio Astronomy in Britain" (1976) New York: Wiley |
B3 | Kraus, J.,
"Big Ear" (1976) Columbus: Cygnus Bks |
A1 | Edge, D.,
"The sociology of innovation in modern astronomy" (1977) QJRAS 18: 326-339 |
A176 | Lovell, B.,
"The effects of defence science on the advance of astronomy" (1977) J. Hist. Astron. 8: 151-173 |
A159 | Sullivan, W.T. III,
"A new look at Karl Jansky's original data" (1978) Sky Telesc. 56: 101-105 |
A165 | Aaronson, S.,
"Radio astronomy and the big bang" (1979) Bell lab. Rec. 57: 4-11 |
A157 | Hagen, J.P.,
"The CCIR and radio astronomy" (1979) ICC `79 09.4: 1-4 |
A156 | Haines, S.A.,
"The beginnings of Canadian radio astronomy" (1979) Sci. Dimensions (Canada) 11: 18-20 (no. 3) |
A73 | Jansky, C.M. Jr.,
"My brother Karl Jansky and his discovery of radio waves from beyond the earth" (1979) Cosmic Search 1: 12-16 (fall) |
A158 | Wilson, R.W.,
"The cosmic microwave background" (1979) Rev. Mod. Phys. 51: 435-445 |
A74 | Kraus, J.,
"The first 50 years of radio astronomy, part 1: Karl Jansky and his discovery of radio waves from our galaxy" (1981) Cosmic Search 3: 8-12 (fall) |
A86 | Baars, J.W.M.,
"Millimeter-Radioastronomie: ein neues Fenster in den Weltraum" (1982) Sterne 58: 211-220 |
A297 | Backer, D.C., Kulkarni, S.R., Heiles, C., Davis, M.M., Goss, W.M.,
"A millisecond pulsar" (1982) Nature 300: 615-618 |
A83 | Guertler, J.,
"Fuenfzig Jahre Radioastronomie" (1982) Sterne 58: 195-196 |
A75 | Kraus, J.,
"The first 50 years of radio astronomy, part 2: Grote Reber and the first radio maps of the sky" (1982) Cosmic Search 4: 14-19 (first half) |
A87 | Krueger, A.,
"Erforschung der Sonne mit Mitteln der Radioastronomie" (1982) Sterne 58: 221-231 |
A84 | Lovell, B.,
"Die fruehe Geschichte der Radiosternwarte Jodrell Bank" (1982) Sterne 58: 197-205 |
A85 | Penzias, A.A.,
"Die Entdeckung der Mikrowellenreststrahlung" (1982) Sterne 58: 206-210 |
A88 | Preuss, E.,
"Zu Stand und Entwicklung der Radiointerferometrie in der Astronomie" (1982) Sterne 58: 232-251 |
A251 | Sullivan, W.T. III,
"Radio astronomy's golden anniversary" (1982) Sky Telesc. 64: 544-550 |
B8 | Sullivan, W.T. III,
"Classics in Radio Astronomy" (1982) Dordrecht: D. Reidel |
A239 | Thaddeus, P.,
"Facilities for US radioastronomy" (1982) Phys. Today 35: 36-42 (Nov.) |
A82 | Vallee, J.P.,
"Cinquante annees de radioastronomie: progres, decouvertes et avenir = fifty years of radioastronomy: progress, discoveries and prospects" (1982) JRASC 76: 1-18 |
A298 | Kraus, J.,
"The first 50 years of radio astronomy, part 3: Post-war radio astronomy" (1983) AstroSearch 1: 5-6 |