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UGC 5101

UGC 5101 (IRAS 09320+6134) shows a single nucleus with surrounding spiral isophotes that rotate in PA as a function of radius. Its nucleus is unresolved at 2.2 µm and extremely red. In the color-color diagrams, the nucleus is anomalous in being the only one of the cold ULIGs with colors similar to warm ULIGs (possibly indicating an AGN source). In the optical, an extended edge-on tidal tail is seen like that in Mrk 273 (see Sanders et al. 1988a, Surace et al. 1999b), while a second tail loops around the nucleus in a nearly complete ring. A number of clusters can be seen in the northern arm and the reddening increases just to the north of the nucleus. Due the bright galactic background near the nucleus, we were not able to accurately fit and subtract a PSF from the 2.2 µm image and the SW-NE stripe is a residual PSF artifact.

UGC 5101

Shaded contour plots of the extinction corrected 2.2 µm emission are shown together with the 1.1 µm (upper left) observed emission. In both panels, the contours and shading are logarithmic with the contours spaced by factors 21/2. (The level values are the same as for the figure above). The arcsec displacements in RA and DEC, given along the borders are measured from the 2.2 µm in all frames. At the upper left, a length bar is drawn. For the ratio image, both the 2.2 and 1.1 µm images were smoothed with the same adaptive smoothing and then smoothed with a Gaussian FWHM = 0.2" in calculating the 2.2 µm opacity from Eq. 3 (see text). In cases where a strong point-source or variable background contaminated the 2.2 µm image, the extinction corrected image was derived for 1.6 µm. For the galaxies with strong point-sources, the PSF was fit to the source and then subtracted and replaced by a Gaussian with the proper integrated flux (see text - NGC 7469, IRAS 08572+3915, IRAS 05189-2524, PKS 1345+12, IRAS 07598+6508, Mrk 1014 and 3C48).

UGC 5101

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