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Recommended Reading


  1. Aaronson, M., J. Huchra, and J. Mould. 1979. Astrophys. J. 229:1.
  2. Aaronson, M., J. Huchra, J.R. Mould, R.B. Tully, J.R. Fisher, H. van Woerden, W.M. Goss, P. Chamaraux, U. Mebold, B. Siegman, G. Berriman, and S.E. Persson. 1982. Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 50:241.
  3. Aaronson, M., G. Bothun, J. Mould, R.A. Schommer, and M.E. Cornell. 1986. Astrophys. J. 302:536.
  4. Altschuler, DA., M.M. Davis, and C. Giovanardi. 1987.Astron. Astrophys. 178:16.
  5. Bicay, M.D., and R. Giovanelli. 1986. Astron. J. 91:732.
  6. Bosma, A. 1981a. Astron. J. 86:1791.
  7. Bosma, A. 1981b. Astron. J. 86:1825.
  8. Bothun, G.D., T.C. Beers, J.R. Mould, and J.P. Huchra. 1986. Astrophys. J. 308:510.
  9. Bottinelli, L., L. Gouguenheim, G. Paturel, and P. Teerikorpi. 1986, Astron. Astrophys: 156:157.
  10. Brinks, E., and E. Bajaja. 1986. Astron. Astrophys. 169:14.
  11. Brinks, E., and W.W. Shane. 1984. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 55:179.
  12. Briggs, F.H., and A.M. Wolfe. 1983. Astrophys. J. 268:76.
  13. Brosche, P. 1971. Astron. Astrophys. 13:293.
  14. Brown, R.L., and M.S. Roberts. 1973. Astrophys. J. (Lett.) 184:L7.
  15. Burstein, D. 1982. Astrophys. J. 253:539.
  16. Carignan, C., R. Sancisi, and T.S. van Albada. 1987. Astron. J. (to be published).
  17. Condon, J.J., J.B. Hutchings, and A.C. Gower. 1985. Astron. J. 90:1642.
  18. Cottrell, GA. 1978. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 184:259.
  19. Davies, R.D., and B.M. Lewis. 1973. Mon. Not. R Astron. Soc. 165:231.
  20. Dickey, J.D. 1982. Astrophys. J. 263:87.
  21. Ewen, H.I., and E.M. Purcell. 1951. Nature 168:356.
  22. Faber, S. 1982. In HA. Bruck, G.V. Coyne, and M.S. Longair (eds.), Astrophysical Cosmology. Citta' del Vaticano: Pont. Acad. Scient., p. 191.
  23. Field, G.B. 1959. Astrophys. J. 129:536.
  24. Fisher, JR., and R.B. Tully. 1975. Astron: Astrophys. 44:151.
  25. Fisher, J.R., and R.B. Tully. 1981. Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 47:139.
  26. Giovanelli, R, and M.P. Haynes. 1985a. Astrophys. J. 292:404.
  27. Giovanelli, R., and M.P. Haynes. 1985b. Astron. J. 90:2445.
  28. Giovanelli, R., M.P. Haynes, and G.L. Chincarini. 1986. Astrophys. J. 300:77.
  29. Hart, L., and R.D. Davies. 1982. Nature 297:191.
  30. Haynes, M.P., and R. Giovanelli. 1984. Astron. J. 89:758.
  31. Haynes, M.P., R. Giovanelli, and M.S. Roberts. 1979. Astrophys. J. 229:83.
  32. Haynes, M.P., R. Giovanelli, and G.L. Chincarini. 1984. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 22:445.
  33. Heckman, T.M., B. Balick, and W.T. Sullivan III. 1978. Astrophys. J.224:745.
  34. Hoffman, L.G., G. Helou, E.E. Salpeter, J. Glosson, and A. Sandage. 1987. Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 63:247.
  35. Huchtmeier, W.K., J. Seiradakis, and J. Materne. 1981. Astron. Astrophys. 102:134.
  36. Johnson, D., and S. Gottesman. 1983. Astrophys. J. 275:549.
  37. Jura, M., D.W. Kim, G.R. Knapp, and P. Guhathakurta. 1987. Astrophys. J. (Lett.) 312: Ll1.
  38. Kenney, J., and J. Young. 1986. Astrophys. J. 301:L13.
  39. Kerr, F.J., and J.V. Hindman. 1953. Astron. J. 58:218.
  40. Knapp, G.R., E.L. Turner, and P.E. Cunniffe. 1985a, Astron: J. 90:454.
  41. Knapp, G.L., W. van Driel, and H. van Woerden. 1985b, Astron. Astrophys. 142:1.
  42. Krumm, N., and N. Brosch. 1984. Astron. J. 89:1461.
  43. Lake, G., R.A. Schommer, and J. van Gorkom. 1987. Astrophys. J. 314:57.
  44. Mirabel, I.F., and A.S. Wilson. 1984. Astrophys. J. 277:92.
  45. Nilson, P. 1973. Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies. Uppsala Astron: Obs. Ann. 6.
  46. Oemler, A. 1986. In S.M. Faber (ed.), Nearly Normal Galaxies: From the Planck Time to the Present Time. New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 213.
  47. Rees, M.J. 1985. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 213:75P.
  48. Richter, O.-G., W.K. Huchtmeier, H.-D. Bohnenstengel and M. Hausschildt. 1983. ESO preprint nr. 250.
  49. Roberts, M.S. 1975. In A. Sandage, M. Sandage, and J. Kristian (eds.), Galaxies and the Universe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; p. 309.
  50. Roberts, M.S. 1978. Astron. J. 83:1026.
  51. Roberts, M.S., R.L. Brown, W.D. Brundage, A.H. Rots, M.P. Haynes, and A.M. Wolfe. 1976. Astron. J. 81:293.
  52. Rots, A.H., and W.W. Shane. 1975. Astron. Astrophys. 45:25.
  53. Rubin, V.C., D. Burstein, W.K. Ford, Jr., and N. Thonnard. 1985. Astrophys. J. 289:81.
  54. Sancisi, R. 1976. Astron. Astrophys. 53:159.
  55. Sancisi, R. 1981. In S.M. Fall and D. Lynden-Bell (eds.), The Structure and Evolution of Normal Galaxies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 149.
  56. Sancisi, R. 1983. In E. Athanassoula (ed.), Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies, Int. Astron. Union Symp. 100. Dordrecht: Reidel, p. 55.
  57. Sanders, R.H. 1980. Astrophys. J. 242:931.
  58. Sargent, W.L.W., and K.-Y. Lo. 1986. In D. Kunth, T.X. Thann, and J. Tran Thanh Van (eds.), Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies and Related Objects. Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions Frontiéres, p. 253.
  59. Schneider, S.E., G. Helou, E.E. Salpeter, and Y. Terzian. 1986. Astron. J. 91:13.
  60. Schweizer, F., B.C. Whitmore and V.C. Rubin. 1983. Astron. J. 88:909.
  61. Shostak, G.S., W.T. Sullivan III, and R.J. Allen. 1984. Astron. Astrophys. 139:15.
  62. Soifer, B.T., J.R. Houck, and G. Neugebauer. 1987. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. (to be published).
  63. Spitzer, L. 1978. Physical Processes in the Interstellar Medium. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  64. Toomre, A. 1983. In E. Athanassoula (ed.), Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies, Int. Astron. Union Symp. 100. Dordrecht: Reidel, p. 177.
  65. Toomre, J., and J. Toomre. 1972. Astrophys. J. 178:623.
  66. Tully, R.B., and J.R. Fisher. 1977. Astron. Astrophys. 54:661.
  67. van der Kruit, P.C., and G.S. Shostak. 1983. In E. Athanassoula (ed.), Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies, Int. Astron. Union Symp. 100. Dordrecht: Reidel, p. 69.
  68. van Gorkom, J., G.R. Knapp, E. Raimond, S.M. Faber, and J.S. Gallagher. 1986. Astron. J. 91:791.
  69. van Gorkom, J., P. Schechter, and J. Kristian. 1987. preprint.
  70. van Woerden, H., W. van Driel, and U.J. Schwartz. 1983. In E. Athanassoula (ed.), Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies, Int. Astron. Union Symp. 100. Dordrecht: Reidel, p. 99.
  71. Wardle, M., and G.R. Knapp. 1986. Astron. J. 91:23.
  72. Watson, W.D., and S. Deguchi. 1984. Astrophys. J. (Lett.) 281: L5.
  73. Weedman, D. 1986. Quasar Astronomy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  74. Wolfe, A.M., M.M. Davis, and F.H. Briggs. 1982. Astrophys. J. 259:495.
  75. Zwicky, F., E. Herzog, M. Karpowicz, C.T. Kowal, and P. Wild. 1961-68. Catalogue of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, 6 vols. Pasadena: California Institute of Technology Press.

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