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Table 1 (remarks)

No. Remarks

308 Close ellipticals. Position of central galaxy (NGC 541).
309 Peculiar absorption ring, possibly broken.
310 Very close E galaxies. Picture is 10X of following (No. 311) area.
311 Same as 310, but shows surrounding field and group. Picture is 4X of preceding (No. 310) area.
312 Diffuse connection between central members of group.
313 Linear strings of knots like deformed spiral arms. Strong [O II] emission. (32)
314 Faint filament leads SE to faint dwarf. Pos. of W spiral.
315 Companion E is quite compact.
316 Edge-on spiral shows signs of interaction.
317 See also 16. Both galaxies on east show signs of interaction.
318 Position of NGC 833. Faint, diffuse streamers, peculiar galaxies.
319 Position of NGC 7317. Stefan's 0uintet. (13)(18)
320 Position of close triplet. Large companion NW.
321 VV position. Sharp absorption lane in connection to southern most galaxy.
322 Near NGC 3718. See No. 214. (18)
324 Diffuse elongation of E's along line joining them.
326 Position of integral sign spiral. Five spirals in approx. chain. No. 33 gives larger scale picture.
327 Three distorted galaxies in general line toward east.
328 Six galaxies more or less in line; center one has semi-stellar component.
329 Plate defect on northern most galaxy. (18)(19)
330 Five galaxies in chain quite compact; 6th of low surface brightness.
331 Position of NGC 383. Symmetry around large central galaxy. Velocities known. (1)
332 Different types of galaxies in chain.
333 Thin circular arms, star in SE superposed on wisp.
334 Second ``star'' south not quite stellar.
335 Large luminous system. (19)
336 E is to right of N, W to left. (3)(14)(26)
337 Internal explosion. (3)(8)(20)(21)(25)(29)(37)

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