Adapted from P. Coles, 1999, The Routledge Critical Dictionary of the New Cosmology, Routledge Inc., New York. Reprinted with the author's permission. To order this book click here:
On large angular scales, the most important of
various physical processes by which the primordial density
fluctuations should have left their imprint on the cosmic microwave
background radiation in the form of small variations in the
temperature of this radiation in different directions on the sky. It
is named after Rainer Kurt Sachs (1932- ) and Arthur Michael Wolfe
(1939- ). The effect is essentially gravitational in origin. Photons
travelling from the last scattering surface to an observer encounter
variations in the metric which correspond to variations in the
gravitational potential in Newtonian gravity. These fluctuations are
caused by variations in the matter density from place to place. A
concentration of matter, in other words an upward fluctuation of the
matter density, generates a gravitational potential well. According to
general relativity, photons climbing out of a potential well will
suffer a gravitational redshift which tends to make the region from
which they come appear colder. There is another effect, however, which
arises because the perturbation to the metric also induces a
time-dilation effect: we see the photon as coming from a different
spatial hypersurface (labelled by a different value of the cosmic
scale factor a(t) describing the expansion of the Universe).
For a fluctuation in the
gravitational potential, the effect of
gravitational redshift is to cause a fractional variation of the
T/T =
/ c2, where c
is the speed of light. The time
dilation effect contributes
T/T =
a/a (i.e. the fractional
perturbation to the scale factor). The relative contributions of these
two terms depend on the behaviour of a(t) for a particular
cosmological model. In the simplest case of a flat universe described
by a matter-dominated Friedmann model, the second effect is just -2/3
times the first one. The net effect is therefore given by
T/T =
/3c2. This
relates the observed temperature anisotropy to the size of
the fluctuations of the gravitational potential on the last scattering
It is now generally accepted that the famous ripples seen by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite were caused by the Sachs-Wolfe effect. This has important consequences for theories of cosmological structure formation, because it fixes the amplitude of the initial power spectrum of the primordial density fluctuations that are needed to start off the gravitational Jeans instability on which these theories are based.
Any kind of fluctuation of the metric, including gravitational waves of very long wavelength, will produce a Sachs-Wolfe effect. If the primordial density fluctuations were produced in the inflationary Universe, we would expect at least part of the COBE signal to be due to the very-long-wavelength gravitational waves produced by quantum fluctuations in the scalar field driving inflation.
Sachs, R.K. and Wolfe, A.M., `Perturbations of a cosmological model and angular variations of the cosmic microwave background', Astrophysical Journal, 1967, 147, 73.