abs | absorption |
acc | according |
alm | almost |
amorph | amorphous |
approx | approximate |
asym | asymmetry, asymmetric |
B | bright |
bel | belong |
BG | Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies |
brightn | brightness |
centr | central |
CGCG | Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies |
circ | circular |
cl | cluster |
classif | classify, classification |
comp | companion |
compl | complete |
cond | condensation |
cont | continue |
coord | co-ordinates |
CSCG | Catalogue of Selected Compact Galaxies and of Post-Eruptive Galaxies |
descr | describe, description |
de V | de Vaucouleurs |
DDO | David Dunlap Observatory ("DDO" precedes numbers of objects in van den Bergh's catalogue of dwarf galaxies (1959, 1966)). |
diam | diameter |
dif | diffuse |
disr | disrupted |
distr | distribution |
e | extremely |
eastw | eastwards |
ecc | eccentric |
elong | elongated |
em | emission |
env | envelope |
evid | evidence |
exp | exposure, exposed |
ext | extension, extended |
F | faint |
f | following |
Ho | Holmberg |
I | IC |
ident | identify, identification |
incl | include, including |
indiv | individual |
intercon | interconnected |
invis | invisible |
irr | irregular |
M | Messier |
Mark | Markarian |
MCG | Morfologicheskij Katalog Galaktik (Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies) |
N | NGC |
n | north |
northw | northwards |
nr | number |
nucl | nucleus, nuclear |
obj | object |
outw | outwards |
p | preceding |
PA | Palomar Atlas (Palomar Sky Survey) |
pec | peculiar |
phys | physical |
pos | position |
prob | probable, probably |
pw or Pw | pair with |
reg | region |
S | small |
s | south |
Sep | separation, separated |
sev | several |
SN | supernova |
southw | southwards |
spir | spiral |
stell | stellar |
str | structure |
superimp | superimposed |
surf | surface |
sym | symmetry, symmetrical |
syst | system |
tend | tendency |
tow | towards |
transp | transparent |
U | UGC (Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies) |
v | very; radial velocity referred to the sun |
v0 | radial velocity corrected for solar motion |
var | variable |
vd B | van den Bergh |
vic | vicinity |
vis | visible |
VV | Voroncov-Vel'jaminov ("VV" precedes numbers of systems in the Atlas and Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies) |
w | with |
westw | westwards |
Zw | Zwicky (quotations from "Zw" refer to Catalogue of Selectedkcted Compact Galaxies and of Post-Eruptive Galaxies) |
* | (in the Notes Section) star |
** | (in the Notes Section) stars |