Table 1: Local Group Galaxies (derived from Mateo 1999)

Galaxy Other Name α2000 δ2000 l b Type Notes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

WLM DDO 221 00 01 58 -15 27.8 75.9 -73.6 IrrIV-V
NGC 55 00 15 08 -39 13.2 332.7 -75.7 IrrIV
IC 10 UGC 192 00 20 25 +59 17.5 119.0 -3.3 dIrr
NGC 147 DDO 3 00 33 12 +48 30.5 119.8 -14.3 dSph/dE5
And III 00 35 17 +36 30.5 119.3 -26.2 dSph
NGC 185 UGC 396 00 38 58 +48 20.2 120.8 -14.5 dSph/dE3p
NGC 205 M110 00 40 22 +41 41.4 120.7 -21.1 E5p/dSph-N E
M32 NGC 221 00 42 42 +40 51.9 121.2 -22.0 E2
M31 NGC 224 00 42 44 +41 16.1 121.2 -21.6 SbI-II
And I 00 45 43 +38 00.4 121.7 -24.9 dSph
SMC NGC 292 00 52 44 -72 49.7 302.8 -44.3 IrrIV-V
Sculptor 01 00 09 -33 42.5 287.5 -83.2 dSph
LGS 3 Pisces 01 03 53 +21 53.1 126.8 -40.9 dIrr/dSph
IC 1613 DDO 8 01 04 54 +02 08.0 129.8 -60.6 IrrV
And II 01 16 27 +33 25.7 128.9 -29.2 dSph A
M33 NGC 598 01 33 51 +30 39.6 133.6 -31.3 ScII-III
Phoenix 01 51 06 -44 26.7 272.2 -68.9 dIrr/dSph
Fornax 02 39 59 -34 27.0 237.1 -65.7 dSph
EGB 0427+63 UGCA 92 04 32 01 +63 36.4 144.7 +10.5 dIrr
LMC 05 23 34 -69 45.4 280.5 -32.9 IrrIII-IV
Carina 06 41 37 -50 58.0 260.1 -22.2 dSph
Leo A DDO 69 09 59 24 +30 44.7 196.9 +52.4 dIrr
Sextans B DDO 70 10 00 00 +05 19.7 233.2 +43.8 dIrr
NGC 3109 DDO 236 10 03 07 -26 09.5 262.1 +23.1 IrrIV-V
Antlia 10 04 04 -27 19.8 263.1 +22.3 dIrr/dSph B
Leo I DDO 74 10 08 27 +12 18.5 226.0 +49.1 dSph
Sextans A DDO 75 10 11 06 -04 42.5 246.2 +39.9 dIrr
Sextans 10 13 03 -01 36.9 243.5 +42.3 dSph
Leo II DDO 93 11 13 29 +22 09.2 220.2 +67.2 dSph
GR 8 DDO 155 12 58 40 +14 13.0 310.7 +77.0 dIrr
Ursa Minor DDO 199 15 09 11 +67 12.9 105.0 +44.8 dSph
Draco DDO 208 17 20 19 +57 54.8 86.4 +34.7 dSph
Milky Way 17 45 40 -29 00.5 0.0 0.0 Sbc
Sagittarius 18 55 03 -30 28.7 5.6 -14.1 dSph-N E
SagDIG UKS 1927-177 19 29 59 -17 40.7 21.1 -16.3 dIrr
NGC 6822 DDO 209 19 44 56 -14 48.1 25.3 -18.4 IrrIV-V
DDO 210 Aquarius 20 46 46 -12 51.0 34.0 -31.3 dIrr/dSph C
IC 5152 22 02 42 -51 17.7 343.9 -50.2 dIrr
Tucana 22 41 50 -64 25.2 322.9 -47.4 dSph D
UKS 2323-326 UGCA 438 23 26 27 -32 23.3 11.9 -70.9 dIrr
Pegasus DDO 216 23 28 34 +14 44.8 94.8 -43.5 dIrr/dSph


Column 1: Galaxy name. Entries denoted in italics refer to the five giant Local Group galaxies that are not discussed in this review in any detail; Columns 2: A common alternative name; Columns 3 and 4: Right ascension and declination for epoch J2000.0, respectively; Columns 5 and 6: Galactic longitude and latitude, respectively; Column 7: Galaxy type following van den Bergh (1994a); Column 10: Special notes.


A. The position listed here is based on an independent measurement by Paul Hodge (private communication).

B. Also known as PGC 29194 (Fouqué et al 1990) before it was re-discovered as a probable Local Group member by Whiting et al (1997). A thorough discussion of `pre-discovery' observations of Antlia is provided by Aparicio et al (1997a).

C. Marconi et al (1990) claimed that the original position of DDO 210 (Fisher and Tully 1975) was significantly in error. However, Lo et al (1993) noted that the original position seemed to be correct, and Marconi et al (1995) subsequently agreed. The position listed here corresponds to the original one from Fisher and Tully (1975).

D. Tucana was known prior to its re-discovery by Lavery and Mighell (1992) who thoroughly document all listings of the galaxy in earlier catalogs. Lavery and Mighell (1992) did first claim Tucana to be a possible Local Group member.

E. The `N' suffix has been added to indicate that these systems may be nucleated dwarfs.

REFERENCES FOR TABLE 1: [1] Sandage & Carlson (1985b); [2] Lautsen et al (1977); [3] Hummel et al (1986); [4] Puche et al (1991); [5] de Vaucouleurs & Ables (1965); [6] Shostak & Skillman (1989); [7] Young & Lo (1997a); [8] Caldwell et al (1992); [9] Kent (1987); [10] Hodge (1981); [11] de Vaucouleurs & Freeman (1972); [12] Mathewson & Ford (1984); [13] Carignan et al (1998); [14] Young & Lo (1997b); [15] Ables (1971); [16] Lake & Skillman (1989); [17] Sandage (1961); [18] Corbelli et al (1989); [19] van de Rydt et al (1991); [20] Carignan et al (1991); [21] Hodge (1971); [22] Saha & Hoessel (1991); [23] Hoessel et al (1988); [24] Smecker-Hane et al (1994); [25] Sandage (1986b); [26] Young & Lo (1996a); [27] Sandage & Carlson (1985a); [28] Skillman et al (1988); [29] Sandage & Carlson (1988); [30] Jobin & Carignan (1990); [31] Whiting et al (1997); [32] Hodge (1963a); [33] Sandage & Carlson (1982); [34] Mateo et al (1995a); [35] Deleted; [36] Fisher & Tully (1979); [37] Carignan et al (1990); [38] van Agt (1967); [39] Baade & Swope (1961); [40] Ibata et al (1997); [41] Longmore et al (1978); [42] Hodge (1978); [43] Gottesman & Weliachew (1977); [44] Lo et al (1993); [45] Deleted; [46] Deleted; [47] Lavery & Mighell (1992); [48] Oosterloo et al (1996); [49] van Agt (1978); [50] Hodge (1992a); [51] Sandage & Bedke (1994); [52] Vogt et al (1995); [53] Cesarsky et al (1977); [54] Hopp & Schulte-Ladbeck (1995).