A Compilation of over 200 Published Distances to the


(Version Date: May 04, 2007)

Based on 24 Independent Methods derived from the published literature

Distances (Column 3) are given in kiloparsecs (kpc) and are displayed to three significant digits when uncertainties in the distance moduli are published; when no uncertainty is given the distances are displayed to only two significant digits.

For each method (Column 4: Cepheids, TRGB, PNLF, etc.) the references (Column 5: REFCODE) are listed in order of increasing distance modulus (Column 1: (m-M)). Cryptic notes pertaining to the individual application are given in Column 6 (Notes).

The precursor publications of Benedict et al. (2002AJ....123..473B) and Gibson (2000MmSAI..71..693G) were invaluable in seeding the early preparation of this compilation.

Ian P. Steer (Toronto)

Barry F. Madore (Pasadena)

Published Distances to the Large Magellanic Cloud (1990-2006)
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.08 0.14 41.3 Cepheids 1992SvAL...18..405K
18.23 0.07 44.3 Cepheids 2000AcA....50..279U OGLE-II, BVI(WI)
18.25 . . . 44.7 Cepheids 2000yCat..41430211B BVRI
18.29 0.17 45.5 Cepheids 1998A&A...335L..81L
18.30 0.04 45.7 Cepheids 2003AJ....125.1261D
18.32 0.01 46.1 Cepheids 2003AJ....125.1261D
18.35 0.03 46.8 Cepheids 2002A&A...389...19P MW GFG
18.37 0.14 47.2 Cepheids 2002A&A...389...19P MW P02
18.37 . . . 47.2 Cepheids 2002A&A...389...19P MW Hipparcos
18.42 0.10 48.3 Cepheids 2000ApJ...533L.107G BW, HV12198, IR SB
18.42 0.30 48.3 Cepheids 1999ApJ...512..711B V, PL
18.42 0.11 48.3 Cepheids 1997AJ....113...13B
18.44 0.35 48.8 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 16, BV
18.45 0.07 49.0 Cepheids 2004A&A...415..531S OGLE, I
18.46 0.07 49.2 Cepheids 2004A&A...415..531S OGLE, W
18.46 0.02 49.2 Cepheids 1999IAUS..190..534G CP-SBF(I)
18.46 0.02 49.2 Cepheids 1998ApJ...496...17G BW, VIJHK, Barnes-Evans ISB, MWPL
18.47 0.07 49.4 Cepheids 2004A&A...415..531S OGLE, V
18.47 0.20 49.4 Cepheids 1994ApJ...433L..73G 3, VI(BW)
18.48 0.07 49.7 Cepheids 2004A&A...415..531S OGLE, BVRIJK
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.48 0.13 49.7 Cepheids 2002ApJ...574L..33B VI
18.50 0.05 50.1 Cepheids 2006MmSAI..77..261S
18.50 0.10 50.1 Cepheids 2004ApJ...608...42S VIHJK
18.50 0.05 50.1 Cepheids 2004AJ....128.2239P 92, JHK
18.50 . . . 50.0 Cepheids 2004AJ....127.2031K
18.50 0.07 50.1 Cepheids 2004A&A...415..531S OGLE, K
18.50 . . . 50.1 Cepheids 2003AJ....125.1261D
18.50 . . . 50.1 Cepheids 2002ApJS..142...71S 34,BVRI
18.50 0.13 50.1 Cepheids 2002AJ....124.1695B U99,V
18.50 0.13 50.1 Cepheids 2000ApJS..128..431F
18.50 0.13 50.1 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 13, BVJK
18.51 0.05 50.4 Cepheids 1998MmSAI..69...99W
18.52 0.18 50.6 Cepheids 2000A&A...356..849G K, avg of 3PL, 3PL(Z), and 3PLC
18.53 0.08 50.7 Cepheids 2002ApJ...574L..33B VI
18.53 0.14 50.7 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 10, BVIJK
18.53 0.04 50.7 Cepheids 1994MNRAS.266..441L 115, VJHK
18.54 . . . 51.1 Cepheids 2004A&A...424...43S 685, BVI
18.54 0.19 51.1 Cepheids 2000A&A...356..849G K
18.55 . . . 51.3 Cepheids 2004A&A...420..655G 10, BVIK
18.55 0.06 51.3 Cepheids 2003LNP...635...21F VIWJHK
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.55 0.02 51.3 Cepheids 2002ApJ...578..144K
18.55 0.08 51.3 Cepheids 2000ApJ...533..215C
18.55 0.08 51.3 Cepheids 2000ApJ...533..215C
18.55 0.10 51.3 Cepheids 2000ApJ...533..215C BW
18.56 0.04 51.5 Cepheids 2005ApJ...627..224G 13, VIWJK
18.56 0.03 51.5 Cepheids 2003MNRAS.342L..58K
18.55 0.10 51.3 Cepheids 2000ApJ...533..215C BW
18.56 0.04 51.5 Cepheids 2005ApJ...627..224G 13, VIWJK
18.56 0.03 51.5 Cepheids 2003MNRAS.342L..58K
18.56 0.08 51.5 Cepheids 1998MNRAS.294L..41O 20, Parallax
18.57 0.18 51.7 Cepheids 2004Ap.....47...18A Hipparcos
18.57 0.05 51.8 Cepheids 1999ApJ...522..250S I
18.57 0.11 51.8 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 7, BVIJHK
18.57 0.11 51.8 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 8, VcJHK
18.58 0.15 52.0 Cepheids 2002AJ....124.1695B U99,V
18.58 0.02 52.0 Cepheids 1997ApJ...486...60D BW, VK
18.59 0.04 52.2 Cepheids 2002AJ....124.1213D VI
18.59 0.15 52.2 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 7, K
18.60 0.11 52.5 Cepheids 2000A&A...356..849G VIK(W) "best"
18.60 . . . 52.5 Cepheids 1999IAUS..190..557M PCL
18.60 0.15 52.5 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 7, H
18.60 . . . 52.5 Cepheids 1995ApJ...449..164S
18.62 0.17 53.0 Cepheids 1999ApJ...512..711B V, PLC
18.62 0.12 53.0 Cepheids 1999ApJ...512..711B K, PL
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.62 0.18 53.0 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 7, J
18.63 . . . 53.2 Cepheids 1999ApJ...525..784C BVI
18.64 0.02 53.5 Cepheids 1995ApJ...452..195D V, V-K
18.65 0.10 53.7 Cepheids 2003A&A...410..887G
18.65 0.10 53.7 Cepheids 1993AJ....106..734G
18.66 0.15 54.0 Cepheids 2000A&A...356..849G VIK, avg of 3PL, 3PL(Z), 3PLC
18.68 0.07 54.5 Cepheids 1994A&A...285..819D VK (CPR)
18.69 0.08 54.7 Cepheids 1994A&A...285..819D VK (CPL)
18.70 0.16 55.0 Cepheids 2000ApJ...533..215C TP
18.70 . . . 55.0 Cepheids 1999ASPC..167..198H K
18.70 0.10 55.0 Cepheids 1997MNRAS.286L...1F
18.70 0.02 55.0 Cepheids 1997hipp.conf..629P BVRI+
18.72 0.02 55.5 Cepheids 1997hipp.conf..629P BVRI
18.72 0.09 55.5 Cepheids 1999PASP..111..775F
18.74 0.13 56.0 Cepheids 1999ApJ...512..711B K, PLC
18.74 0.24 56.0 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 7, V
18.77 0.24 56.8 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 7, I
18.82 . . . 58.1 Cepheids 1999ApJ...522..250S B
18.83 . . . 58.3 Cepheids 1999ApJ...522..250S V
18.86 0.36 59.2 Cepheids 1998ApJ...492..110M 7, B
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.87 0.07 59.4 Cepheids 2004ASPC..310...95B 12, V
18.24 0.08 44.5 TRGB 2000AcA....50..279U
18.52 0.09 50.6 TRGB 2003AJ....125.1261D
18.59 0.09 52.2 TRGB 2004ApJ...608...42S
18.59 0.09 52.2 TRGB 2000AJ....119.1197S
18.69 0.25 54.7 TRGB 2000ApJ...530..738R
18.35 0.08 46.8 PNLF 1999phcc.conf..125W
18.44 0.18 48.8 PNLF 1990ApJ...365..471J
18.50 0.18 50.1 PNLF 1999phcc.conf..125W
19.42 . . . 76.6 Tully-Fisher LEDA, April 2006
18.22 0.13 44.1 Eclipsing Binary 1998ApJ...509L..25U HV2274
18.25 0.25 44.7 Eclipsing Binary 2001AAS...198.0309M EROS-1044
18.30 0.07 45.7 Eclipsing Binary 2000ApJ...533..215C
18.30 0.07 45.7 Eclipsing Binary 1998ApJ...509L..21G
18.39 0.05 47.6 Eclipsing Binary 2005A&A...434.1077M
18.40 0.07 47.9 Eclipsing Binary 2000AJ....119.1205N HV2274
18.41 . . . 48.0 Eclipsing Binary 2005astro.ph..7648M
18.42 . . . 48.3 Eclipsing Binary 2004ASPC..310..363G
18.44 0.07 48.8 Eclipsing Binary 1998uabi.conf..315G HV2274
18.46 0.08 49.2 Eclipsing Binary 2004NewAR..48..659A
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.51 0.02 50.4 Eclipsing Binary 2005A&A...434.1077M
18.52 0.06 50.6 Eclipsing Binary 2002ApJ...564..260F
18.54 0.08 51.1 Eclipsing Binary 1997AAS...191.0313G HV2274
18.30 0.15 45.7 Maser 2002ApJ...566..833C NGC 4258
18.31 0.11 45.9 Maser 2001ApJ...553..562N NGC 4258
18.48 0.13 49.5 Maser 2002ApJ...566..833C NGC 4258
18.07 0.15 41.1 RR Lyrae 1998ApJ...506..259P
18.10 . . . 41.7 RR Lyrae 1992MmSAI..63..331L
18.23 0.07 44.3 RR Lyrae 2000AcA....50..279U
18.23 0.08 44.3 RR Lyrae 1999phcc.conf...53P
18.23 0.04 44.3 RR Lyrae 1998AstL...24..171F
18.24 0.08 44.5 RR Lyrae 2001MNRAS.321..502P
18.26 0.15 44.9 RR Lyrae 1998A&A...330..515F
18.28 0.14 45.3 RR Lyrae 1998ApJ...506..259P
18.28 0.13 45.3 RR Lyrae 1996AJ....112.2110L
18.30 0.14 45.7 RR Lyrae 2003AJ....125.1309C
18.31 0.14 45.9 RR Lyrae 1998ApJ...506..259P
18.32 0.08 46.1 RR Lyrae 2005tdug.conf..707R
18.33 0.08 46.3 RR Lyrae 1999phcc.conf...53P
18.37 0.10 47.2 RR Lyrae 1997MNRAS.284..994C
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.37 0.23 47.2 RR Lyrae 1998A&A...335L..81L
18.38 0.16 47.4 RR Lyrae 2003AJ....125.1309C
18.38 0.10 47.4 RR Lyrae 2002AJ....123..473B
18.38 0.12 47.4 RR Lyrae 2000ApJ...533..215C
18.40 0.20 47.9 RR Lyrae 2000ApJ...533..215C BW
18.43 0.06 48.5 RR Lyrae 2004AJ....127..334A
18.44 0.10 48.8 RR Lyrae 1997MNRAS.284..994C
18.45 0.09 49.0 RR Lyrae 2003AJ....125.1309C
18.46 0.03 49.2 RR Lyrae 2006MmSAI..77..214D K
18.47 0.07 49.4 RR Lyrae 2004MmSAI..75..138D
18.47 0.07 49.4 RR Lyrae 2003AJ....125.1261D
18.47 0.19 49.4 RR Lyrae 2000ApJ...533..215C
18.48 0.08 49.7 RR Lyrae 2004A&A...423...97B
18.52 0.09 50.5 RR Lyrae 2004ASPC..310...60C
18.52 0.09 50.5 RR Lyrae 2003AJ....125.1309C
18.52 0.02 50.6 RR Lyrae 2000A&A...363L...1K
18.53 0.10 50.8 RR Lyrae 2002AJ....123..473B
18.53 0.10 50.8 RR Lyrae 1997PASP..109..857M BW
18.53 0.04 50.8 RR Lyrae 1997MNRAS.284..761F BW
18.55 0.03 51.3 RR Lyrae 2003MNRAS.342L..58K
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.55 0.15 51.3 RR Lyrae 1992MmSAI..63..479W
18.57 0.19 51.8 RR Lyrae 1997ApJ...482...89A
18.58 0.10 52.0 RR Lyrae 2004ASPC..310...60C
18.61 0.28 52.7 RR Lyrae 1999A&A...348L..33G
18.64 0.04 53.5 RR Lyrae 2001PASP..113..335M
18.07 0.03 41.0 Red Clump 1998ApJ...500L.141S
18.08 0.03 41.3 Red Clump 1998AcA....48....1U
18.13 0.07 42.7 Red Clump 1998AcA....48..113U
18.18 0.06 43.3 Red Clump 1998AcA....48..383U
18.24 0.08 44.5 Red Clump 2000AcA....50..191S
18.27 0.07 45.1 Red Clump 2000ApJ...528L...9P
18.28 0.14 45.3 Red Clump 1998MNRAS.301..149G
18.29 0.03 45.5 Red Clump 2000AJ....119.1197S
18.30 . . . 45.7 Red Clump 1998AJ....116..209B
18.32 0.17 46.1 Red Clump 1999AJ....117.1816T
18.33 0.07 46.3 Red Clump 2001MNRAS.321..502P
18.36 0.17 47.0 Red Clump 1998ApJ...500L.137C
18.42 0.07 48.3 Red Clump 2003AJ....125.1309C
18.42 0.17 48.3 Red Clump 1999AJ....117.1816T
18.42 0.17 48.3 Red Clump 2003AJ....125.1309C
18.43 0.06 48.5 Red Clump 1998ApJ...500L.137C
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.44 0.07 48.8 Red Clump 2001MNRAS.321..502P
18.44 0.05 48.8 Red Clump 2000ApJ...528L...9P
18.45 0.07 49.0 Red Clump 2003AJ....125.1309C
18.46 0.11 49.2 Red Clump 2003AJ....125.1261D
18.47 0.01 49.5 Red Clump 2002AJ....124.2633P
18.49 0.03 50.0 Red Clump 2002ApJ...573L..51A
18.50 0.20 50.1 Red Clump 2001MNRAS.323..109G
18.53 0.07 50.8 Red Clump 2003A&A...410..887G
18.54 0.10 51.1 Red Clump 2002AJ....124.2625S
18.55 0.05 51.3 Red Clump 2001MNRAS.323..109G
18.59 0.04 52.2 Red Clump 2000ApJ...530..738R
18.71 0.07 55.2 Red Clump 2000AcA....50..279U
18.37 0.04 47.2 SNII optical 1998ApJ...494..118G SN1987A
18.45 . . . 49.0 SNII optical 1996ApJ...466..911E SN1987A
18.46 0.12 49.2 SNII optical 2002ApJ...574..293M SN1987A
18.55 0.05 51.3 SNII optical 2000ApJ...530..738R SN1987A
18.55 0.07 51.3 SNII optical 1999phcc.conf..125W SN1987A
18.58 0.05 52.0 SNII optical 1999IAUS..190..549P SN1987A
18.67 0.05 54.2 SNII optical 1997astro.ph..7144L SN1987A
19.26 . . . 71.0 SNII radio 1998ApJ...500...51W SN1987A
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.50 0.11 50.1 GC radii 2000ApJ...533..215C
18.70 0.25 55.0 Novae 1990ApJ...360...63C
18.33 0.05 46.3 CMD 2001ApJ...560L.139W Main Sequence Fitting
18.45 . . . 49.0 CMD 2006A&A...452..155K NGC 1818 cluster
18.55 . . . 51.3 CMD 2006A&A...452..155K Hodge 14 cluster
18.55 . . . 51.3 CMD 2006A&A...452..155K NGC 1805 cluster
18.58 0.08 52.0 CMD 2003A&A...410..887G Main Sequence Fitting
18.61 0.07 52.7 CMD 2002A&A...390..121K Main Sequence Fitting
18.70 . . . 55.0 CMD 2006A&A...452..155K NGC 1831 cluster
18.70 . . . 55.0 CMD 2006A&A...452..155K NGC 1868 cluster
18.50 . . . 50.1 Blue Supergiants 2003LNP...635..149B
18.49 0.11 49.9 Horizontal Branch 2000ApJ...533..215C Trigonometric Parallax
18.48 0.08 49.7 Miras 2004ASPC..310..304F Long Period Variables
18.54 0.18 51.1 Miras 2000ApJ...533..215C Long Period Variables
18.54 0.18 51.1 Miras 1997MNRAS.287..955V Long Period Variables
18.64 0.14 53.5 Miras 2000MNRAS.319..759W Long Period Variables
18.66 0.05 54.0 Miras 1990AJ.....99..784H Long Period Variables
18.50 0.17 50.1 Carbon stars 1998A&A...332L..53B
18.70 0.25 55.0 Carbon stars 1999ApJ...524L.111V Lithium-rich
18.50 0.14 50.1 GC dynamics 1998ApJ...494...96C
m-M err D Method REFCODE Notes
(mag) (mag) (kpc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
18.40 0.15 47.9 White Dwarfs 2000ApJ...533..215C cooling sequence
18.64 0.12 53.5 Subdwarf fitting 2000ApJ...533..215C
18.65 0.10 53.7 Subdwarf fitting 1997AJ....114..161R
18.34 0.09 46.6 M stars luminosity