ARlogo Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 1984. 22: 157-184
Copyright © 1984 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved

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3.2. Local Redshift Theories

LOCAL CAUSES     The effective proposal is that for QSOs, the major source of redshift is either zDs or zGs (13, 90); thus, Equation 1 remains true but we abandon Equation 3. Then the redshift observed for these objects is no longer necessarily a result of the expansion of the Universe. However, the instability of the Einstein static universe still would lead us to expect an expanding Universe if we stay within the general relativity/FLRW framework; and as usual, it is accepted that galactic redshifts are evidence of cosmological expansion. Thus, this proposal results in local variation of the explanation, rather than an overall abandonment of the concepts of an expanding universe and the hot big bang.

NEW LOCAL REDSHIFT PHYSICS     In the second case, because of observed associations between galaxies and QSOs with differing redshifts (2, 33), the observed QSO redshifts are attributed to local effects of unknown nature: thus we abandon Equation 1 in the case of QSOs. This interpretation depends critically on the statistics of the image associations (117). Until the nature of this "new physics" is specified, this is not a theory in competition with the SHBB. As in the previous case, one again ends up with the plausibility of an expanding universe with a singular origin anyhow.

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