1.2. Primordial Nucleosynthesis
Nuclear reactions set in when the temperature is down to about 0.1
Mev, since before that deuterium is prevented by photo-disintegration
from building up to a sufficient abundance to allow further reactions
to occur (the deuterium bottleneck). Physical constants affecting the
outcome are, naturally, the relevant nuclear reaction cross-sections
and two factors affecting the neutron-proton ratio at the onset of
synthesis, namely
N and the weak
interaction constant GF;
GF2 is
inversely proportional to the half-life of the neutron,
which has to be found from experiment.
Fig. 1 shows the predicted abundances from
primordial nucleosynthesis according to Standard (i.e. homogeneous) Big Bang
Nucleosynthesis (SBBN) theory as a function of
, or,
equivalently, of
h02 where
b0 is the
fraction of the cosmological closure density
3H02 /
G) = 1.96 ×
10-29h02 gm cm-3
supplied by baryons, H0 is the
Hubble constant and h0 or h100 the
same in units of 100 km s-1 Mpc-1
which lies somewhere between 0.5 and 1.
is related to
b0 through
the known temperature of the microwave background
![]() | (5) |
where the suffix zero refers to the present epoch and
10 is
in units
of 10-10. The trends in fig. 1 arise
from the series of nuclear reactions starting with
![]() |
where the nuclear chain is temporarily halted because there are no stable nuclei with mass numbers 5 and 8. The main effect is to build up 4He with a mass fraction
![]() | (6) |
where n / p is the neutron-proton ratio at the onset of
synthesis, but
traces of D and 3He survive because expansion and cooling
slow down
nuclear reactions before their destruction is complete. The two-body
character of the reactions that destroy deuterium leads to the steep
decrease in its abundance with
. Later traces of
7Li and 7Be are also
built up, the latter eventually decaying to 7Li by
![]() |
![]() |
Figure 1. Primordial abundances predicted
from SBBN theory after
Yang et al. (1984).
Olive et al. (1990) and
Deliyannis et al. (1990),
7Li from the latter reference being shown with
±2 |
At low densities, the first of these reactions is the main contributor to 7Li and its abundance is a decreasing function of nucleon density because T and 7Li are both destroyed in two-body reactions. At higher densities the second reaction predominates; 3He and 7Be are more robust, so that the 7Li curve turns round and rises at higher densities leading to a minimum in the interesting range.
Helium itself increases only very slowly with
because virtually
all the neutrons initially present are soaked up in its production, as
expressed by equation (6). However, its abundance is also
significantly affected by
1/2 because of the
effects of these
constants on the initial n / p ratio. Before (electron)
neutrino decoupling, this ratio is kept in thermal equilibrium by weak
interactions so that
![]() | (7) |
whereas afterwards the ratio is virtually frozen at the value given by
(7) with T equal to the decoupling temperature
Td. Because the
weak-interaction cross section is proportional to (energy)2
or T2, the reaction time scale varies as
GF2 T2)-1 or
T-5, where
is the
number density of electron neutrinos, whereas the expansion time scale
is ~ (G
proportional to
(11/4 + (7/8)N
)-1/2 T-2, so the decoupling
temperature varies as
1/21/3(11/4 +
)1/6. This means that larger values of
1/2 or
, lead to
higher Td and hence to larger n / p and
larger primordial helium abundances. After decoupling, n /
p decreases
only slowly through free decay (and residual weak interactions)
leading to a very slow dependence on
given by
![]() | (8) |
(Olive et al. 1990) for
10 and with
in minutes. Recent experimental values of
1/2 are 10.25
(Mampe et al. 1989;
Gudkov et al. 1990)
and 10.32
(Byrne et al. 1990).
The sensitivity to
, first
noted by
Hoyle & Tayler (1964),
and the relatively high degree of
precision to which Yp can be estimated (see below),
have enabled cosmological limits to be placed on the number of neutrino
families, first no more than 5
(Steigman, Schramm &
Gunn 1977),
then 4
(Yang et al. 1984)
and finally 3
(Pagel 1988;
Pagel & Simonson 1989;
Olive et al. 1990)
which was confirmed in accelerator experiments on the Zo
Ellis, Salati & Shaver
but with the provisos that SBBN
does not exclude neutrinos massive enough to be non-relativistic at a
few Mev, which are excluded up to 45 Gev by Zo decay, and
SBBN does exclude hypothetical light particles coupling to photons but
not to the Zo. Consistency of SBBN theory also imposes
an upper limit on
1/2 of 10.4 minutes.
Upper and lower limits to
h02 resulting
from a comparison of SBBN predictions with primordial abundances
deduced by various means from observations, as discussed below, are
shown by the tall vertical lines in fig. 1.