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(Antonov) = V.A. Antonov. Private communications, 2003.

(Contopoulos) = G. Contopoulos. Private communications, 2000-03.

(Goldreich) = P. Goldreich. Private communications, 2002.

(Julian) = W.H. Julian, Private communications, 2002.

(Kalnajs) = A.J. Kalnajs, Private communications, 2001-03.

(Lin) = C.C. Lin. Private communications, 2000-01.

(Lynden-Bell) = D. Lynden-Bell. Private communications, 2000-03.

(Shu) = F.H. Shu. Private communications, 2001.

(Toomre) = A. Toomre. Private communications, 2000-03.

(Yuan) = C. Yuan. Private communications, 2001.

Princeton 1961 = The Distribution and Motion of Interstellar Matter in Galaxies (Proc. Conf. Inst. Adv. Study, Princeton NJ, 1961). L. Woltjer, ed. W.A. Benjamin, NY, 1962.

Noordwijk 1966 = Radio Astronomy and the Galactic System (Proc. IAU Symp. No 31, Noordwijk 1966). H. van Woerden, ed. London and NY, Academic Press, 1967.

Basel 1969 = The Spiral Structure of Our Galaxy (Proc. IAU Symp. No 38, Basel 1969). W. Becker and G. Contopoulos, eds. Dordrecht-Holland, D.Reidel Publ., 1970.

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