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REFERENCES A. The Sources of the Redshifts

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  1. 99, 147, 190, 258, 292, 327, (332), 387.
  2. 18, 25, 34, 52, 93, 121, 122, 146, 169, 170, 189, 190, 191, 252, 271, 274, 289, 306, 332, 337, 354.
  3. 190, 191, 289, 306, 319, (332), 337.
  4. 79, 131, (149), 183, (190), 220, (337), 373, 387, 390.
  5. 191, (196), 220, 229, 247, 263, 392.
  6. 51, 93, 102, 121, 137, 167, 185, 190, 192, 227, 230, 248, 262, 306, 314, (332), 335, 337, 341.
  7. 48, 121, 173, 190, 250, 261, 392.
  8. 48, 121, 173, 180, 190, 191, 261, 263, 266, 284, 392, 430.
  9. 173, 190, 229, 247, (306), 325, 389, 435.
  10. 3, 67, 141, 190, 191, 199, 218, 220, 224, 232, (306), 338, 387, 391, 405.
  11. 48, 54, 173, 190, 191, 249.
  12. 26, 150, 216, 326, 327, (332), 387, 400, 421.
  13. 26, 43, 46, 158, 284, 345, 421, 431, 439.
  14. 48, 54, 154, 173, 229, 327.
  15. 43, 46, 164, 190, 191, 253, 392.
  16. 27, 33, 68, 105, 157, 190, 191.
  17. (15), 48, 121, 160, 173, 191, 321, 391, 392.
  18. 95, 123, 175, 190, 250, 292, 299.
  19. 12, (15), 133, 160, 190, 191, 229, 263, 392.
  20. 31, 160, (164), 190, 191, (229), (253), (306), (324).
  21. 27, 58, 125, 190, 229, 247, 374, 389, 435.
  22. 43, 46, 190, 191, 253, 263, (306), 325, 397.
  23. 48, 71, 160, 173, 190, 191, 253, 304, 343.
  24. 43, 46, 99, 158, 284, 325, (332), 387, 399, 400.
  25. 164, 166, 171, 190, 191, 237, 255, 265, 306, 324, 325, 332, 337, 391.
  26. 39, (48), 87, 145, (173), 177, 178, 190, 191, 222, 226, 306, 324, (336), 348, 349.
  27. 29, 37, 114, 129, 190, 220, 255.
  28. 49, 117, 121, 147, 160, 184, 191, 292, 387.
  29. 106, 173, 190, 220, 229, 231, 236, 278, (306), (324), (332), (356).
  30. 190, 191, 220, 263, 301, 325.
  31. 48, 105, 173, 191, 253, 263, 397.
  32. 3, 141, 163, 187, 190, 199, 218, 220, 232, 263, 313, 385, 405.
  33. 35, 43, 46, 141, 190, 191, 210, 247, 339.
  34. 105, 173, 191, 253, 263, 301.
  35. 164, 190, 229, 263, 277, 279, 400.
  36. 27, 190, 220, 229, 263, (306), 325.
  37. 140, 164, 191, 241, 263, 301.
  38. 9, 27, 190, 191, 199, 200, 232, (332), 431.
  39. 48, 70, 105, 159, 173, 190, 191, 253, 261, 301, 408, 431.
  40. 48, 173, 190, 229, 263, 284, (306), 325, 430.
  41. 43, 46, 187, 190, 220, 247, 253, 391.
  42. 60, 190, 229, 241, 247, 276, (307).
  43. 3, 11, 141, 159, 190, 199, 218, 220, 232, 321, 391, 405.
  44. 107, 136, 158, 263, 284, (370).
  45. 106, 136, 158, 263, 284, (332).
  46. 3, 7, 8, 10, 43, 46, 119, 141, 161, 190, 191, 199, (218), 220, 232, (306), 313, 317, 343, 391, 405.
  47. 28, 30, 43, 159, 204, 284, 290, 384.
  48. 105, 147,160, 190, 191, 261, 292, (306), 432.
  49. 2, 83, 109, 141, 160, 190, 207, 261, 306, 321.
  50. 120, 188, 190, 223, 256, 343, 391, 392.
  51. 28, 43, 120, 188, 190, 206, 256, 392.
  52. 13, 106, 134, 136, 263, 284.
  53. 116, 147, 173, 190, 229, 261, 306, 324.
  54. 120, 139, 190, 202, 229, 283, (306), 442.
  55. 36, 48, 50, 121, 141, 173, 190, 220, 229, 261, 391.
  56. 139, 190, 191, 193, 229, (306), (332), 340, 442.
  57. 120, 188, 190, 191, 256, 343.
  58. 91, 120, 160, (190), 259, 330, 343.
  59. 105, 116, 141, 147, 190, 229, 254, 261, 264, 328, (332), 347, 358, 391, 404, 430.
  60. 89, 120, 172, 187, 188, 321.
  61. 48, 105, 141, 147, 173, 191, 254, 264, 347, 358, 391, 404, 430.
  62. 26, 106, 136, 200, 228, 263, 264, 281, 405.
  63. 41, 55, 109, 141, 160, 190, 191, 206, 211, 261, (306), 377.
  64. 191, 228, 284, 309, 310, 370.
  65. 27, 160, 190, 220, 270, (306), (332), 430.
  66. 69, 160, 190, 191, 261, 263, (306), 397, 410.
  67. 24, 53, 56, (99), 152, 190, 213, 255, 294, 295, 325, 355, 371.
  68. 48, 57, 103, 121, 160, 173, 179, 190, 229, 241, 257, 261, 263, (306), 312, 324, (332), 337, 350, 391.
  69. 58, 190, 229, 241, 263, (306).
  70. 5, 48, 105, 160, 173, 191, 253, 263, 391.
  71. 45, 48, 99, 121, 147, 150, 173, 190, 215, (306), 321, 399.
  72. 40, 46, 47, (99), 148, 150, 160, 190, 220, 296, 346, 387.
  73. 32, 121, 138, 147, 176, 190, 229, 260, 261, 262, 263, 325, (332), 335, 337, 391.
  74. 5, 32, 48, 173, 191, 263, 284, 301.
  75. 5, 48, 160, 173, 191, 253, 263, 391, 392.
  76. 164, 173, 190, 191, 223, 251, 392.
  77. 43, 46, 164, 190, 191, 253, 391, 392.
  78. 58, 190, 191, 193, 303, (306), 324.
  79. 96, 173, 190, 191, 253, 301, 391.
  80. 17, 142, 144, 182, 198, 284, 313, 321, 324, 337.
  81. 28, 190, 191, 220, 247, 253, 263, 391.
  82. 64, 160, 173, 191, 229, 253, 301, (332).
  83. 43, 46, 190, 191, 253, 263, 392, 400.
  84. 94, 190, 191, 229, 261, 336, 337.
  85. 48, 121, 147, 168, 173, 190, 191, 261, 262.
  86. 48, 64, 124, 173, 190, 191, 229, 253, (306), 332, 392, 397, 430.
  87. 6, 82, 190, 191, 199, 224, 232, 316, 375, 405, 415.
  88. 27, 127, 190, 191, 247, 361, 376, 402.
  89. 48, 121, 173, 191, 253, 261, 293, 321.
  90. 14, 26, 58, 190, 191, 313.
  91. 190, 191, 229, (306), 381, 429.
  92. 58, 139, 190, 191, 289, (387), 414, 422, 442.
  93. 153, 199, 224, 297, 327, 387.
  94. 106, 136, 158, 263, 284, 384.
  95. 160, 173, 190, 191, 224, 378, 387.
  96. 21, 190, 223, 253, 313, 391.
  97. 27, 141, 190, 229, 280, 394, 405, 435.
  98. 159, 164, 190, 191, 391, 392.
  99. 28, 30, 43, 158, 284, 391.
  100. 164, 190, 191, 229, 253, 391, 397, 410.
  101. 28, 78, 190, 191, 220, 392.
  102. 43, 48, 191, 201, 391, 392.
  103. 43, 46, 190, 199, 224, 392, 405.
  104. 121, 147, 160, (190), 221, 387.
  105. (191), 220, 321, 360, 391, 408.
  106. 160, 173, 263, 301, 321, (332).
  107. 28, 158, 160, 263, 284, (332), 431.
  108. 58, 128, 190, 263, 376, 402, 409, 435.
  109. 75, 160, 190, 229, 263, (306), 402, 409.
  110. 160, 191, 261, 299, 337, 391.
  111. 160, 186, 191, 250, 261, 292.
  112. 120, 188, 190, 212, 374, 402, 409, 424.
  113. 90, 160, 330, 391, 392, 405.
  114. 141, 190, 198, 199, 232, (405).
  115. 63, (99), (240), 373, 387, 398.
  116. 4, 17, 80, 105, 395, 400, 401, 436.
  117. 43, 46, 191, 376, 392, 400, 418.
  118. 190, 253, 376, 391, 392, 418.
  119. 59, 190, 199, 232, 246, 428.
  120. 139, 190, 241, 372, 389, 415, 422.
  121. 58, 190, 191, (229), 372, 413, 442.
  122. 164, 173, 190, 401, 427, 429.
  123. 160, 191, 261, 301, 391, 430.
  124. 48, 173, 191, 264, 301, 430.
  125. 147, 190, 292, 298, 387, 431.
  126. (99), 158, 173, 284, 345, 431.
  127. 43, 46, 191, 398, 400, 431.
  128. 46, 158, 284, 384, 400, 431.
  129. 43, 46, 190, 191, 374, 402, 435, 439.
  130. (240), 284, 329, 351, 396, 438.
  131. 153, 160, 173, 387, 431, 438.
  132. 99, 158, 224, 284, 387, 438.
  133. (141), 190, 191, 229, (306), 442.
  134. (43), (46), 204, 284, 321, 402.

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