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4.1. Comparison Of BBN With Non-BBN Baryon Density Estimates

Having established the internal consistency of primordial nucleosynthesis in the standard model, it is necessary to proceed to the next key test. Does the nucleon abundance inferred from processes which occurred during the first thousand seconds of the evolution of the Universe agree with estimates/bounds to the nucleon density in the present Universe?

It is a daunting task to attempt to inventory the baryons in the Universe. Since many (most?) baryons may be ``dark'', such approaches can best set lower bounds to the present ratio of baryons-to-photons. One such estimate [22] suggests a very weak lower bound on eta of: eta10 geq 0.25, entirely consistent with the BBN estimates above. Others [23] have used more subjective (although cautious) estimates of the uncertainties, finding a much higher lower bound to the global budget of baryons: eta10 geq 1.5, which is still consistent with the ``low-eta'' range identified using the high-D results.

A possible challenge to the ``low-eta'' case comes from an analysis [24] which employed observational constraints on the Hubble parameter, the age of the Universe, the structure-formation ``shape'' parameter, and the X-ray cluster gas fraction to provide non-BBN constraints on the present density of baryons, finding that eta10 geq 5 may be favored over eta10 leq 2. Even so, a significant low-eta, high-D range still survives.