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The second Coral Sea Cosmology Conference, on Redshift Surveys and Cosmology, takes place in the midst of a burgeoning of massive redshift surveys made possible by highly-parallel spectrographs and/or dedicated telescopes. These redshift surveys stand on the shoulders of even more massive (in terabyte terms) imaging surveys at a variety of wavelengths, which provide complete, homogeneous and complementary ways of viewing the universe and selecting samples for follow-up spectroscopy. The wealth of detail produced by these surveys is provoking more sophisticated approaches to data reduction, analysis and archiving, which offer to both improve the primary science coming out of the surveys and provide a rich resource for astronomers to mine in the coming decade.

The outline of this conference summary is as follows: sections 2 and 3 report on the status of redshift surveys, both in progress and planned, which are mapping the local and high-redshift universe; section 4 summarises some of the preliminary results on large-scale structure derived from these and other recent surveys; section 5 reports new results on the local galaxy population and its evolution out to high redshift; section 6 looks to the future of redshift surveys as tools for cosmology. All references in [..] are to papers in the WWW proceedings of the conference, available at