d-Electron | An orbital electron whose l quantum number is 2. |
D Stars | Degenerate or White Dwarf Stars: Objects lying five or more magnitudes below the main sequence. Usually the following subgroups are distinguished:
D Galaxy | A supergiant radio galaxy (the most common type of radio galaxy) which has an elliptical nucleus surrounded by an extended envelope. Or, an optical galaxy with a very bright nucleus. In the Morgan classification, a galaxy with rotational symmetry but without pronounced spiral or elliptical structure (a dustless galaxy). In the Yerkes 1974 system a galaxy with an elliptical-like nucleus surrounded by an extensive envelope (see also R galaxy). [H76] |
D Layer | The lowest part of Earth's ionosphere (starts at about 100 km). This is the layer that reflects "broadcast" radio waves. [H76] |
D Lines | Two close spectral lines of neutral sodium (see Fraunhofer lines) at 5896 Å (D1) and 5890 Å (D2). [H76] |
D Ring | The innermost ring of Saturn, discovered in 1969. [H76] |
Damped Oscillation | An oscillation with an amplitude that progressively decreases with time. [DC99] |
Damping | (a) In any oscillating system, a decrease in the
amplitude of an
oscillation due to the dissipation of energy. [H76]
DARA | Deutsche Agentur Fur Raumfahrt Angelegenheiten (Germany). [LLM96] |
Dark Current | (a) The current that flows in a photoelectric cell
when not illuminated. [H76]
Dark Energy
![]() | |
Dark Halo | (a) The massive outer region of the Milky Way that
surrounds the disk and stellar halo. The dark halo consists mostly of dark
matter, whose form is unknown. Though it emits almost no light, the
dark halo outweighs the rest of the Galaxy. [C95]
Dark Matter
![]() | (a) Material astronomers cannot see but whose presence
they believe in either because they detect its gravitational influence or
because certain theories predict its existence. For example,
astronomers believe that the outer part of the Galaxy harbors dark
matter, because they notice its gravitational influence on the stars
they can see; and inflationary cosmologists believe that the universe
is full of dark matter, because inflation predicts that the universe
has a large density. [C95]
Dark Nebula | A relatively dense (up to 104 particles per cm3) cloud of interstellar matter whose dust particles obscure the light from stars beyond it and give the cloud the appearance of a region devoid of stars. [H76] |
Darwin Ellipsoids | Ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium of homogeneous massive bodies describing circular orbits with a uniform angular velocity about each other on certain approximations relative to their mutual tidal influences. [H76] |
Darwinism | Theory that species arise through the natural selection of random mutations that better fit changing conditions in a generally uniformitarian Earth. [F88] |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape [LLM96] |
Data | The outcome of a set of measurements from which inferences may be drawn, theories constructed, and so forth. [HH98] |
Data Model | A description of the structure and organization of the data in a database. Specifically, the Data Model makes explicit the tables names, their contents, and how they are related to, and linked with, one another. The actual implementation of a data model is called the Database Schema. [BFM03] |
Data Rate | The number of pieces of digital information being returned each second from an instrument. Measured in bits per second (bps) for serial information or bytes per second for parallel data. [McL97] |
Daughter Nuclide | A given nuclide produced by radioactive decay from another nuclide (the parent). [DC99] |
Day | An interval of 86400.51 seconds (see second, Système International), unless otherwise indicated. [S92] |
Day Numbers | Quantities that facilitate hand calculations of the reduction of mean place to apparent place. Besselian day numbers depend solely on the Earth's position and motion; second-order day numbers, used in higher precision reductions, depend on the positions of both the Earth and the star. [S92] |
db Galaxy | One of a small number of dumbbell-shaped radio galaxies. They might be called D systems with double nuclei, in which two elliptical nuclei share a common extended envelope. [H76] |
DC | Direct Current Fixed voltages. For example, dc bias in CCD circuits. [McL97] |
Dead Reckoning | Navigation by recording one's heading, velocity and elapsed time, with little or no reference to the stars. [F88] |
de Broglie Wavelength (![]() | The wavelength associated with a particle
with a momentum p: |
Debye | Unit of electric-dipole moment, equal to that existing between a unit of positive charge and a unit of negative charge separated by a distance of 1 cm. 1 debye = 10-18 statcoulomb cm. [H76] |
Debye-Hückel Model | The standard plasma model of an ionized classical gas. [H76] |
Debye Length | A theoretical length which describes the maximum
distance that a
given electron can be from a given positive ion and still be
influenced by the electric field of that ion in a plasma.
Although according to Coulomb's law oppositely charged particles
continue to attract each other at infinite distances, Debye
showed that there is a cutoff of this force where there are other
charged particles between. This critical separation decreases for
increased density. lD = (kTe /
4 |
Debye Unit | A unit of electric dipole moment equal to 10-18 e.s.u. cm or 3.336 × 10-30 coulomb metre. The unit evolved naturally from the fact that many electric dipole moments for molecules are a multiple of 10-18 e.s.u. cm. Thus the dipole moment of hydrochloric acid is 1.05 × 10-18 e.s.u. cm; for aniline it is 1.5 × 10-18 e.s.u. cm. The unit first received a name in 1934, but it is frequently used in the abbreviated form, which is the letter D. It has also been defined as the product of the electronic charge and either the radius of the first Bohr orbit of hydrogen, giving a value of 2.54 × 10-18 CGS units, or one ångström, giving a value of 4.803 × 10-18 CGS units. It is named after P. J. W. Debye (1884-1966), the pioneer authority on polar molecules. The SI unit of electric dipole moment has not, as yet, received a name. [JM92] |
Decay | The spontaneous disintegration of unstable
nuclei to give other nuclei, accompanied by the emission of particles
and/or photons. The product of a given decay may be stable or may
itself be radioactive. In a sample of radioactive material the
radioactivity falls with time; the activity is proportional to the
amount of substance present.
N = N0 exp
- where N0 is the original number and y is a constant (the decay constant or disintegration constant) for a given nuclide. y is related to the half-life by: T = 0.693 15 y [DC99] |
Decay of the False Vacuum | Since the universe is not inflating today, the inflationary theory depends on the fact that the false vacuum which drives inflation is metastable, so it will eventually decay. The theory requires that this decay happen after more than 100 doubling times of the exponential expansion, but it still happens when the universe is much less than one second old. If the inflaton fields are in a local valley of the energy density diagram (see Figure 10.1 on page 168), then the decay happens via the formation of bubbles, like the boiling of water, and the randomness of the bubble formation destroys the homogeneity of the universe and causes the theory to fail. This failure is called the graceful exit problem of the original inflationary theory. If, however, the inflaton field is at the top of a local plateau, see Figure 12.1 on page 209) as assumed in the new inflationary universe theory, then inflation continues as the fields roll gently towards a minimum energy value, and a single bubble becomes large enough to encompass the entire observed universe. [G97] |
Deceleration Parameter | (a) Quantity designating the rate at which the
expansion of the universe is slowing down, owing to the braking
effect of the galaxies' gravitational tug on one another. It is a
function of the cosmic matter density. [F88]
Decibel | Symbol: dB A unit of power level, usually of a sound
wave or electrical signal, measured on a logarithmic scale. The
threshold of hearing is taken as 0 dB in sound measurement. Ten times
this power level is 10 dB. The fundamental unit is the bel, but
the decibel is almost exclusively used (1 db = 0.1 bel).
10 log10(P/P0) where P0 is the reference power. [DC99] |
Declination | (a) Angular distance above (positive) or below
(negative) the
celestial equator. One of the co-ordinates, with right ascension, that
defines the position of a heavenly body. [A84]
Decoupling | (a) Separation of classes of particles from regular
with one another, as in the decoupling of photons from particles of
matter that produced the cosmic background radiation. [F88]
Decoupling Epoch/Era | (a) The epoch at t |
Decoupling of Matter and Energy | A cosmic epoch during which the matter content of the Universe ceased to be ionized. This led to a decrease in the optical depth of the Universe, and the photons of radiation (which we now observe as the cosmic microwave background) became able to travel large distances without interacting with matter. [C97] |
Deduction | Process of reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from a given premise or premises, without a need for additional information. Compare induction. [F88] |
Defect of Illumination | The angular amount of the observed lunar or planetary disk that is not illuminated to an observer on the Earth. [S92] |
Deferred Charge | There are a number of phenomena in CCDs which result in charges becoming "trapped" during the charge-coupling process. Some of these traps are due to design faults. others are due to imperfections in the raw materials or difficulties introduced during fabrication. The global effect of charge trapping is poor charge transfer efficiency. Traps often release captured charge at a later time leading to the presence of charge in trailing pixels which should have been empty, that is, the readout of that charge has been delayed or deferred. [McL97] |
Deflection of Light | (a) Gravitational effect that bends a ray of
light. Such an effect was predicted within the general theory of
relativity, although previously considered impossible. [A84]
Deflection of the Vertical | The angle between the astronomical vertical and the geodetic vertical. (see Zenith; Astronomical Coordinates; Geodetic Coordinates.) [S92] |
Deformable Mirror | A very thin mirror whose shape can be changed by the force applied by many small pistons behind the mirror. [McL97] |
Degaussing | The neutralization of an object's magnetic field by the use of an equal and opposite field. It is used in color television sets to neutralize the Earth's magnetic field - current-carrying coils prevent the formation of color fringes on the image. A similar system is used to neutralize the magnetization of ships to prevent them from detonating magnetic mines. [DC99] |
Degeneracy Pressure | Pressure in a degenerate electron or neutron gas. [H76] |
Degeneracy Temperature | The characteristic temperature, for a given system of indistinguishable particles, below which the effects of the Fermi or Bose statistics obeyed by them become apparent. At temperatures well above the degeneracy temperature e indistinguishability has little effect. [D89] |
Degenerate | (a) An electron gas is said to be degenerate when the
temperature is sufficiently low that almost all electron states up to
a certain energy are occupied, and all those with higher energy are
empty. [D89]
Degenerate Gas | A state of matter found in white dwarfs and other ultrahigh-density objects, in which the electrons follow Fermi-Dirac statistics. According to the classical laws of physics, the pressure of a gas is proportional to the temperature and the density. However, in 1926 Fermi and Dirac showed that if the density were high enough, departures from classical laws would occur, in that if at a given temperature the density is increased, the pressure increases more and more rapidly until it becomes independent of the temperature and is a function of the density only. When this point is reached, the gas is said to be degenerate. [H76] |
Degenerate Matter | A state of matter found in white dwarfs and other extremely dense objects, in which strong deviations from classical laws of physics occur. As the density increases at a given temperature, the pressure rises more and more rapidly, until it becomes independent of temperature and dependent on density alone. At this point, the gas is said to be degenerate. [Silk90] |
Degree | (a) A measure of temperature (To convert to
Celsius, subtract 273.)
Degrees of Freedom | (a) The independent ways in which particles can
take up energy. In a monatomic gas, such as helium or argon, the
atoms have three translational degrees of freedom (corresponding to
motion in three mutually perpendicular directions). The mean energy
per atom for each degree of freedom is kT/2, where k is
the Boltzmann constant; the mean energy per atom is thus 3kT/2.
Deimos | The outer satellite of Mars, 12 × 13 km, P = 1.26 days; e = 0.003; inclination of orbit to planetary equator 1°.6. Visual geometric albedo 0.06. Mariner 9 has shown that both Phobos and Deimos are locked in synchronous rotation with Mars. Discovered by A. Hall in 1897. [H76] |
Delay Time | Time lapse between the time a signal (e.g., a radar beam) is propagated out to a distant object and the time it is received after the object bounces it back. [H76] |
Delocalization, Delocalized | Electrons which do not reside along a single bond, but move from bond to bond, as in an aromatic carbon bond. [SEF01] |
Delta Cephei | A pulsating star in the constellation Cepheus. It was the second Cepheid discovered and lent its name to the entire class of stars. [C95] |
Delta Del Stars | A group of late A-type and early F-type stars with very weak CaII lines. Some stars of this group are Delta Scuti variables (dwarf Cepheids or AI Vel type objects). [JJ95] |
Delta (![]() | also called Dirac Function. A function |
Delta T (AT) | The difference between dynamical time and
Universal Time;
specifically the difference between Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT)
and UT1: |
![]() | A recoil electron ejected from an atom by an energetic charged particle. Delta-rays appear as branches in the main track of a cloud chamber. [H76] |
Demagnetization | The removal of the magnetic field of a magnet. In demagnetization, the domains are disordered so that they lie in a random pattern. This can occur as a result of rough treatment, or by raising the temperature of the specimen and allowing it to cool while lying in an East-West direction. The most efficient method is to place the specimen in a coil through which is passed an alternating current. The current is then reduced to zero, removing the magnetism. A similar effect is obtained by taking the specimen out of a coil carrying an alternating current. [DC99] |
Demeter | Unofficial name for Jupiter X. P = 259.2 days, e = 0.12, i = 29°. Discovered by Nicholson in 1938. [H76] |
Demon Star | see Algol. [H76] |
Dendrite | A branching crystal with a tree-like structure. [DC99] |
Deneb | (a) The brightest star in the constellation Cygnus,
Deneb is a
white A-type supergiant that generates more light in a single night
than the Sun produces during an entire century. Deneb lies 1500
light-years away and is the most distant first-magnitude star. [C95]
DENIS | DEep Near Infrared Survey [LLM96] |
Density | (a) The mean density of a celestial body is generally
reckoned as
its mass divided by its volume, expressed either in comparison with
the density of water, in kilograms per cubic meter, or in relation to
some other known density. The mean density of the Earth is thus 5.5
times that of water, i.e. 5.5 × 103 kg m-3 and
is just less than four times that of the Sun. Yet the mean density of
rocks at the surface is about half the overall mean value, and that of
the Earth's central core is perhaps 2 1/2 times the overall
value. [A84]
Density Fluctuations | (a) Random inhomogeneities in an otherwise smooth
distribution of matter. [LB90]
Density Gradient | A spatial variation in the density of matter. [LB90] |
Density Parameter | The ratio of the actual mass density of the universe
to the critical density. Also called omega ( |
Density Perturbations | Nonuniformities in the density of matter in the universe. Such nonuniformities are gravitationally unstable, which that they are amplified by gravity. Any region with a mass density slightly higher than average produces a stronger-than-average gravitational field, which pulls in more matter and further increases the mass density. Thus, very mild nonuniformities in the early universe can serve as seeds for the formation of galaxies. [G97] |
Density Wave | A sound wave, or any other kind of material wave, which produces a series of alternate condensations and rarefactions of the material through which it passes. [H76] |
Density Wave Theory | (a) One possible explanation for spiral
arms. According to this theory, the spiral arms represent regions of
somewhat enhanced density (density waves) that rotate more slowly than
the galaxy's stars and gas. As gas enters a density wave, it gets
squeezed and makes new stars, some of which are short-lived blue stars
that light the arms. [C95]
Depletion (Region or Layer) | The region of a semiconductor in which an electric field has swept out any free charge carriers such as electrons. The field can be applied by a voltage to a metal electrode on the surface of the silicon. [McL97] |
Depolarizer | A substance used in a voltaic cell to prevent polarization. Hydrogen bubbles forming on the electrode can be removed by an oxidizing agent, such as manganese(IV) oxide. [DC99] |
Depth of Field | The object distance range of an optical system (e.g. a camera) that gives acceptably sharp images. The smaller the aperture, the greater the depth of field. (also Depth of Focus) [DC99] |
Descending Node | The point in the orbit of a solar-system body where the body crosses the ecliptic from north to south. [H76] |
Desorption | The reverse of adsorption. (see Adsorption) [DC99] |
de Sitter Model | (a) A model of the universe that contains no
matter but only a positive cosmological constant. It expands exponentially
forever. [HH98]
de Sitter Universe | A geometrical model (1917) of an empty universe, based on Einstein's field equations. [H76] |
DESI | The German national laboratory for high-energy physics, located near Hamburg. It is the home of the e+e- storage rings DORIS and PETRA, and the electron-proton machine, HERA. [CD99] |
Detached Binaries | Binaries which are not in contact and in which no significant mass exchange is occurring. [H76] |
Detailed Balance | cancellation of the effect of a process by a simultaneously operating `inverse' process. [D89] |
Detector | Device for recording the presence of subatomic particles. A typical modem detector consists of an array of electronic sensors connected to a computer, capable of recording the paths of the particles as they fly out from the collision site in a particle accelerator. [F88] |
Determinism | (a) The doctrine that all events are the predictable
effects of prior causes. (see Causation) [F88]
Deuterium | (a) Hydrogen-2, the rare heavy isotope of hydrogen.
has one proton and one neutron, whereas normal hydrogen has one proton
and no neutrons. [C95]
Deuteron | (a) The nucleus of deuterium, an isotope of
hydrogen. It consists of one proton and one neutron bound together. [CD99]
dex | A shorthand notation for decimal exponent. A notation which converts the number after it into its common antilogarithm: e.g., dex (1.27) = 101.27. [H76] |
DFE | Dark Frame Error |
Diaphragm | (a) A device used in optical instruments to reduce or
control the aperture of the system. An iris diaphragm is a
variable aperture made up of a number of movable overlapping
plates. Diaphragms (or stops) are used to control the light
admitted. They are also employed to reduce aberration in lens and
mirror systems by restricting the light to the region close to the
axis of the system. (see also Aberration)
Dichroic Medium | A birefringent material in which radiation polarized in one plane is freely transmitted, but radiation polarized perpendicular to this is absorbed. Tourmaline is a natural mineral with this property; Polaroid is a synthetic dichroic substance. [DC99] |
Dielectronic Recombination | Inverse Autoionization. [H76] |
Differential Equation | An equation that describes the evolution of a system over time, given boundary conditions for the system. Almost all of the laws of physics are expressed in the mathematics of differential equations. (see Boundary Conditions.) [LB90] |
Differential Forms | Mathematical quantities used in advanced geometrical concepts. [LB90] |
Differential Geometry | The mathematical discipline that studies curved spaces. [D89] |
Differential Rotation | (a) Of a stellar cluster or galaxy, the "orbiting" of
stars nearer the center faster than those at the edge. Of a single
body (such as the Sun or a gaseous planet), the axial rotation of
equatorial latitudes faster than polar latitudes. [A84]
Differentiation | In planets, a process whereby the primordial substances are separated, the heavier elements sinking to the center and the lighter ones rising to the surface. [H76] |
Diffraction | (a) A property which distinguishes wave-like
motions. When a wave is
incident upon a barrier which is broken by a narrow slit (of
comparable size to the wavelength), then the slit will act as a new
isotopic source of secondary waves. [CD99]
Diffraction Grating | (a) The best gratings are made of glass (for
transmitted radiation) or metal (for reflected radiation) with many
thousand fine parallel grooves (lines) ruled on the surface with a
diamond point. For some purposes cheap plastic casts of such gratings
are suitable. Interference between the waves diffracted by the grooves
causes maxima of intensity in directions determined by the wavelength,
hence spectra are produced.
d sin The value of m is called the order of
the spectrum. As
sin |
Diffraction Limited | Capable of producing images with angular separations as small as the theoretical limit. [H76] |
Diffraction Pattern | A series of concentric rings produced by interference. [H76] |
Diffusion | (a) Movement of a gas, liquid, or solid as a result of
the random thermal motion of its particles (atoms or molecules). A
drop of ink in water, for example, will slowly spread throughout the
liquid. Diffusion in solids occurs very slowly at normal temperatures.
Diffuse Galactic Light | Scattered, integrated starlight; a small contribution to the background glow by starlight reflected and scattered by interstellar dust near the galactic plane. It is an extremely difficult quantity to measure and requires exceptionally dark sky conditions. [H76] |
Diffuse Nebula | An irregularly shaped cloud of interstellar gas or dust whose spectrum may contain emission lines (emission nebula) or absorption lines characteristic of the spectrum of nearby illuminating stars (reflection nebula). [H76] |
Digitized | Converting a signal value such as a charge or voltage into a numerical value within a given range. For example, converting the continuous range from 0 to 10 volts into 65 536 steps of 152.5 microvolts each thus digitizes this range into 216 = 65 536 bits; usually stated as 16-bit digitization. [McL97] |
Dilute Aperture | In radio astronomy, an unfilled aperture. [H76] |
Dilution Factor | Ratio of the energy density in a radiation field
to the equilibrium value for radiation of some color temperature.
W =
J |
![]() ![]() | Diffuse Interstellar Medium |
Dimension | (a) A geometrical axis. [F88]
Dimensional Analysis | A technique for checking the validity of a solution to a problem, a unit, or an equation in physics. It depends on the fact that, once a unit system has been defined fully (as in SI), each quantity can be expressed in terms of the base quantities in only one way. Here those base quantities are called dimensions. The table shows, first, the three dimensions used in mechanics, and, second, some other quantities in terms of these. For instance, the relationship between pressure, force, and area can be checked. Force divided by area has dimensions MLT-2/L2, i.e. dimensions ML-1T-2, as for pressure. [DC99] |
Dimensions | Physically significant quantities usually have dimensions associated with them. The fundamental dimensions are those of mass M, length L and time T. The dimensions of other quantities can be expressed in terms of these fundamental dimensions. So, for example, momentum has dimensions of mass × velocity (MLT-1) and energy dimensions of force × distance (ML2T-2). One may define certain quantities in which the dimensions cancel out. These dimensionless quantities are significant in that they are independent of the conventions used to define units of mass, length and time. [CD99] |
Diode | An electronic device with two electrodes that exhibits
rectifying action when a potential difference is applied. Current
flows for one direction of the potential (the forward direction), but
when the potential is reversed the current is normally zero or very
small. There are two principal types of diode:
Dione | Fifth satellite of Saturn. Radius about 440 km. P = 4.5 days. Discovered by Cassini in 1684. [H76] |
Diopter | (a) Symbol: D The unit of power of a lens or
mirror, equal
to the reciprocal of the focal distance in meters. A 5 D lens has a
focal distance of 0.2 m; a diverging mirror of focal distance 1250 mm
has a power of -0.8 D.
The diopter was adopted as a unit at a medical conference in Brussels in 1875 but the idea of defining the power of a lens as the reciprocal of its focal length was suggested seven years earlier by Nagel. [JM92] |
Dipole | A system composed of two equal charges of opposite sign, separated by a finite distance; e.g., the nucleus and orbital electron of a hydrogen atom. An ordinary bar magnet is a dipole. [H76] |
Dipole Anisotropy | A variation in the intensity of the cosmic background radiation caused by the motion of the Milky Way. Because the Milky Way, our galaxy, is not moving precisely with the uniform expansion of the universe as a whole, the cosmic background radiation appears slightly more intense in the direction of our peculiar motion and slightly less intense in the opposite direction. This effect, which can actually be used to measure the speed and direction of our peculiar motion, is called the dipole anisotropy. [LB90] |
Dipole Antenna | A type of array consisting of a system of dipoles often used with radio telescopes. It differs from the dish antenna in that it consists of many separate antennas that collect energy by feeding all their weak individual signals into one common receiving set. [H76] |
Dipole Moment | Measure of how polarized a molecule is. (How large the dipole is). [SEF01] |
Dirac Equation | (a) The equation in quantum mechanics that
describes the
time evolution of the state associated with electrons and other spin *
particles. Unlike Schrodinger's equation that it replaces, Dirac's
equation is consistent with the special theory of relativity. [D89]
Dirac Function | see Delta Function. [H76] |
Dirac Large Number Hypothesis | The current age of the universe, divided by the time it takes light to cross the radius of a proton, is about 1040. This number is also approximately equal to the ratio of the strengths of the electromagnetic and gravitational forces. Dirac felt that the approximate equality of these two large numbers was too unlikely to be accidental and that some physical process must be at work to maintain the equality. Since the first number clearly changes in time (because the age of the universe is increasing), Dirac proposed that the "fundamental constants of nature" entering the second number should also change in time, to maintain the equality. [LB90] |
Direct Motion | (a) Motion of a solar-system body from west to
east across the sky. [H76]
Direction Cosine | A means of specifying the direction of a celestial object. The direction cosine involves the inclination of a vector to each of three mutually perpendicular axes defined through a point in space. [H76] |
Dirty Ice | Interstellar ice grains with graphite particles or other impurities adsorbed on their surfaces. [H76] |
Discriminator | A circuit that selects certain electrical signals and rejects others, according to a particular property of the signal, such as amplitude, frequency, or phase. For example, a pulse-height analyzer selects signals having a particular amplitude range, and a frequency discriminator picks out different frequencies. [DC99] |
Dish | A large parabolic ``mirror" of sheet metal or wire mesh which collects radio energy and reflects it to the antenna at the focus. [H76] |
Disintegration | The breaking up of unstable nuclei into two or more fragments, either spontaneously or as a result of bombardment by fast-moving particles. The disintegration of 7Li by proton bombardment in Cockcroft and Walton's experiment is an example of the latter type; two 4He nuclei (alpha particles) are produced. [DC99] |
Dissipation | When a galaxy forms and gas clouds start crashing into and impeding one another. The Galaxy's disk probably formed through dissipation. [C95] |
Disjoint | An adjective applied in mathematics to two or more sets which have no members in common. [H76] |
Disk ![]() | The central plane of a galaxy, as distinguished from other structural and mprphological components such as its bulge, halo or nucleus. Rotationally supported and thought to be the result of angular-momentum conserving dissipative processes that occurred during the gravitational collapse and subsequent evolution of gas-rich galaxies. Population I objects (young stars, HII regions, dust and spiral structure) are largely confined to the disk. [BFM2006] |
Disk Star | A star located in, and orbiting with, the more general disk population (see above) of a given galaxy. [BFM2006] |
Disorder | The departure of the atoms of a solid from their regular lattice positions. [D89] |
Dispersion | (a) During refraction, rays can be deviated
(changed in direction) by angles related to the refractive index of the
medium. However, the refractive constant of any medium varies with the
wavelength of the transmitted radiation. Thus, if a narrow beam of
radiation of mixed wavelengths is deviated by refraction, the angle of
deviation will vary with wavelength. This is called dispersion; the
radiation is spread out. It can be used to produce the color spectrum
of white light using a prism. It can also be a problem, causing
chromatic aberration in lenses.
Dispersion Measure | A term used in radio astronomy to describe the amount of dispersion in a radio signal. It is proportional to the product of the number of interstellar electrons per cm3 and the distance to the source (in parsecs). [H76] |
Dispersion Relations | Formal relationships between the real and the imaginary parts of a complex mathematical function. In physical terms dispersion relations have been used to relate terms in the scattering matrix for elementary particle theories. [P88] |
Dispersive Power | Symbol:
Here, nb, nr, and ny are absolute refractive constants for blue, red, and yellow light. More accurate values are obtained by using three monochromatic spectral lines of known wavelength: F (blue), C (red), and D (yellow). [DC99] |
Displacement | The distance (linear or angular) of an oscillating particle from its equilibrium position at any instant. [H76] |
Dissipation | The removal of energy from a system to overcome some form of resistive force (mechanical or electrical). Without resistance (as in motion in a vacuum and the current in a superconductor) there can be no dissipation. Dissipated energy normally appears as thermal energy. [DC99] |
Dissipative Structures | states of matter arising through bifurcation when a system is driven away from the state of thermodynamic equilibrium by external constraints exceeding a critical value. [D89] |
Dissipative System | a system satisfying the second law of thermodynamics. Such a system gives rise to irreversible processes, associated with a time-asymmetric evolution of observable quantities. [D89] |
Dissociation | When a compound separates into two or more parts. [SEF01] |
Dissociative Recombination | The capture of an electron by a positive molecular ion, after which part of the recombination energy results in the dissociation of the molecule into two neutral atoms. [BFM2006] |
Distance Ladder | see Cosmic Distance Ladder. [HH98] |
Distance Modulus | Difference between the apparent (m) and the absolute (M) magnitude of an astronomical objects: (m-M) = 5 log (r / 10) or -5 + 5 log(r), where r is in parsecs. It is a compact way to logarithically represent linear distances having an intrinsically large dynamic range. For instance, an object at 10 pc has a distance modulus of 5 mag; 1 kpc (= 1,000 pc) has a distance modulus of 10.0 mag, and 1 Mpc (= 1,000,000 pc) has a corresponding distance modulus of 25.0 mag. mag. [BFM2006] |
Distribution Function | A function that gives the relative frequency with which the value of a statistical variable may be expected to lie within any specified interval (cf. statistical error). For example, the Maxwellian distribution of velocities gives the number of particles, in different velocity intervals, in a unit volume. [H76] |
Diurnal Motion | (a) The apparent westward motion of celestial
bodies, as seen from Earth, due to the Earth's axial rotation. [H76]
![]() | The predicted value of the difference between UT1
and UTC, transmitted in code on broadcast time signals:
Diverging Lens | A lens that can refract a parallel beam into a divergent beam. Diverging lenses used in air are thinner in the middle than at the edge. They may be biconcave, plano-concave, or concavo-convex in shape. As these lenses have negative power, they are sometimes called negative lenses. Compare converging lens. [DC99] |
DLA Systems | Damped Lyman Alpha Systems are a subset of quasar absorption line systems classically defined as having HI (neutral hydrogen) column densities in excess of 2 x 1020 atoms/cm2. They are identified by their wide dmaped Lyman /alpha absorption profiles, and all DLA's (to date) show metal-line absorption. DLA's dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe and may be expected to constitute the primary reservoir of star-forming gas at high redshift. Note: Metal-Strong Damped Lyman Alpha Absorbers (MSDLA) constitute a small subset of the DLA class [BFM2006] |
DMA | Direct Memory Access An efficient electronic method of transferring digital (numerical) information or data to a computer. [McL97] |
dKe, dMe Stars | K or M dwarfs with hydrogen emission lines. [JJ95] |
DN | Data Number Also called ADU. One count or one (least significant) bit; the smallest unit of an analog-to-digital conversion system. For example, a 10-volt 16-bit system converts the range 0-10 volts into 65,536 levels or data numbers. [McL97] |
DNA | DeoxyriboNucleic Acid The macromolecule that carries the genetic information requisite to life on Earth. [F88] |
Domain | a ferromagnetic material is composed of domains, in each of which there is magnetisation in a definite direction. Neighboring domains generally have opposed directions of magnetisation because that lowers the energy of the magnetic body, so that the magnetisation per unit volume of the whole body is generally very much less than that of single domains. A domain wall is the boundary between two domains. [D89] |
Doping | The process of selectively adding known amounts of foreign atoms into the silicon (or other semiconductor) crystal to subtly change its electrical properties. If the doping results in excess electrons then the material is called n-type, if it results in an excess number of positively charged sites (holes) it is called p-type. [McL97] |
Doppler Broadening | (a) The increase in the width of a spectral line
as a result of the motion of the particles emitting or absorbing the
radiation. (see Monochromatic Radiation) [DC99]
(b) The broadening of spectral lines caused by the thermal, turbulent, or mass motions of atoms along the line of sight. Small displacements of radiation absorbed or emitted by these atoms toward longer and shorter wavelengths result in broadening of the lines. [H76] |
Doppler Effect | (a) The alteration in frequency of electromagnetic radiation due to relative motion between the source and observer. [C97]
f ' = (V + U0) f / (V - Us) where V is the speed of sound, U0 the observer's velocity, Us the source velocity, and f the source frequency.
v = v0 {[(1 - v / c) / (1 + v / c)]}1/2 Here v is the observed frequency, v0 is the emitted frequency; v is the speed of separation of source and observer, related to the speed of light c. If v is small compared to c the expression simplifies to: v = v0 (1 - v / c) [DC99]
Doppler Shift | (a) The blueshift or redshift produced by an object's
motion toward or away from us. If a star moves toward us, its light
waves get compressed and its spectrum is blueshifted; if a star moves
away from us, its light waves get stretched and its spectrum is
redshifted. The Doppler shift allows astronomers to measure the radial
velocities of stars. The Doppler shift is not responsible for the
redshifts that most galaxies exhibit; that is a cosmological
redshift. [C95]
S Doradus | A supergiant eclipsing binary (an Eta Carinae-type object) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It has a period of about 40 years. [H76] |
30 Doradus (NGC 2070) | A giant HII region, at least 300 pc across - one of the largest known - in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It is larger and more luminous than any known in the Galaxy. It is the brightest object (Mv = - 19) in the Cloud at both optical and radio wavelengths, and contains the densest concentration of W-R stars. (The brightest object near the center is a O+ WN star of Mv = - 10.2.) It is characterized by very rapid, disordered, and complex motions. [H76] |
Double Bond | A pair of shared electrons. Atoms at either end cannot rotate around the bond. Also called pi bond or James-James. [SEF01] |
Double Cluster in Perseus | see h and |
Double Galaxies | Two galaxies in orbit about each other; same as "binary galaxies." [LB90] |
Double Radio Source | A radio galaxy, the bulk of whose radio emission comes from two sources on opposite sides of the visual galaxy. The radiation is presumably the result of an explosion in the nucleus of the parent galaxy, which caused the ejection at high speed of energetic particles in two opposite directions. About one-third of all known radio galaxies are double sources. [H76] |
Double Star | (a) A ``system" of two stars that appear - because of
coincidental alignment when viewed from Earth - to be close together;
it is, however, an optical effect only, and therefore not the same as
a binary star system (although until the twentieth century there were
few means of distinguishing double and binary stars). [A84]
Doublet | (a) A compound lens with two elements, often in
contact. The purpose is usually to reduce aberrations. If the lenses
are in contact, the power of the doublet is the sum of the powers of
the elements.
DQE | Detective Quantum Efficiency The ratio of the actual number of detected photoelectrons in a detector to the number of incident photons when proper account is taken of noise and other efficiency factors. [McL97] |
Diameter Distance | Any distance to a celestial object which is based upon the use of a standard ruler. [C97] |
Down | A flavor of quark. (see Flavor) [G97] |
Down-Loading | The process of passing data or a program from one computer to another, often in a hierarchical structure where the source computer is the more powerful one. [McL97] |
Draco | 1. A constellation in the northern sky. 2. A dwarf galaxy that orbits the Milky Way and lies about 250,000 light-years from the Galactic center. Draco is the least luminous galaxy known, with an absolute magnitude of -8.6. [C95] |
Draco System | A dwarf elliptical galaxy, about 80 kpc distant, the intrinsically faintest (Mv = - 8.5) member of the Local Group (next to And I-III). Diameter about 1 kpc. [H76] |
![]() | see Thuban. [H76] |
Drell-Yan Annihilation | annihilation of a quark and an antiquark, thereby producing a high energy or high momentum photon, W or Z boson. [D89] |
Draconic Month | see Nodical Month. [H76] |
Drift Curves | In radio astronomy, the output response as a function of position for a given filter as the source passes through the beam (cf. velocity profile). [H76] |
DRAGN | Double Radio Source Associated with a Galactic Nucleus Large-scale double radio sources produced by outflows (jets) that are launched by processes in active galactic nuclei. Term coined by P. Leahy in 1993 (in Jets in Extragalactic Radio Sources, eds. Röser, H.-J., & Meisenheimer, K.; Berlin: Springer-Verlag). |
DRO | Direct Read-Out [LLM96] |
Dry Ice | Solid Carbon Dioxide (CO2). An inexpensive cryogen for cooling detectors. [McL97] |
DSB | Double SideBand [LLM96] |
DSP | Digital Signal Processor A special kind of computer chip. [McL97] |
Dual, Duality, Duality Symmetries | Situation in which two or more theories appear to be completely different, yet actually give rise to identical physical consequences. [G99] |
Duality | Wave-particle Duality: the concept that
some entities
show both wave and particle properties. There are two cases.
Dual Resonance Theory | A theoretical model that was developed to explain some of the experimental properties of the scattering matrix, such as the duality between s- and t-channel scattering. It was Veneziano's version of the dual resonance model that paved the way for Nambu's string theory. [P88] |
Dubnium | A radioactive synthetic element made by
249Cf nuclei with 15N atoms. It was first
reported by workers at Dubna, a town near Moscow.
DUMAND | Deep Underwater Muon and Neutrino Detector [LLM96] |
Dumbbell Galaxies (db) | According to Matthews, Morgan and Schmidt (1964, Ap.J., 140, 35) Dumbbell (db) Galaxies are a group of objects allied to the D ("dustless") galaxies, in which two, separated but approximately equal-sized nuclei are observed in a common envelope. They may well be related to galaxies that have one or more fainter components in their envelopes. Dumbbell galaxies are then the extreme cases of very close multiple galaxies in which there are only two, but equal, components. A catalog of dumbbell galaxies can be found in Valentijn and Casertano (1988, Astron. Astrophys., 206, 27.) [H76] |
Dumbbell Nebula | A planetary nebula of large apparent diameter and low surface brightness in Vulpecula about 220 pc distant. (M27, NGC 6853) [H76] |
Duty Cycle | The fraction of time a pulsed beam is on. [H76] |
DVR | Direct Voltage Readout |
Dwarf | (a)
Luminosity Class V stars, essentially defining the Main Sequence, that
are currently supported by the fusion of hydrogen into helium in their
Dwarf Cepheids | Type I Cepheids (Spectral Class A-F) (
<Mv> +4 to +2) with periods of 1 to 3 hours.
(also called |
Dwarf Galaxy | A galaxy at the faint end of the general lumisosity function and generally exhibiting ing low surface brightness. [BFM2006] |
Dwarf Nova | (a) A
short-period binary system consisting of a hot white dwarf (or a hot
blue sdBe subdwarf) and a much cooler and slightly more massive
late-type main-sequence companion which fills its Roche lobe and is
ejecting mass onto the white dwarf through its inner Lagrangian
point. (The light from dwarf novae comes from four sources: a white
dwarf, a cool main-sequence star, a hot spot, and a disk.) The
outbursts are usually assumed to be caused by the explosive nuclear
burning of hydrogen-rich material accreted onto the surface of a
degenerate star. (see also SS Cyg star, U Gem star) [H76] |
Dwarf Stars | Main-sequence stars with masses equal to or less than that of the Sun. More generally, any star on or below the Main Sequence in the Hertzprung-Russell diagram. [F88] |
Dyad | An operator indicated by writing the symbols of two vectors without a dot or cross between them. [H76] |
Dye Laser | A widely used laser which has a solution of dye molecules as its active element, excited by photon pumping. The dye can emit over a wide range of frequencies making it an ideal source of radiation tunable across the whole visible spectrum. Its large bandwidth makes it a good source of short optical pulses. [D89] |
Dynamic Range | (a) The ratio of the maximum possible
signal (or saturation level) to the system noise floor.
Dynamical Equinox | The ascending node of the Earth's mean orbit on the Earth's equator; i.e., the intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator at which the Sun's declination is changing from south to north. (see Catalog Equinox; Equinox.) [S92] |
Dynamical Friction | (a) The process by which a large mass gets
slowed down
as it moves through a sea of smaller objects and feels their
gravitational pull. For example, a satellite galaxy that moves through
the Milky Way's dark halo gets slowed down by the dynamical friction
with the dark matter and will spiral into the Milky Way as a result.
Dynamical Method | A method of measuring the mass of a galaxy, cluster, or even the universe which makes use of the gravitational interactions of two or more bodies. [HH98] |
Dynamical Parallax | The "parallax" (i.e., distance) for a binary star whose orbit is well known, derived by using the mass-luminosity relation and Newton's generalization of Kepler's third law. [H76] |
Dynamical Time | The family of timescales introduced in 1984 to replace ephemeris time as the independent argument of dynamical theories and ephemerides. (see Barycentric Dynamical Time; Terrestrial Dynamical Time.) [S92] |
Dynamics | (a) The study of the motion and equilibrium
of systems under the influence of force(s).
Dynamo | An electric generator that employs a spinning magnetic field to produce electricity. [F88] |
Dyne | The cgs unit of force
necessary to impart an
acceleration of 1 cm sec-2 to a mass of 1 gram.
Dynode | Intermediate surface within a photomultiplier tube which emits multiple electrons when bombarded by a single electron. [McL97] |
Dysprosium | A soft malleable silvery element of the lanthanoid
series of metals. It occurs in association with other lanthanoids. One
of its few uses is as a neutron absorber in nuclear reactors; it is
also a constituent of certain magnetic alloys.