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NGC 1300. - Sandage (1961) refers to NGC 1300 as the prototype of the pure SBb(s) spiral. Burbidge and Burbidge (1962) report the detection of emission in the nucleus and also further out in the arms. The brightest HII regions are clustered along the spiral arc originating near the western end of the bar. Most of the emission regions lie on the inside edge of the luminous arms, but others are found near the outer edge of this same spiral feature. Comparable positions on the eastern arm also have a few fainter HII regions, and other HII regions are located further out in the extensions of both spiral arms. Other than the dominant dust lane along the bar (best seen in the Hubble atlas print), the dust is difficult to delineate in the spiral arms. Precise comparison of the HII regions and dust segments cannot readily be made in the outer regions.

NGC 1300 NGC 1300
NGC 1300 NGC 1300

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