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The most extensive study of the photometric disk parameters in the optical and near-IR is that of a statistically complete sample of 86 disk dominated galaxies in Roelof de Jong's thesis (1995, 1996a, b, c; de Jong & van der Kruit, 1994). Some of his conclusions are:

The truncation radius in a simple view results from the maximum specific angular momentum of the sphere from which the disk collapsed. Van der Kruit (1987), in the context the Fall & Efstathiou (1980) picture of disk galaxy formation, then predicted a value of 4.5 for the ratio, based on a Peebles (1971) spin parameter lambda = J|E|1/2 G-1 M-5/2 of 0.7. Dalcanton et al. (1997) have extended this to a models with a dispersion in the spin parameter. We have calculated model surface density profiles with their method for Mtot = 1010 - 1013 Msun and lambda = 0.01 - 0.28. These are the lines in Fig. 5b.

For completeness I mention that in many cases there is a warp in the HI-layer in the outer parts, often starting roughly at the truncation radius. This suggests that the warp material has been accreted subsequent to disk formation.

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