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Our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution is in its infancy. So far, only the first steps were given in the direction of consolidating a theory in this field. The process is apparently so complex and non-linear that several specialists do not expect the emergence of a theory in the sense that a few driving parameters and factors might explain the main body of observations. Instead, the most popular trend now is to attain some description of galaxy evolution by simulating it in expensive computational runs. I believe that simulations are a valuable tool to extend a bridge between reality and the distorted (biased) information given by observations. However, the search of basic theories for explaining galaxy formation and evolution should not be replaced by the only effort of simulating in detail what in fact we want to get. The power of science lies in its predictive capability. Besides, if galaxy theory becomes predictive, then its potential to test fundamental and cosmological theories will be enormous.

Along this notes, potential difficulties or unsolved problems of the LambdaCDM scenario were discussed. Now I summarize and complement them:




The field has plenty of open and exciting problems. The LambdaCDM scenario has survived many observational tests but it still faces the difficulties typical of a theory constructed phenomenologically and heuristically. Even if in the future it is demonstrated that CDM does not exist (which is little probable), the LambdaCDM scenario would serve as an excellent "fitting" model to reality, which would strongly help researchers in developing new theories.

Acknowledgments.- I am in debt with Dr. I. Alcántara-Ayala and R. Núñez-López for their help in the preparation of the figures. I am also grateful to J. Benda for grammar corrections, and to the Editors for their infinite patience.

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