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Lower bounds on the age of the elements can be obtained by considerations of the long lived actinide chronometers, on the assumption of a single event nucleosynthesis history. In this section, we will determine limits based upon both the 235U / 238U and the 232Th / 238U chronometer pairs.

For the case of the 235U / 238U pair, the appropriate equation is

Equation 4

where the primordial solar system ratio (Anders & Grevesse 1989) is (N235 / N238)SS = 0.317 and the r-process production ratio (here taken to be the average of the values given in our Table 2) is (P235 / P238)r-process = 1.35 ± 0.30. This yields a timescale for the epoch of nucleosynthesis of T = 1.75 ± 0.25 Gyr, and a limiting age for the Galaxy (T + tauSS) of

Equation 5

We can similarly utilize the 232Th / 238U ratio to arrive at a lower bound on the galactic age. For the case of the 232Th / 238U pair, the appropriate equation is

Equation 6

the primordial solar system ratio (Anders & Grevesse 1989) is (N232 / N238)SS = 2.32 and the r-process production ratio is (P232 / P238)r-process = 1.65 ± 0.20. This yields a timescale for the epoch of nucleosynthesis of T = 3.3 ± 1.20 Gyr, and a limiting age for the Galaxy (T + tauSS) of

Equation 7

We emphasize again that these represent firm lower limits on the galactic age. Any subsequent nucleosynthesis contributions to these nuclear chronometers would act to lengthen the age estimates.

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