12.2. Clusters of Galaxies
Clusters of galaxies provide an estimate of the baryon density because most of the gas which they contain is hot and hence visible. The baryons in gas were heated up to 8 keV through fast collisions as the clusters assembled. The mass of gas in a cluster can be estimated from the observed X-ray emission, or from the scattering of CMB photons in the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. Other baryons in stars, stellar remnants and cool gas contribute about 6% to the total baryon mass.
The cosmological baryon density is obtained from the ratio of the baryonic
mass to the total gravitating mass
Numerical simulations show that
the value of this ratio in the clusters will be similar to the cosmological
average, because the clusters are so large and massive, but slightly
smaller, because shock heating makes baryons more extended
than dark matter
The total mass of a cluster, Mt,
can be estimated from the velocity dispersion
of the galaxies, from the X-ray emission, or from the weak lensing of
background galaxies.
We then use b /
Mb /
Mt. The baryon fraction in clusters
in the last factor is about
0.10 h70-1 (SZ effect:
[185]), or
0.05 - 0.13 h70-3/2 (X-ray:
[186]), or
0.11 h70-3/2 (X-ray:
n = 0.3 ±
0.2 from a variety of methods
we get
0.03, with factor of two errors.
b estimates
are lower limits, since there might be additional unobserved baryons.