3.6.3. Large Scale Flows: Continental Drift in the Nearby Universe?
The Aaronson et al. 1986 data set was restricted to the declination range
of the Arecibo Observatory as they used the TF relation to measure
the distances and Vc was obtained from 21-cm neutral hydrogen
emission profiles in rotating disk galaxies. From that dataset
Aaronson et al. (1986) set a limit of
500 km s-1 on the
random motion,
due to the large scale mass distribution, of clusters of galaxies. This
argues that, for distant clusters,
only small corrections are needed to transform from observed
velocity to cosmic velocity. Hydra-Cen is located in the Southern
Hemisphere (and hence unobservable from Arecibo) at an observed velocity
of 4500 km/s. The Aaronson et al. limit of 500 km s-1 thus is only a
10% perturbation in the cosmic velocity of Hydra-Cen.
The Aaronson et al. 1986 paper was published in March. Two months prior to that was a conference entitled "Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion" which was held on the Kona coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. The meeting was noteworthy in two respects 1) boring presentations could be compensated for by a quick dip in the ocean, 100 yards away and 2) the first data were presented that the Hydra-Cen supercluster had a much larger peculiar velocity than was allowed for by the Aaronson et al. 1986 data. In every respect, this data would change our perception of the local Universe forever and ultimately lead to heated debates in the professional journals as to exactly how noisy the local Hubble flow was. To date, this situation has not been resolved (see the excellent and comprehensive review of Strauss and Willick 1995).
The principle fault of the Aaronson et al. sample was its limited
sky coverage. A proper mapping of the large scale flow pattern
requires an all-sky sample.
In the early 80s, a team of astronomers led by Sandy Faber of the
University of California at Santa Cruz developed a method that was
similar to the TF method but which could be applied to elliptical
galaxies. Recall that the TF method works under the assumptions that
the circular velocity Vc of a rotating disk galaxy is
driven by its
total mass. If there is little variation in the ratio of Mass to
Luminosity (M / L) then Vc is a measure
of intrinsic luminosity.
Elliptical galaxies are non-rotating and are supported by the internal
velocity dispersion (v)
of its stars. More massive ellipticals
have deeper gravitational potentials and hence higher values of
If M / L for ellipticals has little variation then
v is
an indicator of intrinsic luminosity. There are two sources of error
associated with this method that were originally too large to make
it competitive with the TF relation. These error sources are:
anisotropy in the orbits of
the stars in ellipticals. Just
as the TF relation demands that rotating disk galaxies are circularly
symmetric, the
method demands that the orbits of the stars
are isotropic. This is because we only measure the radial component
v. If the orbits
are anisotropic then our value of
will depend on the orientation of the long axis of these anisotropic
orbits with respect to the observer.
v has a radial
dependence in elliptical galaxies which
means that observational determinations of
v are aperture dependent.
The same problem exists in the TF relation as measurements of
Vc are
also aperture dependent as the rotational velocity of a galaxy is a function
of radial distance from the center. For spiral galaxies, however,
can be determined from an aperture which is larger than the galaxy itself and
hence contains the whole rotation curve. This is the main advantage of 21-cm
neutral hydrogen observations. For elliptical galaxies, its impossible
to measure
v through
a large aperture because the signal comes
from the integrated brightnesses or all the stars and hence is dominated
by the central highest surface brightness regions of the elliptical.
The first source of error can not really be overcome although dynamical
models of ellipticals are consistent with a low degree of anisotropy.
The second problem was solved by the combined talents of Alan Dressler,
David Burstein, Roger Davies and Donald-Lynden Bell who were all
members of Faber's elite team. After looking
at the v data for
ellipticals for many years, they concluded
that improvement in Faber's original method (e.g., Faber and Jackson
1976) could occur if apertures
which enclosed a constant surface brightness from one elliptical to
the next were selected. Using this method to define the aperture in which
to measure
v gave
rise to the Dn-
relation for measuring
relative distances between elliptical galaxies. The scatter in this
relation is similar to that in the TF relation and thus
is now competitive with the TF relation.
The Dn-
method has the advantage that only optical telescopes
are required and hence it can be applied to any elliptical galaxy in the
sky. The Dn-
group (see Dressler's 1994 book Voyage to
the Great Attractor for a detailed summary of the work of this group)
made measurements in regions of the sky that Aaronson et al. could not
cover. This fuller sky coverage revealed disconcertingly large deviations
from expansion motion (see Dressler et al. 1987). For the Aaronson et al.
group, these results were most distressing because they meant that
a reliable determination of H0 from cluster data was
probably not
possible. Furthermore, if Hydra-Cen is moving with respect to the CMB
then it cannot be the sole source of the observed DA and a more distant
mass concentration is required if the motion is gravitational in origin.
What is even more interesting was the possibility that the entire
region from the Milky Way to the Hydra-Cen supercluster was moving at
600 km s-1. This motion is referred to as bulk flow
and suggests
a kind of plate tectonic model for the nearby Universe in which large regions
are streaming, at a constant velocity, towards distant mass concentrations.
But, what mass concentration could produce acceleration over such large of
Additional analysis of the elliptical galaxy data by Lynden-Bell etal (1988)
lead to a model in which the idea of bulk flow was replaced by an infall
pattern that was driven by a rather large mass concentration. This
mass concentration has been dubbed ''The Great Attractor''(GA) and is the
subject of Dressler's book. The putative GA lies behind the
Hydra-Cen supercluster at a kinematical distance of 4350 km s-1.
Infall of Hydra-Cen, the Local Supercluster and our Galaxy toward the
Great Attractor (GA) then accounts for the observed positive peculiar
velocities. Thus, the LG feels both the accelerations of the
Virgo cluster and the GA and the relative
normalization of these two
vectors depends on and the
relative overdensities
of the two mass concentrations.