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6.2.2. Deep Galaxy Counts: The Mystery of the Faint Blue Galaxies

The second method of estimating the space density of galaxies can be done by doing deep galaxy counts and plotting the surface density of galaxies as a function of their apparent flux. In principle, if all galaxies had the same luminosity as a function of redshift (or you had an independent way of picking galaxies of the same luminosity, say through some kind of filter selection) this diagram is very sensitive to the geometry of the universe and hence Omega. Realistically, the stellar populations of galaxies do evolve and hence one expects moderate to strong luminosity evolution for galaxies. The history of using deep galaxy counts as a cosmological probe is that of inconsistent, ambiguous and confusing results. The naive expectation is that 1) faint galaxies should, in general be red (due to the effects of redshift) and 2) have number counts that decline significantly more rapidly than (1 + z)3 since the volume per unit area decreases with distance in cosmologies based on the Robertson-Walker metric. When the first deep counts came in, based on long exposure 4-m photographic plates, it quickly became apparent that neither of these two effects was seen in the data (e.g., Koo and Kron 1982). Most noticeable was a significant population of rather faint but fairly blue galaxies. These galaxies are known as Faint Blue Galaxies (FBGs). Several other surveys verified the existence of the FBG population. This led to a widely accepted model in which these galaxies were experiencing a phase of significantly enhanced star formation. The high number density of FBGs could best be explained if these galaxies were located at redshifts z = 1-3 and thus a very large volume was being sampled.

However, by the late 80's the advent of multi-object fiber spectroscopy meant that a deep field containing several FBGs could be exposed for several hours, thus returning spectra of sufficient quality for redshift measurements. In general, these redshift surveys showed that the FBGs were primarily a low redshift population (z leq 0.7) (Broadhurst et al. 1988, Colless et al. 1993, Glazebrook et al. 1995). In general, blue galaxies imply significant star fromation. In the basic CDM scenario, relatively late formation of galaxies is possible. Hence, the FBGs may represent galaxies undergoing their initial bursts of star formation, several billion years after the Universe was formed. The exact conditions that would cause this delayed star formation are not well understood. One possibility is that the gas in these potentials was ionized early on and took a few billion years to cool. However, in this scenario would has to 1) identify the sources of ionization and 2) explain why only this population was effected. The latter can be partially explained if the FBGs are relatively low mass and low density galaxies.

Still, high-redshift FBGs have been detected. Cowie and Lilly (1988) were among the first to identify a high redshift (z geq 2.5) population of FBGs. This high redshift population has been confirmed by a number of others, most recently Steidel et al. (1996) who present indisputable evidence that star forming galaxies exist out to at least z approx 3.5. These observations demonstrate that FBGs can be found over a wide redshift range and hence are a very heterogeneous population.

The nature of the FBGs seen in the deep count data, therefore continues to be elusive. If the FBGs however, are a significant population at moderate redshifts then they must somehow disappear by z = 0. This indicates either strong luminosity or strong density evolution of the GLF. In particular if galaxy merging is occurring as a result of galaxy-galaxy interactions, then galaxy number is not conserved and number density of galaxies increases with redshift. This is a serious complication for structure formation theories that attempt to predict the GLF since it implies that the normalization of the GLF changes with redshift. Patton et al. (1996) derive a merging rate, for a sample of intermediate redshift galaxies, of (1 + z)2.9 ± 0.9. This exponent is close to the expected (1 + z)3 volume evolution, although the observed error bar is too large to confirm this. The other possibility of strong luminosity evolution suggests that the FBGs have a star formation history that allows them to rapidly fade so that by z = 0 they are extremely LSB and faint galaxies. This latter prediction is also testable to some extent (see below).

In the last 4 years, advances in detector technology have paved the way for performing deep galaxy counts at near-IR wavelengths. Figure 6-4 summarizes the current status of the deep count data. Note that in some cases there does not appear to be a significant turnover in the counts even down to very low flux levels. Whether this is a result of accessing a huge volume (i.e. the faintest galaxies are at the highest redshifts) or a reflection of a very steep faint end slope of the GLF (i.e. the faintest galaxies represent a very numerous population of low mass objects) is unclear. In addition, there appears to be a major inconsistency between the optical and the near-IR counts. Compared to the simple no evolution (NE) models, the optical counts exceed the predicted counts by approximately a factor of 10 down to an apparent magnitude limit of B = 25. In contrast, the near-IR counts are significantly lower and are fully consistent with the NE model. Recent redshift surveys have shown that the distribution in redshift space of faint galaxies is also quite consistent with the NE model. In particular, the mild luminosity evolution models, popular in the mid 80's, clearly would predict a tail of z geq 1 objects in the redshift distribution which is not observed. In addition, the FBGs generally have emission lines (indicative of star formation) and are more weakly clustered than redder galaxies of the same apparent flux.

Figure 6-4

Figure 6-4: Summary of recent deep count data in various wavebands provided by Dave Koo and Caryl Grownwall.

There are several possible explanations for the FBGs some of which are quite relevant to the question of where the baryons are at z = 0. We list and comment on the most popular below:

bullet The FBGs are a population of star bursting dwarf galaxies located at modest redshift. This suggestion takes advantage of the fact that in any GLF with alpha leq -1, low mass dwarf galaxies dominate the space density. To produce the FBGs, however, these dwarf galaxies have to be at least an order of magnitude brighter at these modest redshifts which requires a fairly significant star formation rate. Subsequent heating of the ISM by massive stars and supernova should be sufficient to heat it beyond the escape velocity of these low mass systems (see Wyse and Silk 1985). These galaxies would have a significant phase of baryonic blowout after which they fade to very low absolute luminosities and are hard to detect at z = 0. This mechanism effectively gives the Universe a channel for making baryons "disappear" with time.

bullet The number density of galaxies is not conserved and the FBGs merge with other galaxies. It is difficult to support this hypothesis because 1) the FGBs are already weakly clustered and 2) the required merging rate is significantly higher than the rate measured at modest redshift by Patton et al. (1996). The merger idea works best if the FBGs are predominately at higher redshift, where the merger rate is higher owing to the much smaller volume of the Universe.

bullet Over the redshift interval which contains most of the FBGs, the volume is larger due to a positive cosmological constant. Non-zero Lambda Universes have larger volumes per unit redshift interval compared to Lambda = 0 models. As in the case of fits to the power spectrum, non-zero Lambda models also fit the deep count data rather well, although if the FBGs are primarily at low redshift (z leq 0.7), the volume effect is less pronounced.

bullet The FGBs represent an entirely new population of galaxies - one defined by a star formation history and or initial mass function that allows only a limited window of visibility before the galaxies fade to extremely low surface brightness levels by z = 0. In general, its always dangerous to introduce a new population of objects in the Universe without strongly considering the possibilities of detecting the relic population (see below).

bullet The apparently high number density of the FBGs is an artifact of uncertainties in the determination of the local GLF (see Gronwall and Koo 1995). In particular, the faint end slope of the GLF has been seriously underestimated from nearby samples (Sprayberry et al. 1997). This possibility remains highly viable (see below) and in fact, incorporating a steeper faint end slope can remove much of the apparent excess.

bullet The local normalization (Phi(0)) of the GLF is too low. This could result if, for instance, deep surveys were more efficient at selecting LSB galaxies than nearby surveys. While the evidence presented below strongly supports this idea, the effect of increasing the space density at z = 0 can only partially offset the excess FGB counts. A much larger lever arm is provide by increasing alpha. v

Very recently, Lilly et al. (1995) (see also Eillis et al. 1996) have presented a redshift survey of approx 500 faint galaxies. Their sample has excellent quality control and is fairly free from selection effects and is primarily aimed at determining the GLF up to a approx 1. Their results have helped clear some of the confusion cited above. Their principle result is that, for blue galaxies, there is a change in the GLF by approximately one magnitude between z approx 0.38 and z approx 0.62 and then another magnitude between z approx 0.62 and z approx 0.85. Moreover, many of these galaxies have been observed with HST in order to measure characteristic surface brightnesses. Schade et al. 1995 find that for these blue galaxies, their disks are approx 1 magnitude higher in surface brightness at z = 0.8 than z = 0.3. Taken together this consitutes rather strong evidence for luminosity evolution in the FBGs. For a 15 Gyr universe, there is approximately 3.3 billion years between z = 0.85 and z = 0.38. The data indicate that a typical FGB would decline in luminosity by a factor of 6 over this time period. This is a modest decline that is quite consistent with standard population synthesis models involving a normal IMF. The decline in luminosity is primarily a reflection of the disappearance of the upper main sequence. At this rate, by z = 0, these galaxies will certainly not have faded to levels that preclude their detection, although many would be of LSB.

In contrast to the blue galaxies, the LF for the red galaxies appears to show very little change back to z approx 1. As its these objects which should dominate the near-IR counts, the lack of evolution seen in those counts is not surprising. Still caution should be exercised in the interpretation of "blue" vs "red" as the color distinction is based on the colors of local galaxies (e.g., those of class Sbc) and its unclear if the Lilly et al. division really allows one to be comparing the same galaxies at high redshift to those nearby. For instance, one could get LF evolution with redshift for the "blue galaxies" because galaxy types that are in their "blue sample" at high redshift are in fact one's which would be in their definition of a "red sample" at low redshift due to natural evolution of their stellar populations. Adding to this confusion is the study of Im et al (1996) whose morphologically selected sample of E and SO galaxies does exhibit LF evolution between z = 0.5 and z = 1 of approx 1 mag. The weakness of that study is that, unlike the Lilly et al. sample, the Im et al. sample uses photometric redshifts, which are probably highly uncertain.

In sum, it seems likely that there are two main populations of galaxies in the Universe - those that are evolving very slowly and those that are showing mild to perhaps rapid luminosity evolution. By z = 0, these two populations should evolve to a population of galaxies which exhibits a wide range of surface brightnesses. If this is the case, then their could be a population of sufficiently diffuse galaxies that have escaped our detection. In turn, this would give rise to the "missing" baryon problem as well as providing the illusion that there are more galaxies at high redshift than at low redshift. For many years, this wide range of surface brightness was not seen in the data. However, once the effects of surface brightness selection of galaxies became understood, these "missing" galaxies were found, and found in large numbers. What follows is the story of that particular scientific journey.

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