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7.1 The Least Squares Method

Let us suppose that measurements at n points, xi, are made of the variable yi with an error sigmai (i = 1, 2, . . ., n), and that it is desired to fit a function f(x; a1, a1, . . ., am) to these data where a1, a1, . . ., am, are unknown parameters to be determined. Of course, the number of points must be greater than the number of parameters. The method of least squares states that the best values of aj are those for which the sum

Equation 70 (70)

is a minimum. Examining (70) we can see that this is just the sum of the squared deviations of the data points from the curve f(xi) weighted by the respective errors on yi. The reader might also recognize this as the chi-square in (22). for this reason, the method is also sometimes referred to as chi-square minimization. Strictly speaking this is not quite correct as yi must be Gaussian distributed with mean f(xi; aj) and variance sigmai2 in order for S to be a true chi-square. However, as this is almost always the case for measurements in physics, this is a valid hypothesis most of the time. The least squares method, however, is totally general and does not require knowledge of the parent distribution. If the parent distribution is known the method of maximum likelihood may also be used. In the case of Gaussian distributed errors this yields identical results.

To find the values of aj, one must now solve the system of equations

Equation 71 (71)

Depending on the function f(x), (71) may or may not yield on analytic solution. In general, numerical methods requiring a computer must be used to minimize S.

Assuming we have the best values for aj, it is necessary to estimate the errors on the parameters. For this, we form the so-called covariance or error matrix, Vij,

Equation 72 (72)

where the second derivative is evaluated at the minimum. (Note the second derivatives form the inverse of the error matrix). The diagonal elements Vij can then be shown to be the variances for ai, while the off-diagonal elements Vij represent the covariances between ai and aj. Thus,

Equation 73 (73)

and so on.

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