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7.2 Linear Fits. The Straight Line

In the case of functions linear in their parameters aj, i.e., there are no terms which are products or ratios of different aj, (71) can be solved analytically. Let us illustrate this for the case of a straight line

Equation 74 (74)

where a and b are the parameters to be determined. Forming S, we find

Equation 75 (75)

Taking the partial derivatives with respect to a and b, we then have the equations

Equation 76 (76)

To simplify the notation, let us define the terms

Equation 77 (77)

Using these definitions, (76) becomes

Equation 78 (78)

This then leads to the solution,

Equation 79 (79)

Our work is not complete, however, as the errors on a and b must also be determined. Forming the inverse error matrix, we then have

Equation 80 where (80)

Equation 80a

Inverting (80), we find

Equation 81 (81)

so that

Equation 82 (82)

To complete the process, now, it is necessary to also have an idea of the quality of the fit. Do the data, in fact, correspond to the function f(x) we have assumed? This can be tested by means of the chi-square. This is just the value of S at the minimum. Recalling Section 2.4, we saw that if the data correspond to the function and the deviations are Gaussian, S should be expected to follow a chi-square distribution with mean value equal to the degrees of freedom, nu. In the above problem, there are n independent data points from which m parameters are extracted. The degrees of freedom is thus nu = n - m. In the case of a linear fit, m = 2, so that nu = n - 2. We thus expect S to be close to nu = n - 2 if the fit is good. A quick and easy test is to form the reduced chi-square

Equation 83 (83)

which should be close to 1 for a good fit.

A more rigorous test is to look at the probability of obtaining a chi2 value greater than S, i.e., P(chi2 geq S). This requires integrating the chi-square distribution or using cumulative distribution tables. In general, if P(chi2 geq S) is greater than 5%, the fit can be accepted. Beyond this point, some questions must be asked.

An equally important point to consider is when S is very small. This implies that the points are not fluctuating enough. Barring falsified data, the most likely cause is an overestimation of the errors on the data points, if the reader will recall, the error bars represent a 1sigma deviation, so that about 1/3 of the data points should, in fact, be expected to fall outside the fit!

Example 6. Find the best straight line through the following measured points

x 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 0.92 4.15 9.78 14.46 17.26 21.90
sigma 0.5 1.0 0.75 1.25 1.0 1.5

Applying (75) to (82), we find

a = 4.227 b = 0.878

sigma(a) = 0.044 sigma(b) = 0.203 and
cov(a, b) = - 0.0629.

To test the goodness-of-fit, we must look at the chi-square

chi2 = 2.078

for 4 degrees of freedom. Forming the reduced chi-square, chi2 / nu appeq 0.5, we can see already that his is a good fit. If we calculate the probability P(chi2 > 2.07) for 4 degrees of freedom, we find P appeq 97.5% which is well within acceptable limits.

Example 7. For certain nonlinear functions, a linearization may be affected so that the method of linear least squares becomes applicable. One case is the example of the exponential, (69), which we gave at the beginning of this section. Consider a decaying radioactive source whose activity is measured at intervals of 15 seconds. The total counts during each period are given below.

t [s] 1 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135
N [cts] 106 80 98 75 74 73 49 38 37 22

What is the lifetime for this source?

The obvious procedure is to fit (69) to these data in order to determine tau. Equation (69), of course, is nonlinear, however it can be linearized by taking the logarithm of both sides. This then yields

Equation 83a

Setting y = ln N, a = -1/tau and b = ln N0, we see that this is just a straight line, so that our linear least-squares procedure can be used. One point which we must be careful about, however, is the errors. The statistical errors on N, of course, are Poissonian, so that sigma(N) = sqrtN. In the fit, however, it is the logarithm of N which is being used. The errors must therefore be transformed using the propagation of errors formula; we then have

Equation 83b

Using (75) to (82) now, we find

a = - 1/tau = - 0.008999 sigma(a) = 0.001

b = ln N0 = 4.721 sigma(b) = 0.064.

The lifetime is thus

tau = 111 ± 12 s.

The chi-square for this fit is chi2 = 15.6 with 8 degrees of freedom. The reduced chi-square is thus 15.6/8 appeq 1.96, which is somewhat high. If we calculate the probability P(chi2 > 15) appeq 0.05, however, we find that the fit is just acceptable. The data and the best straight line are sketched in Fig. 7 on a semi-log plot.

While the above fit is acceptable, the relatively large chi-square should, nevertheless, prompt some questions. For example, in the treatment above, background counts were ignored. An improvement in our fit might therefore be obtained if we took this into account. If we assume a constant background, then the equation to fit would be

N(t) = N0 exp(-t / tau) + C.

Figure 7

Fig. 7. Fit to data of Example 7. Note that the error bars of about 1/3 of the points do not touch the fitted line. This is consistent with the Gaussian nature of the measurements. Since the region defined by the errors bars (± 1sigma) comprises 68% of the Gaussian distribution (see Fig. 5), there is a 32% chance that a measurement will exceed these limits!

Another hypothesis could be that the source has more than one decay component in which case the function to fit would be a sum of exponentials. These forms unfortunately cannot be linearized as above and recourse must be made to nonlinear methods. In the special case described above, a non-iterative procedure [Refs: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] exists which may also be helpful.

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