4.4. Testcase #4
We now illustrate how to use PopRatio to calculate collisionally excited emission line intensity ratios.
As an example we take the UV intercombination multiplet 2s2p2 4P -> 2s22p 2Po of C II at 2325 Å. Intensities ratios of lines belonging to this multiplet may serve as a useful indicator of electronic densities in the range 107 ne 1010 cm-3 [23, 24]. These lines have been observed in the spectra of a variety of astronomical objects: planetary nebulae [25], giant stars [26, 27], symbiotic stars [28] and in the solar chromosphere and transition region [29].
The emissivity of a line is given by [4]:
We calculate the following emissivity ratios as a function of electronic
We take into account collisions by electrons and protons and
fluorescence induced by a black
body radiation field of temperature T* = 4000K
attenuated by a geometric dilution factor
f = 0.5 (which might be representative of a stellar chromosphere).
In the high density limit function LTEDEV is called to show that the
level populations differ from LTE conditions by less than 0.4%.
To run this testcase the user must include the black body radiation
field in the body of function URAD in module POPRATIO:
urad = Planck(4.0E3_WP,c/lambda*1.0E8_WP)