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2.3. Helium-3 - Complicated Evolution

As may be seen in Fig. 1, the predicted primordial abundance of 3He behaves similarly to that of D, decreasing monotonically with eta. Again, the reason is the same: 3He is being burned to the more tightly bound nucleus 4He. The higher the nucleon abundance, the faster the burning and the less 3He survives. In contrast to the behavior of D/H versus eta, the decrease of 3He/H with increasing eta is much slower. This is simply a reflection of the much tighter binding of 3He compared to D. Although the BBN predictions for the abundance of 3He have similarly small uncertainties (8 - 10%) to those of D, it is much more difficult to exploit the observations of 3He to test and constrain BBN. The complication is the evolutionary history of the 3He abundance since BBN.

Although any deuterium cycled through stars is burned to he during the stars' pre-main sequence evolution, 3He will survive in the cooler stellar exteriors while being destroyed in the hotter interiors. For the more abundant lower mass stars which are cooler, a larger fraction of prestellar 3He (along with the 3He produced from prestellar D) survives. Indeed, for sufficiently low-mass stars (less than a few solar masses) incomplete burning actually leads to a buildup of newly synthesized 3He (to be contrasted with the prestellar D and 3He) which may - or may not - be returned to the interstellar medium. In fact, some planetary nebulae are observed to be highly enriched in 3He. So, the evolution of 3He is complex with stellar destruction competing with primordial and stellar production. Indeed, if all low mass stars were as prolific producers of 3He as indicated by some planetary nebulae, the solar system and local interstellar medium abundances of 3He should far exceed those inferred from observations. Thus, at least some low mass stars must be net destroyers of 3He. Given this necessarily complex and uncertain picture of production, destruction and survival, it is difficult to use current observational data to infer the primordial abundance of 3He. Unless and until 3He is observed in high redshift (i.e., early Universe), low metallicity (i.e., nearly unevolved) systems, it will provide only a weak check on the consistency of BBN.

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