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1.2. Dynamics

Everything discussed so far has been "geometrical", relying only on the form of the Robertson-Walker metric. To make further progress in understanding the evolution of the universe, it is necessary to determine the time dependence of the scale factor a(t). Although the scale factor is not an observable, the expansion rate, the Hubble parameter, H = H(t), is.

Equation 1.8 (1.8)

The present value of the Hubble parameter, often referred to as the Hubble "constant", is H0 ident H(t0) ident 100 h km s-1Mpc-1 (throughout, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the subscript "0" indicates the present time). The inverse of the Hubble parameter provides an expansion timescale, H0-1 = 9.78 h-1 Gyr. For the HST Key Project (Freedman et al. 2001) value of H0 = 72 km s-1Mpc-1 (h = 0.72), H0-1 = 13.6 Gyr.

The time-evolution of H describes the evolution of the universe. Employing the Robertson-Walker metric in the Einstein equations of General Relativity (relating matter/energy content to geometry) leads to the Friedmann equation

Equation 1.9 (1.9)

It is convenient to introduce a dimensionless density parameter, Omega, defined by

Equation 1.10 (1.10)

We may rearrange eq. 9 to highlight the relation between matter content and geometry

Equation 1.11 (1.11)

Although, in general, a, H, and Omega are all time-dependent, eq. 11 reveals that if ever Omega < 1, then it will always be < 1 and in this case the universe is open (kappa < 0). Similarly, if ever Omega > 1, then it will always be > 1 and in this case the universe is closed (kappa > 0). For the special case of Omega = 1, where the density is equal to the "critical density" rhocrit ident 3H2 / 8pi G, Omega is always unity and the universe is flat (Euclidean 3-space sections; kappa = 0).

The Friedmann equation (eq. 9) relates the time-dependence of the scale factor to that of the density. The Einstein equations yield a second relation among these which may be thought of as the surrogate for energy conservation in an expanding universe

Equation 1.12 (1.12)

For "matter" (non-relativistic matter; often called "dust"), p << rho, so that rho / rho0 = (a0 / a)3. In contrast, for "radiation" (relativistic particles) p = rho / 3, so that rho / rho0 = (a0 / a)4. Another interesting case is that of the energy density and pressure associated with the vacuum (the quantum mechanical vacuum is not empty!). In this case p = -rho, so that rho = rho0. This provides a term in the Friedmann equation entirely equivalent to Einstein's "cosmological constant" Lambda. More generally, for p = wrho, rho / rho0 = (a0 / a)3(1+w).

Allowing for these three contributions to the total energy density, eq. 9 may be rewritten in a convenient dimensionless form

Equation 1.13 (1.13)

where Omega ident OmegaM + OmegaR + OmegaLambda.

Since our universe is expanding, for the early universe (t << t0) a << a0, so that it is the "radiation" term in eq. 13 which dominates; the early universe is radiation-dominated (RD). In this case a propto t1/2 and rho propto t-2, so that the age of the universe or, equivalently, its expansion rate is fixed by the radiation density. For thermal radiation, the energy density is only a function of the temperature (rhoR propto T4).

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