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1.2.1. Counting Relativistic Degrees of Freedom

It is convenient to write the total (radiation) energy density in terms of that in the CMB photons

Equation 1.14 (1.14)

where geff counts the "effective" relativistic degrees of freedom. Once geff is known or specified, the time - temperature relation is determined. If the temperature is measured in energy units (kT), then

Equation 1.15 (1.15)

If more relativistic particles are present, geff increases and the universe would expand faster so that, at fixed T, the universe would be younger. Since the synthesis of the elements in the expanding universe involves a competition between reaction rates and the universal expansion rate, geff will play a key role in determining the BBN-predicted primordial abundances.

Photons are vector bosons. Since they are massless, they have only two degress of freedom: geff = 2. At temperature T their number density is ngamma = 411(T / 2.726K)3 cm-3 = 1031.5TMeV3 cm-3, while their contribution to the total radiation energy density is rhogamma = 0.261 (T / 2.726K)4 eV cm-3. Taking the ratio of the energy density to the number density leads to the average energy per photon < Egamma > = rhogamma / ngamma = 2.70 kT. All other relativistic bosons may be simply related to photons by

Equation 1.16 (1.16)

The gB are the boson degrees of freedom (1 for a scalar, 2 for a vector, etc.). In general, some bosons may have decoupled from the radiation background and, therefore, they will not necessarily have the same temperature as do the photons (TB neq Tgamma).

Accounting for the difference between the Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions, relativistic fermions may also be related to photons

Equation 1.17 (1.17)

gF counts the fermion degrees of freedom. For example, for electrons (spin up, spin down, electron, positron) gF = 4, while for neutrinos (lefthanded neutrino, righthanded antineutrino) gF = 2.

Accounting for all of the particles present at a given epoch in the early (RD) evolution of the universe,

Equation 1.18 (1.18)

For example, for the standard model particles at temperatures Tgamma approx few MeV there are photons, electron-positron pairs, and three "flavors" of lefthanded neutrinos (along with their righthanded antiparticles). At this stage all these particles are in equilibrium so that Tgamma = Te = Tnu where nu ident nue, nuµ, nutau. As a result

Equation 1.19 (1.19)

leading to a time - temperature relation: t = 0.74 T-2Mev sec.

As the universe expands and cools below the electron rest mass energy, the e± pairs annihilate, heating the CMB photons, but not the neutrinos which have already decoupled. The decoupled neutrinos continue to cool by the expansion of the universe (Tnu propto a-1), as do the photons which now have a higher temperature Tgamma = (11/4)1/3Tnu (ngamma / nnu = 11/3). During these epochs

Equation 1.20 (1.20)

leading to a modified time - temperature relation: t = 1.3 TMev-2 sec.

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