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Table 1 contains observational data for the 1544 Markarian objects aligned in 15 columns, which are described below.

Table 1. Table 1. Properties of Markarian Galaxies

Mrk R.A. Decl. Morph. SC AC Z D"(J) D" (F) R(J) R(F) m(J) m(F) E(B - V) P.A.(J) P.A.(F) Nn J H K Notes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

1... 01 16 07.26 33 05 21.3 2 sd2e Sy2 0.0159 40.8 43.9 0.68 0.6 15.2 13.6 0.06 68 70 1 12.27 11.61 11.17 s
2... 01 54 53.84 36 55 04.7 1 B s2 SB 0.0188 47.94 43.9 0.87 0.86 13.9 13 0.081 171 177 1 11.7 10.95 10.64 s
3... 06 15 36.32 71 02 15.3 -2 ds2e Sy2 0.0135 97.92 80.58 0.92 0.84 14.2 12.7 0.189 25 29 0 10.03 9.29 8.97 s
4... 06 27 59.78 74 18 6.7 5 B sd2e: SB 0.0177 104.04 98.9 0.43 0.39 14.6 13.3 0.119 17 22 0 11.42 10.76 10.41 s, z
5... 06 42 15.71 75 37 38.1 11 d1e WR 0.0026 34.68 32.6 0.68 0.62 15.7 15 0.087 13 2 nd
6... 06 52 11.99 74 25 38.2 0 s1e Sy1.5 0.0185 55.08 53 0.61 0.58 14.8 13.4 0.136 130 129 0 11.08 10.22 9.56 s
7... 07 28 12.06 72 34 27.8 10 d2 e 0.0102 53.04 52 0.6 0.57 14.7 13.3 0.031 22 24 0 12.78 12.17 12.22 s
8... 07 29 25.41 72 07 44.7 10 d1 e 0.012 63.24 62.2 0.77 0.75 14.2 13.2 0.026 179 165 0 12.59 11.87 11.58 s
9... 07 36 56.99 58 46 13.5 1 s1e: Sy1 0.0399 37.74 33.7 0.95 0.97 15.2 13.7 0.058 29 37 0 12.14 11.31 10.59 s
10... 07 47 28.85 60 56 2.1 3 s1e: Sy1 0.0293 110.16 92.8 0.43 0.44 13.6 13.1 0.047 123 120 0 11.36 10.74 10.35 s

Note: To download a text version of the entire table, please click here.

Column (1). - Markarian number as it appears in the original lists. For objects newly added to the database, we add an "a" or "b" letter designation (e.g., Mrk 799a and 799b). In all cases, the eastern galaxy or component is labeled "a," and the western galaxy or component with "b." There are three duplications in the lists. Mrk 107 is the same object as Mrk 20, Mrk 1318 is Mrk 49, and Mrk 890 is Mrk 503.

Columns (2) and (3). - Equatorial coordinates (equinox J2000.0).

Column (4). - The morphological description of the galaxy. The numerical coding used here for the morphological description of the galaxies is a slightly modified and simplified version of the morphological types T given in the RC3 catalog. The following codes were used: E = -5; E/S0 = -3; S0 = -2; S0/a = 0; Sa = 1; Sab = 2; Sb = 3; Sbc = 4; Sc = 5; Scd = 6; Sd = 7; Sdm = 8; Sm = 9; Im = 10; Im/BCD = 11; BCD/Im = 12; BCD = 13; Compact = 14; Interacting system or Merger = 15; and H II region = 16. A bar is marked by "B."

Column (5). - Spectral classification according to M+89. For newly added Markarian objects spectral classes are from descriptions of these objects in the original lists.

Column (6). - Activity class, when available, and description of the spectra according to M+89. The various Seyfert classes are denoted by the symbols "Sy1," "Sy1.5," "Sy1.8," "Sy1.9," and "Sy2." The symbol "Sy3" refers to LINERs. Starburst nuclei are indicated by "SB" and galaxies with Wolf-Rayet features in their spectra are indicated with the symbol "WR." QSOs, BL Lacertae objects, and Galactic stars (isolated or projected on the galaxies) are also identified. New determinations and revised AGN classes are included and described in the corresponding notes to the database.

Column (7). - Heliocentric redshifts when available. New determinations and revised redshifts are included and described in the corresponding notes to the database.

Column (8). - Major Jpg band diameter D(J) in arcseconds.

Column (9). - Major Fpg band diameter D(F) in arcseconds.

Column (10). - Axial ratio in Jpg band R(J).

Column (11). - Axial ratio in Fpg band R(F).

Column (12). - Apparent isophotal Jpg magnitude.

Column (13). - Apparent isophotal Fpg magnitude.

Column (14). - The E(B - V) galactic color excess at the position of Markarian object from HYPERLEDA and calculated according to Schlegel et al. (1998) maps.

Column (15). - Position angle in Jpg band P.A.(J). It is measured from north (P.A. = 0°) toward east between 0° and 180°. For round galaxies with axial ratio R(J) = 1.00 position angles were not measured.

Column (16). - Position angle in Fpg band P.A.(F). It is measured from north (P.A. = 0°) toward east between 0° and 180°. For round galaxies with axial ratio R(F) = 1.00 position angles were not measured.

Column (17). - Number of galaxies (N) detected within a 50 kpc projected radius. The mark "nd" (no data) in this column relates to Markarian galaxies with redshifts smaller than 0.005 for which neighbor counts were not performed.

Columns (18) - (20). - We provide near-IR J, H, and K magnitudes for 1384 Markarian galaxies. For 1372 galaxies 2MASS (e.g., Jarrett et al. 2000) total J, H, and K magnitudes are listed. For 12 Markarian galaxies, 2MASS observations are absent and for these galaxies J or J and K magnitudes are from DENIS observations (Paturel et al. 2005). These 12 galaxies are Mrk 616, 902, 964, 981, 1059, 1154, 1188, 1256, 1309, 1382, 1394 and 1504.

Column (21). - Attached notes: "s" denotes galaxies with information about their isolation or membership in the pair, triplet, group, or cluster of galaxies; "a" denotes galaxies with new and revised AGN classification; and "z" denotes galaxies with new and revised radial velocities. All notes and references to notes are available in the machine-readable table.

The database Table 1, object notes, and references are provided separately at the end of the article. A statistical investigation of the data collected in the database is in progress, and results will be presented in forthcoming papers.

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