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Because of the importance of jets to the understanding of physical processes in galaxies, classification into this Category tended to over-ride classification into other Categories. For example some objects in this Category may more properly belong to Category 15: Galaxies with Tails or Loops of Material or Debris. In addition, because accidentally superposed companions, or even stars, can sometimes give a false semblance of a jet, this Category includes some objects which may not, in fact, have jets. Many jets are very faint or narrow and it should be remembered that the best example to date of jets in a galaxy comes from NGC 1097 ( = AM 0224-302, page 1.3) which needed, however, very special treatment to make the jets apparent; the Schmidt photograph of NGC 1097 in the present Catalogue does not show even the brightest of the four jets which it possesses. In general any fairly straight feature that might be a jet was placed in Category 7. Our expectation is that the importance of these objects will justify the additional observations needed to confirm or further delineate them.

Many jets, centrally located close to the cores of high-surface-brightness galaxies would have certainly been missed in our survey due to saturation of the deeply exposed IIIa-J emulsions. Because of this effect we can assert no level of completeness for our survey with respect to interior jets.

7a. Jets from E or E-like Galaxies

AM 0427-273

In this sub-category are the elliptical central galaxies which usually have fairly broad or diffuse jets emerging from them. The first five examples show crossed jets which merit further study. In AM 2343-633 the suspected jet goes south-east from the main body and is unusually narrow. One very important jet, if confirmed, is not pictured in the present Category but instead is shown in Category 14, it is AM 4017-582 (page 14.3). In that object, the absorption penetrates to the centre, and there seems to be a sharp, luminous extension on one side of that absorption. Any connection between those two features would make this galaxy an important object to observe further. In AM 2146-350, the jet or ``tail'' which emerges from the large galaxy is sharply bounded on both sides and there appears to be ``ringing'' present on the opposite side from the jet.

AM 1224-390 picture AM 2329-410 picture AM 2138-461 picture
AM 0350-374 picture AM 0320-495 picture AM 2344-633 picture
AM 1024-342 picture AM 1158-333 picture AM 0313-765 picture
AM 0718-274 picture AM 2319-481 picture AM 2146-350 picture
AM 0058-580 picture AM 2110-810 picture AM 0257-370 picture
AM 2024-444 picture AM 0427-273 picture AM 2207-670 picture

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