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1.7.3 LambdaCDM vs. CHDM - Linear Theory

These two CDM variants were identified as the best bets in the COBE interpretation paper (Wright et al. 1992, largely based on Holtzman 1989). In order to discuss them in more detail, it will be best to start by considering the rather complicated but very illuminating Fig. 1.7, showing COBE-normalized linear CHDM and LambdaCDM power spectra P (k) compared with four observational estimates of P (k). (5) Panel (a) shows the Omega = 1 CHDM models, and Panel (b) shows the LambdaCDM models. The heavy solid curves in Panel (a) are for h = 0.5 and Omegab = 0.05. In the middle section of the figure, the highest of these curves represents the standard CDM model, and the lower ones standard CHDM (Nnu = 1) with Omeganu = 0.2 (higher) and 0.3; the medium-weight solid curves represent the corresponding CHDM models with two neutrinos equally sharing the same total neutrino mass (Nnu = 2). Note that the Nnu = 2 CHDM power spectra are significantly smaller than those for Nnu = 1 for k approx 0.04-0.4 h Mpc-1; this arises because for Nnu = 2 the neutrinos weigh half as much and correspondingly free stream over a longer distance. The result is that Nnu = 2 COBE-normalized CHDM with Omeganu approx 0.2 can simultaneously fit the abundance and correlations of clusters (PHKC95, cf. Borgani et al. 1996). The light solid curve is CDM with Gamma = Omega h = 0.2.

Figure 1.7a
Figure 1.7b

Figure 1.7. Fluctuation power spectra for COBE-DMR-normalized models: Panel (a) Omega = 1 CDM and CHDM models, Panel (b) Omega0 + OmegaLambda = 1 LambdaCDM models. The theoretical spectra are discussed in the text. The data plotted for comparison is squares - real space P (k) from angular APM data (Baugh & Efstathiou 1993), filled circles - estimate of real space P (k) from redshift galaxy and cluster data (Peacock & Dodds 1994), pentagons - IRAS 1.2 Jy redshift space P (k) (Fisher et al. 1993), open and filled triangles - CfA2 and SSRS2 redshift space P (k) (da Costa et al. 1994). At the bottom of each panel are plotted window functions for CMB anisotropy expansion coefficients al (Panel (a): quadrupole a2, and a11; Panel (b) left to right: a2 for Omega0 = 0.1, 0.3, and 1), bulk flows VR, and the rms mass fluctuation in a sphere of 8h-1 Mpc sigma8. (From Stompor, Gorski, & Banday 1995, used by permission.)

The ``bow'' superimposed on these curves represents the approximate ``pivot point'' (cf. Gorski et al. 1994) for COBE-normalized ``tilted'' models (i.e., with np neq 1), and the error bar there represents the 1sigma COBE normalization uncertainty. The window functions for various spherical harmonic coefficients al, bulk velocities VR, and sigma8 are shown in the bottom part of this figure (see caption). The bow lies above the a11 window because the statistical weight of the COBE data is greatest for angular wavenumber curlyl approx 11 (cosmic variance is greater for lower curlyl, and the ~ 7° resolution of the COBE DMR makes the uncertainty increase for higher curlyl).

The upper section of Panel (a) reproduces the curves for ``standard'' CDM (SCDM, top), Omeganu = 0.2 Nnu = 1 CHDM, and Gamma = 0.2 (light) P (k), compared with several observational P (k) (see caption). Beware of comparing apples to oranges to bananas! Note that the only one of these observational data sets, that of Baugh & Efstathiou (1993, 1994) (squares) is the real-space P (k) reconstructed from the angular APM data; that of Peacock & Dodds (1994) (filled circles) is based on the redshift-space data with a bias-dependent and Omega-dependent correction for redshift distortions and a model-dependent (Peacock & Dodds 1996, Smith et al. 1997) correction for nonlinear evolution; the others are in redshift space. Also, the observations are of galaxies, which are likely to be a biased tracer of the dark matter, while the theoretical spectra are for the dark matter itself. Moreover, as will be discussed in more detail shortly, the real-space linear P (k) are only a good approximation to the true real-space P (k) for k ltapprox 0.2 h Mpc-1; nonlinear gravitational clustering makes the actual P (k) rise about an order of magnitude above the linear power spectrum for k gtapprox 1 h Mpc-1. Thus one can see that COBE-normalized SCDM predicts a considerably higher P (k) than observations indicate. COBE-normalized Gamma = 0.2 CDM predicts a power spectrum shape in better agreement with the data, but with a normalization that is too low. But the P (k) for Omeganu = 0.2 CHDM, especially with Nnu = 2, is a pretty good fit both in shape and amplitude. The fact that the linear spectrum lies lower than the data for large k is good news for this model, since, as was just mentioned, nonlinear effects will increase the power there.

The three heavy solid curves in Panel (b) represent the P (k) for LambdaCDM with h = 0.8, Omegab = 0.02 for Omega0 = 0.1 (top, for k = 0.001h Mpc-1), 0.2, and 0.3 (bottom). The lighter curves are for the same three values of Omega0 plus 0.4 (bottom) with h = 0.5, Omegab = 0.05 (the large wiggles in the latter reflect the effect of the acoustic oscillations with a relatively large fraction of baryons). Dotted curves are for SCDM models with the same pair of h values. The observational P (k) are as in Panel (a).

Note that the power increases at small k as Omega0 decreases, with opposite behavior at large k. Also, the COBE-normalized power spectra are unaffected by the value of h for small k, but increase with h for larger k (the fact that the light h = 0.2 curve in Panel (a) is lower than SCDM reflects the same trend). The fact that the data points lie lower than any of the LambdaCDM models for k ltapprox 0.02 is worrisome for the success of LambdaCDM, but it is too early to rule out these models on this basis since various effects such as sparse sampling can lead the current observational estimates of P (k) to be too low on large scales (Efstathiou 1996). A better measurement of P (k) on such large scales k ltapprox 10-2 h Mpc-1 will be one of the most important early outputs of the next-generation very large redshift surveys: the 2° field (2DF) survey at the Anglo-Australian Telescope, and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) using a dedicated 2.5 m telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico. P (k) is much better determined for larger k by the presently available data, and the fact that the linear Omega0 = 0.2 and 0.3 curves lie higher than many of the data points for larger k means that these h = 0.8 models will lie far above the data when nonlinear effects are taken into account. This means that, unless some physical process causes the galaxies to be much less clustered than the dark matter (``anti-biasing''), such models could be acceptable only with a considerable amount of tilt - but that can make the shape of the spectrum fit more poorly.

5 The normalization is actually according to the two-year COBE data, which is about 10% higher in amplitude than the final four-year COBE data (Gorski et al. 1996), but this relatively small difference will not be important for our present purposes. Back.

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