3.3 Matter density
Many cosmological tests, such as the two just discussed, will constrain some combination of M and . It is therefore useful to consider tests of M alone, even if our primary goal is to determine . (In truth, it is also hard to constrain M alone, as almost all methods actually constrain some combination of M and the Hubble constant h = H0 / (100 km/sec/Mpc); the HST Key Project on the extragalactic distance scale finds h = 0.71 ± 0.06 [86], which is consistent with other methods [87], and what I will assume below.)
For years, determinations of M based on dynamics of galaxies and clusters have yielded values between approximately 0.1 and 0.4 - noticeably larger than the density parameter in baryons as inferred from primordial nucleosynthesis, B = (0.019 ± 0.001) h-2 0.04 [88, 89], but noticeably smaller than the critical density. The last several years have witnessed a number of new methods being brought to bear on the question; the quantitative results have remained unchanged, but our confidence in them has increased greatly.
A thorough discussion of determinations of M requires a review all its own, and good ones are available [90, 91, 92, 87, 93]. Here I will just sketch some of the important methods.
The traditional method to estimate the mass density of the universe is to ``weigh'' a cluster of galaxies, divide by its luminosity, and extrapolate the result to the universe as a whole. Although clusters are not representative samples of the universe, they are sufficiently large that such a procedure has a chance of working. Studies applying the virial theorem to cluster dynamics have typically obtained values M = 0.2 ± 0.1 [94, 90, 91]. Although it is possible that the global value of M/L differs appreciably from its value in clusters, extrapolations from small scales do not seem to reach the critical densit [95]. New techniques to weigh the clusters, including gravitational lensing of background galaxies [96] and temperature profiles of the X-ray gas [97], while not yet in perfect agreement with each other, reach essentially similar conclusions.
Rather than measuring the mass relative to the luminosity density, which may be different inside and outside clusters, we can also measure it with respect to the baryon density [98], which is very likely to have the same value in clusters as elsewhere in the universe, simply because there is no way to segregate the baryons from the dark matter on such large scales. Most of the baryonic mass is in the hot intracluster gas [99], and the fraction fgas of total mass in this form can be measured either by direct observation of X-rays from the gas [100] or by distortions of the microwave background by scattering off hot electrons (the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect) [101], typically yielding 0.1 fgas 0.2. Since primordial nucleosynthesis provides a determination of B ~ 0.04, these measurements imply
consistent with the value determined from mass to light ratios.
Another handle on the density parameter in matter comes from
properties of clusters at high redshift. The very existence
of massive clusters has been used to argue in favor of
M ~ 0.2
[102], and the
lack of appreciable
evolution of clusters from high redshifts to the present
104] provides
additional evidence that
M < 1.0.
The story of large-scale motions is more ambiguous. The
peculiar velocities of galaxies are sensitive to the underlying
mass density, and thus to
M, but also to the
``bias'' describing the relative amplitude of fluctuations in
galaxies and mass
105]. Difficulties
both in measuring the flows and in disentangling the mass density
from other effects make it difficult to draw conclusions at
this point, and at present it is hard to say much more
than 0.2
Finally, the matter density parameter can be extracted from
measurements of the power spectrum of density fluctuations
(see for example
As with the CMB, predicting
the power spectrum requires both an assumption of the correct
theory and a specification of a number of cosmological
parameters. In simple models (e.g., with only cold dark
matter and baryons, no massive neutrinos), the spectrum can be
fit (once the amplitude is normalized) by a single ``shape
parameter'', which is found to be equal to
M h. (For
more complicated models see
Observations then yield
~ 0.25,
or M ~ 0.36. For a
more careful comparison
between models and observations, see
Thus, we have a remarkable convergence on values for the
density parameter in matter:
Even without the supernova results, this determination in
concert with the CMB measurements favoring a flat universe
provide a strong case for a nonzero cosmological constant.