NOTE: This and the following web pages contain a database of short essays
from the Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia, ed.
Stephen P. Maran. They are updated weekly. This work is part
of a new effort in parallel with NED (NASA/IPAC
Extragalactic Database)
and, among contributions from the authors listed below, makes use of
NASA's Astrophysics
Data System Abstract Service.
- Antonucci, Robert. Active
Galaxies and Quasistellar Objects, Blazers
- Barnes, Joshua E. Galaxies, Disk,
- Barrow, John D. Cosmology,
- Barthel, Peter. Active
Galaxies and Quasistellar Objects, Interrelations of Various
- Baum, William A. Galaxies,
- Bekenstein, Jacob D.
Gravitational Theories
- Bertschinger,
Edmund. Dark Matter, Cosmological
- Binggeli, Bruno. Virgo
- Blandford, Roger D.
Active Galaxies and Quasistellar Objects, Accretion
- Boldt, Elihu. Background
Radiation, X-Ray
- Bothun, Gregory D.
- Boughn, Stephen P.
Gravitational Radiation
- Bowyer, Stuart Background
Radiation, Ultraviolet
- Brandenberger, Robert H.
Cosmology, Inflationary Universe
- Carlberg, Ray. Galaxies,
Spiral, Nature of Spiral Arms
- Carr, Bernard J. Cosmology,
Population III
- Clayton, Donald D.
Cosmology, Cosmochronology
- Cohen, Marshall H. Active
Galaxies and Quasisitellar Objects, Superluminal Motion
- Cudworth, Kyle M. Galatic
Structure, Globular Clusters
- Deguchi, Shuji. Masers,
Interstellar and Circumstellar
- Dressler, Alan. Galaxies,
Properties in Relation to Environment
- Eilek, Jean A. Active Galaxies
and Quasistellar Objects, Jets
- Elmegreen, Bruce G. and Elmegreen,
Debra Meloy. Galaxies, Spiral, Structure
- Elitzur, Moshe. Masers,
Interstellar and Circumstellar, Theory
- Evans, Lloyd T. Stars, Cepheid
- Fabbiano, Giuseppina.
Galaxies, X-Ray Emission
- Fairall, Anthony P.
Superclusters, Observed Properties
- Fichtel, Carl E. Background
Radiation, Gamma Ray
- Giovanelli, Riccardo.
Clusters of Galaxies, Radio Observations