Iapetus | The ninth satellite of Saturn, about 850±100 km in radius; period 79d7h55m, e = 0.028, inclination to Saturn's orbital plane 14°.7. It has the most extreme variation in albedo of any satellite in the solar system (0.04 for the leading side, 0.28 for the trailing side). Discovered by Cassini in 1671. [H76] |
IAU | International Astronomical Union. [LLM96] |
IBC | Impurity Band Conduction. [LLM96] |
IC 4182 | A nearby galaxy in which a type Ia supernova exploded in 1937. [C95] |
Icarus | Asteroid No. 1566, 1.1 km in diameter, discovered by Baade in 1948. It has the smallest orbit and highest eccentricity (a = 1.07 AU, e = 0.827, i = 23°, P = 408d) of any known minor planet. It is the only asteroid known to come closer to the Sun than Mercury (perihelion distance 0.19 AU). Rotation period 2h16m. [H76] |
Ideal Gas | (a) A nondegenerate gas in which the
individual molecules are assumed to occupy mathematical
points and to have zero volume, and in which the mutual attraction of
neighboring molecules is zero. (also called Perfect Gas) [H76]
IDL | Interactive Data Language. [LLM96] |
IF | Intermediate Frequency. The beat frequency between the signal and the local oscillator in a radio detection system. [McL97] |
Illumination | Symbol: E A measure of the visible-radiation energy reaching a surface in unit time. Once called `intensity of illumination', it is measured in lux (lx). One lux is an illumination of one lumen per square meter. [DC99] |
ILR | Intermediate Line Region |
Image Dissector Scanner | A specialized television camera used as a light detector (instead of a photographic plate) in the 19705. [LB90] |
Image Intensifier | An electronic device for increasing the brightness of a faint optical image. The image is first formed on a thin metallic surface called a photocathode from which electrons are then ejected. The stream of electrons is accelerated and focussed onto a phosphorescent screen which glows brightly as a result of the impact. [McL97] |
Image Spectrometers | Refers to a class of instruments which preserve the image field while also determining the spectrum. Integral Field Unit (IFU). Usually implies some kind of image slicing either with facets or fiber optics. [McL97] |
Image Tube | An electronic camera in which electrons, emitted from a photocathode surface exposed to light, are focused electronically onto a phosphor or photographic plate. (also called image intensifier) [H76] |
Immersion | The disappearance of a celestial body due to eclipse or occultation. [H76] |
Impact Parameter | A measure of the distance by which a collision misses being head-on. In astronomy, usually the distance, at closest approach, between the centers of two particles in a collision if there were no attractive force acting between them. [H76] |
Imperfect Scattering | See nonconservative scattering. [H76] |
Implicate Order | A term coined by the physicist David Bohm to describe the sort of enfolded order that is characteristic of quantum theory. It is to be contrasted with the explicate orders of Newtonian physics. Bohm believes that this implicate order has a universal importance and will be useful in understanding the nature of consciousness. [P88] |
Impurity and Conduction | IBC A form of infrared array detector which replaces the photoconductor and provides higher performance. [McL97] |
Inclination | (a) In astronomy, the angle between one plane and
another. The
(equatorial) inclination of a planet is the angle between the plane
of its equator and that of its orbit. The inclination of the orbit of
a planet in the Solar System other than Earth is the angle between the
plane of that orbit and the ecliptic. [A84]
Indefiniteness | the suspension of an eventuality between truth and falsity, or of a physical variable among its possible definite values, which occurs, according to quantum mechanics, in certain states of a system. This suspension is not a matter of ignorance on the part of the observer but is rather an objective fact. [D89] |
Indeterminacy Principle | Quantum precept indicating that the position and trajectory of a particle cannot both be known with perfect exactitude. Indeterminacy thus indicates the existence of a basic quantum of knowledge of the particle world. And, since information about one quantity can be extracted at the expense of another, it demonstrates that the answer events result to some extent from the questions we choose to ask about them. [F88] |
Index of Refraction (n) | The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to that in a given medium. [H76] |
| A soft silvery metallic element. It is found in minute
quantities, primarily in zinc ores, and is used in alloys, in several
electronic devices, and in electroplating.
Induced Emission | See stimulated emission. [H76] |
Induction | System of reasoning in which the conclusion, though implied by the premises and consistent with them, does not necessarily follow from them. [F88] |
Inelastic Collision | A reaction involving a change in the kinetic energy of the system, as in ionization, excitation, or capture; or a process which changes the energy level of the system. [H76] |
Inertia | Property of a moving body to continue moving at the same speed in the same direction - or of a static body to remain static - unless and until acted upon by some force for change. The inertial mass of a body is reckoned as equal to the body's gravitational mass. [A84] |
Inertial Frame | a frame of reference in which force-free bodies move along straight lines; postulates of special relativity are said to be valid in an inertial frame. [D89] |
Inertial Frame of Reference | Any "standard of rest" or coordinate frame for which Newton's first law is valid. [H76] |
Inertial Mass | The mass of an object as measured by the property of inertia. It is equal to the ratio force/acceleration when the object is accelerated by a constant force. In a uniform gravitational field, it is equal to gravitational mass, since all objects have the same gravitational acceleration at the same place. [DC99] |
Infinities | Typical nonsensical answer emerging from calculations that involve general relativity and quantum mechanics in a point-particle framework. [G99] |
Inflation | (a) The idea that, when it was a fraction of a second
old, the universe expanded dramatically. If inflation is correct, then
the mass density of the universe () should be 1.0, if there is no
cosmological constant; if there is a cosmological constant and
inflation is correct, the sum of and the cosmological constant () should be 1.0. [C95]
Inflaton | The name given to whatever fields are responsible for driving inflation. [G97] |
Inflationary Cosmology | Modification to the earliest moments of the standard big bang cosmology in which universe undergoes a brief burst of enormous expansion. [G99] |
Inflationary Universe
(a) A cosmological model in which the Universe underwent an epoch of extraordinarily rapid expansion within the first 10-30 s or so after the big bang; in a typical version, the diameter of the Universe increased by a factor at least 1025 times larger (or perhaps much larger still) than had been previously thought; the model was proposed by A.H. Guth in 1981, but the original formulation contained a crucial flaw which was remedied by the development of the new inflationary universe model in 1982 by A.D. Linde, and by A. Albrecht and P. Steinhardt (see new inflationary universe). [D89] (b) A recent modification of the standard big bang model in which the infant universe went through a brief period of extremely rapid (exponential) expansion, after which it settled back into the more leisurely rate of expansion of the standard model. The period of rapid expansion began and ended when the universe was still much less than a second old, yet it provides a physical explanation for the flatness and horizon puzzles. The inflationary universe model also suggests that the universe is vastly larger than the portion of it that is visible to us. (See exponential expansion.) [LB90] |
Information | a measure of the delocalization of the state of the system in the space of all possible events. [D89] |
Infrared | (a) That part of the electromagnetic spectrum that
lies beyond
the red, having wavelengths from about 7500 Å to a few
millimeters (about 1011-1014 Hz). Infrared
radiation is caused by atomic transitions, or by vibrational (near-IR)
and rotational (far-IR) transitions in molecules. (IRe1, IRc1, IRs1:
the e sources are extended; the c sources are unresolved; the s
indicates an infrared nebula surrounding a visible star.) [H76]
Infrared Astronomy | astronomy carried out at wavelengths between about 1 µm and 300 µm. Ground-based observations are possible in a number of astronomical `windows' in the 1-5 µm, 8-13 µm, 18-22 µm and 30*m wavebands from high, dry observing sites. Observations in the wavelength ranges 5-8 µm, 13-l8µm and 30-300µm can only be carried out from above the Earth's atmosphere because of atmospheric absorption. The wavelength region 100 µm to 1 mm is often referred to as the submillimeter waveband. [D89] |
Infrared Photometry | The measurement of light intensities using infrared light instead of optical (visible to the human eye) light. Infrared light has longer wavelengths than optical light. (See photometry.) [LB90] |
Infrared Slavery | Inability of quarks to escape the bonds of the strong force that confines them to the company of other quarks. [F88] |
Inhomogeneous Early Universe | The idea that during the first few minutes after the big bang, the universe had regions of different density. An inhomogeneous early universe can produce elements different from those of the standard homogeneous early universe. [C95] |
Initial Condition | (a) In physics, the state of a system at the time
at which a given interaction begins - e.g., the approach of two
electrons that are about to undergo an electromagnetic
Initial Mass Function | IMF A quantity that determines the number of stars per unit time evolving from the main sequence. [H76] |
Inner Bremsstrahlung | The continuous electromagnetic radiation that accompanies the -decay of nuclei. [H76] |
Inner Lagrangian Point (L1) | The Lagrangian point (q.v.) through which mass transfer occurs. [H76] |
InSb | Indium Antimonide A compound semiconductor used as an infrared photoelectric detector. [McL97] |
Insolation | Amount of radiation received from the Sun per unit area on the Earth's surface per unit time. (The word is a contraction of "incoming solar radiation"). [H76] |
Instability Strip | A region in the Hertzsprung gap (q.v.) occupied by pulsating stars in a post-main-sequence stage of stellar evolution. Stars traverse the instability strip relatively quickly at least once on their way to their final evolutionary configuration. [H76] |
Integrated Circuit | A small electronic component made of semiconductor silicon on which an entire electronic circuit of numerous microscopic transistor amplifiers, diodes and resistors has been constructed. [McL97] |
Integrating Detector | Any imaging device, like a photographic emulsion or CCD, which can build up more signal and contrast by a longer exposure to light or other electromagnetic energy. [McL97] |
Integration Time | The interval of time used to collect photons of light on a detector and build-up a strong signal. [McL97] |
Intelligence | Defined in SETI as the ability and willingness to transmit electromagnetic signals across interstellar space. [F88] |
Intensity | A measure of the rate of energy transfer by
radiation. The unit of intensity is the watt per square meter (W
Intensity Interferometry | The use of two telescopes linked by computer to study the intensity of light received from a star. Analysis of the combined results has enabled measurement of the diameters of stars as apparently small as 2 × 10-4 seconds of arc. [A84] |
Interaction | A mutual effect between two or more systems or
bodies, so that the overall result is not simply the sum of the
separate effects. There are four separate interactions distinguished
in physics:
Interarm Region | The area between a spiral galaxy's spiral arms. These areas look dark, not because they lack stars, but because they contain none of the young, luminous stars that light the arms. [C95] |
Intercloud Medium | The sparsely populated (about 0.5 atoms per cm3) regions of space between the interstellar concentrations of gas and dust. [H76] |
Intercombination Lines | Spectral lines emitted in transitions between two levels with different values of S. [H76] |
interference | When similar waves with a regular phase
relationship pass through the same region they are said to
interfere. The resultant displacement at any point is the sum
of the individual displacements, taking into account their directions
and phases. The waves emerge from the overlapping region
unaffected. The combination of such coherent waves is to be contrasted
with the combination of incoherent waves, for example light from two
lamps falling on a surface, where the resultant intensity is just the
sum of the separate intensities.
Interference Filter | (a) A filter used to shut out all light except the
desired wavelengths. [H76]
Interference Pattern | Wave pattern that emerges from the overlap and the intermingling of waves emitted from different locations. [G99] |
Interferometer | (a) A device for observing the interference of
waves of
light or similar emanations caused by a shift in the phase or
wavelength of some of the waves. [F88]
Interferometry | (a) Technique for studying sources of electromagnetic
radiation (light or radio waves) through interference patterns caused
when two waves are combined. [A84]
Intergalactic Gas | Matter that is present in the region between the galaxies. It has been detected in considerable amounts in great clusters of galaxies, where the intergalactic gas is so hot that it emits copious amounts of x-radiation. In several groups of galaxies, including the Local Group, the evidence for the presence of intergalactic gas is controversial; clouds of atomic hydrogen may be present. [Silk90] |
Intergalactic Matter | Hypothetical material within a cluster of galaxies, whose gravitational effect is to maintain the equilibrium of the cluster. Theoretically comprising 10-30 times the mass of the galaxies themselves (in order to have the observed effect), it has yet to be detected in any form - although the most likely form is as hydrogen. [A84] |
Intergalactic Medium | Hypothetical matter (in the form of gas) in the regions between galaxies. It has not yet been detected (but see Magellanic Stream), but Oort (1970) has argued that as much as a factor of 16 or more matter may be present in uncondensed form. [H76] |
Interline Transfer | A CCD construction consisting of vertical strips which are alternately opaque and light sensitive. The opaque strips conceal charge transfer registers. [McL97] |
Intermediate Vector Boson | (a) IVB Generic name for W and Z bosons - the
carriers of the weak force. [D89]
Internal Symmetry | The properties of different elementary particles can be related to each other by mathematical transformations that look very much like the more familiar symmetry properties of our own physical space. Physicists have therefore hypothesized an abstract internal space in which these internal symmetries are defined. With the help of these internal symmetries, the elementary particles can be gathered into families. The relationship between space-time and these internal symmetries remains to be fully explained. [P88] |
International Atomic Time | TAI The continuous scale resulting from analyses by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures of atomic time standards in many countries. The fundamental unit of TAI is the SI second (see second, Système International), and the epoch is 1958 January 1. [S92] |
International System of Units | SI Units A practical system of units of measurement adopted in 1969 by the 11th International General Conference of Weights and Measures (CGPM). The seven base units are the meter, the kilogram, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole, and the candela. [H76] |
Internet | A global spider-web-like network of computers and computer systems with no central hub or single point of control. [McL97] |
Interpulse | The weaker component of a pulsar pulse when its period is roughly half that of the main pulse. [H76] |
Interstellar Cloud | A collection of gas and dust that lies between the stars. [C95] |
Interstellar Dust | (a) Dust particles in the space between the stars.
These are responsible for the dark patches of obscuration seen on
astronomical photographs. The particles are composed of common heavy
elements such as carbon and silicon but there is no agreement about
the exact composition of the dust grains. Typically, the particles
have size about 1 µm but there must be a wide range of
particle sizes
present to explain the interstellar extinction curve. The dust plays a
key role in giant molecular clouds in protecting the fragile molecules
from intense interstellar ionising and dissociating radiation. The
energy absorbed by the grains is emitted in the far-infrared waveband,
and this form of dust emission is one of the most important energy
loss mechanisms for regions of star formation. [D89]
Interstellar Extinction | The reddening of starlight passing through interstellar dust, caused by the fact that dust scatters blue light more than red. [H76] |
Interstellar Gas | Sparse, cool gas (mainly hydrogen) in interstellar space. Dust absorbs and scatters radiation; gas does not interact directly with radiation but is coupled to the dust by collisions. Interstellar gas affects only light of certain wavelengths. Temperature 10-100 K. [H76] |
Interstellar Grains
| Small needle-shaped particles in the interstellar gas with dimensions from 10-6 to 10-5 cm. They are primarily composed of silicates and strongly absorb, scatter, and polarize visible light at wavelengths comparable to their size, reemitting the light in the far-infrared region of the spectrum. The amount of visual extinction is wavelength-dependent and leads to a dimming and reddening of starlight. [Silk90] |
Interstellar Hydrogen | The presence of hydrogen gas between the stars of a galaxy, thus "filling out" the shape of the galaxy in a way that can be detected by spectral analysis and radio monitoring. [A84] |
Interstellar Lines | Sharp, distinct absorption lines superposed on stellar spectra, produced by the interstellar gas located between the source and the observer. Strongest are the D lines, followed by the H and K lines, and the K I doublet at 7699 and 7644 Å. |
Interstellar Matter | Interstellar gas (99%) and dust (1%). The observed density of the interstellar medium is about 1-5 atoms per cm3. The two other components of the interstellar medium are magnetic fields and cosmic-ray electrons. [H76] |
Interstellar Medium | The medium of gas and dust that fills the space between the stars. [LB90] |
Interstellar Molecules | Molecules in interstellar space. As of late 1974, at least 33 molecular species had been identified with reasonable certainty: methylidyne CH, ionized methylidyne CH+, the cyanogen radical CN, the hydroxyl radical OH, ammonia NH3, water vapor H2O, formaldehyde H2CO, carbon monoxide CO, hydrogen cyanide HCN, hydrogen isocyanide HNC, molecular hydrogen H2, X-ogen, cyanoacetylene HC3N, methyl alcohol CH3OH, formic acid HCOOH, carbon monosulfide CS, carbonyl sulfide 0CS, formamide NH2CHO, silicon monoxide SiO, methyl cyanide CH3CN, isocyanic acid HNCO, methyl formate HCOOCH3, methyl acetylene CH3C2H, acetaldehyde CH3CHO, thioformaldehyde H2CS, hydrogen sulfide H2S, methanimine H2CNH, ethynyl, sulfur monoxide SO dimethyl ether (CH3)2O, methyl amine CH3NH2, silicon monosulfide SiS, and ethyl alcohol C2H5OH. [H76] |
Interstellar Reddening | The reddening of starlight passing through interstellar dust, caused by the fact that dust scatters blue light more than red. [H76] |
Interstellar Space | Space between the stars of a galaxy. It is generally not, however, a void vacuum, and is the subject of considerable spectral research. [A84] |
Interstellar Square Law | Decreasing as one over distance squared (1/r2), where r is the distance from the source. Light and gravity both have this property. [McL97] |
Interval | (a) The quantity in Minkowski space-time which
replaces length in ordinary space. [D89]
Intrinsic Brightness | The amount of light an object actually emits, as opposed to how bright the object looks from Earth. An apparently bright star can be intrinsically bright and far away or intrinsically faint and nearby. [C95] |
Intrinsic Luminosity | The energy per second emitted by an astronomical object, analogous to the wattage of a light bulb. [LB90] |
Invariable Plane | The plane through the center of mass of the solar system perpendicular to the angular momentum vector of the solar system. [S92] |
Invariant | (a) Any physical property which does not change under
the transformation
from one frame of reference to another. [C97]
Invariant Plane | The plane defined by the total angular momentum of the solar system. It is within about 1°.5 of the ecliptic. [H76] |
Inverse -decay | The relatively rare process p + vbar -> n + e+. Free-electron capture (e + p -> n + v) is sometimes called inverse -decay in astrophysics. [H76] |
Inverse Bremsstrahlung | Absorption (free-free absorption) of a photon by an electron in the field of a nucleus.[H76] |
Inverse Compton Effect | The collision between a photon and an energetic (cosmic-ray) electron, in which some of the energy of the electron is transferred to the photon. [H76] |
Inverse Maser | A mechanism that absorbs radiation and cools a gas so that the number of molecules in an upper level falls below that expected in a condition of thermal equilibrium. The effect is inverse to that found in a maser, where there is an overpopulated upper level. [H76] |
Inverse P Cygni Profile | A profile in which the emission is on the violet side of the absorption. It is usually interpreted to mean infall of matter. [H76] |
Inverse Plasmon Scattering | Scattering of electrostatic plasma waves by a flux of relativistic electrons. [H76] |
Inverse Square Law | A force law that applies to the gravitational and electromagnetic forces in which the magnitude of the force decreases in proportion to the inverse of the square of the distance. [Silk90] |
Inversion | The term used with CCDs to indicate that the applied voltage has not only driven away the majority carriers but has actually attracted the minority carriers of the opposite sign. [McL97] |
Inversion Layer | a very thin layer of electrons trapped on an interface between a semiconductor and an insulator, or between two different semiconductors. [D89] |
Invisible Astronomy | The study of celestial objects by observing their radiation at wavelengths other than those of visible light. [F88] |
Io | Jupiter I The innermost Galilean satellite of Jupiter, similar in size and density to the Moon (R 1850 km from Pioneer 10, period 1.77 days; e = 0.01, i = 0.03). Jupiter's decametric radiation has been linked at least partially to Io. Mean density (from Pioneer 10) 3.48 g (the highest of any of the Galilean satellites). Pioneer 10 also detected the presence of an ionosphere, and Na D emission. Albedo 0.91 (?), the highest in the solar system. [H76] |
| A dark-violet volatile solid element belonging to
the halogens.
Ion | (a) A charged particle consisting of an atom, or
group of
atoms, that has either lost or gained electrons. Sodium chloride
(salt), for example, is made up of positive sodium ions - atoms that
have each lost an electron - and negative chlorine ions - atoms that
have each gained an electron. See ionization. [DC99]
Ionization | (a) Loss or gain by an atom of one or more electrons,
by which
process the atom becomes an ion and instead of being neutral, has a
charge: positive if it has lost an electron, negative if it has gained
one. High temperature is particularly conducive to ionization. [A84]
H2SO4 2 H+ + SO42- Ions can also be produced by ionizing radiation; i.e. by the impact of particles or photons with sufficient energy to break up molecules or detach electrons from atoms: A A+ + e-. Negative ions can be formed by capture of electrons by atoms or molecules: A + e- A-. [DC99] |
Ionization Potential | (a) The energy required to
remove an electron from an atom or molecule to form a positive ion. [DC99]
Ionization Radiation | Radiation such that the individual particle
or quantum has sufficient energy to ionize substances. Electrons with
kinetic energy just greater than the ionization potential will cause
ionization, but other particles (e.g. molecular positive ions) require
higher energies. Gamma-rays and x-rays ionize indirectly by means of
the electrons they eject from substances by the photoelectric effect
or Compton scattering. Short-wavelength ultraviolet quanta may ionize
individual molecules by the photoelectric effect, but the ejected
electrons have insufficient kinetic energy to cause further ionization
unless an electric field is applied.
Ionized | (a) Having lost one or more electrons from an
atom. [McL97]
Ionized Hydrogen | A hydrogen atom that has lost its electron. Hydrogen gets ionized by hot O and B stars in H II regions. The most famous H II region is the Orion Nebula. [C95] |
Ionosphere | (a) The region of Earth's atmosphere (80-500 km),
immediately above
the stratosphere. The ionosphere consists of the D layer, the E layer,
and the F layers (q.v.). It is strongest at the end of the day. [H76]
IPCS | Image Photon Counting System. A form of very low light level detector used in astronomy. By means of an image intensifier the IPCS is capable of counting individual photons of light. [McL97] |
IR | Infrared. [LLM96] |
IRAF | Image Reduction and Analysis Facility. An extensive suite of programs developed for astronomy applications and supported by the US National Optical Astronomy Observatories. [McL97] |
IRAM | Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimetrique. [LLM96] |
IRAS | Infrared Astronomy Satellite. [LLM96] |
IRAS Galaxy | Any galaxy which was discovered by the Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) to possess an excessive amount of infrared emission. [C97] |
IRAS Samples | Astronomical objects detected in infrared radiation by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite launched in 1983. Infrared light has longer wavelengths than visible light. [LB90] |
| A white transition metal that is highly resistant to
corrosion. It is used in electrical contacs, in spark plugs, and in
Iris | An arrangement able to vary the amount of light that enters an optical instrument. In the mammalian eye, this is a circular muscle that changes the size of the pupil. In many optical instruments, a similar effect is obtained with a diaphragm. In either case the aperture is varied. [DC99] |
| (a) Element with atomic number 26, created mostly by
type Ia
supernovae, with an additional contribution from type Ib, Ic, and II
supernovae. It is the most stable element. [C95]
Iron Peak | A maximum on the element-abundance curve near atomic mass number 56. [H76] |
Irradiance | Symbol: E The rate of energy reaching unit
area of a surface; i.e. the radiant flux per unit area. Unlike
illumination, irradiance is not restricted in use to visible
radiation. The unit is the watt per square meter (W m-2).
Irradiation | (a) An optical effect of contrast that makes
bright objects
viewed against a dark background appear to be larger than they really
are. [S92]
Irregular Galaxy | A galaxy with amorphous structure and with relatively low mass (108-1010 M). Fewer than 10% of all galaxies are classified as irregular. [H76] |
Irreversibility | time-asymmetric evolution of an observable quantity of a physical system. For an isolated system irreversibility implies the monotonic evolution in the future toward the state of thermodynamic equilibrium. [D89] |
IRS | Infrared source. [C95] |
Island Universe Hypothesis | Assertion that the sun belongs to a galaxy and that the spiral nebulae are other galaxies of stars, which in turn are separated from one another by vast voids of space. Compare nebular hypothesis. [F88] |
ISAS | Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
Ising Model | a simplified version of the Heisenberg model in which the atomic spins must be aligned parallel or antiparallel to a given direction. [D89] |
ISO | Infrared Space Observatory. [LLM96] |
Isobars | Nuclei with the same A number but different Z numbers. Also, lines connecting equal atmospheric pressures. [H76] |
Isochoric | Constant volume. [H76] |
Isochrones | Time-constant loci. [H76] |
Isoelectronic Sequence | A sequence of ions which have the same number of electrons but different atomic numbers. [H76] |
Isomer | (a) A molecule having the same number of atoms of each
element as another molecule. [SEF01]
Isomer Shift | Displacement of an absorption line due to the fact that the absorbing nuclei have a different s-electron density from that of the emitting nuclei. [H76] |
Isophotes | Lines connecting points of equal light intensity. [H76] |
Isoplanatic Patch | The angular region on the sky over which the wavefront correction applied by an adaptive optics system remains valid. It is relatively small and therefore a nearby reference star is also required. [McL97] |
Isospin | (a) A quantum number which arises from regarding
different members of
a charge multiplet (q.v.) as different states of a single
particle. (also called Isotopic Spin ) [H76]
Isostasy | The plasticity of the surface layer of a planet - e.g., the ability of the surface layer to adjust its level according to the load (such as ice caps) that it has to carry. [H76] |
Isothermal Change | A process that takes place at constant
temperature. If work is done on a body in such a way as would
otherwise increase its temperature (for example by compressing it) it
is possible to keep the temperature constant by heat transfer from the
body. Conversely a body may expand doing external work, while heat is
transferred to it to prevent the temperature from falling. In the case
of an ideal gas, for which the internal energy depends only on the
temperature, the heat transferred from the substance must be exactly
equal to the work done on it. For real substances the work and heat
may not balance in an isothermal process since the internal energy may
depend also on the volume.
Isothermal Fluctuations | Fluctuations in the matter density, without any associated perturbation of the radiation density. The radiation temperature therefore remains uniform. Prior to the Decoupling Era, isothermal fluctuations were frozen, neither growing nor decaying after decoupling, isothermal fluctuations became gravitationally unstable, if greater than the Jeans mass, about 106 M. [Silk90] |
Isotones | (a) Nuclei with the same number of neutrons but with
different A and Z numbers. [H76]
Isotope | (a) An atomic nucleus having the same number of
protons as a more
commonly found atomic nucleus but a different number of
neutrons. For example, the hydrogen nucleus has a single proton;
deuterium has one proton and one neutron and would be called an
isotope of hydrogen. (see neutron; proton.) [LB90]
Isotopic Spin | A concept introduced by Heisenberg in 1932 to describe the charge independence of the strong nuclear force. Since the strong force cannot distinguish between a proton and a neutron, Heisenberg proposed that these particles were actually different states of a single particle - the nucleon. He argued that just as the electron comes in two different spin states, so the nucleon comes in two different "isospin" states. So, isospin is a concept analogous to spin which is conserved by the strong interaction. The nucleon is an isospin-1/2 particle, and its third component of isospin determines whether we are talking about a proton (I3 = +1/2) or a neutron (I3 = -1/2). See Isospin [CD99] |
Isotropic | (a) Having equal and uniform properties at all points
and in all directions. In astronomy the term describes microwave background
radiation. [A84]
Isotropy | (a) Quality of being the same in all
directions. Compare anisotropy. [F88]
Israel-Robinson Theorem | The only locally stationary empty space-time which is asymptotically flat with a nondegenerate event horizon is the |a| < m Kerr metric, where a is angular momentum per unit mass. [H76] |
IUE | International Ultraviolet Explorer. [LLM96] |