Chapter 5. Structure Formation Scenarios and Observational
- 5.1. The Gravitational Instability
- 5.1.1. Continuity Equation
- 5.1.2. Euler's Equation
- 5.1.3. Stability Criterion in a
Static Fluid
- 5.1.4. Gravitational Instability
in an Expanding Universe
- 5.1.5. The OMEGA = 1 Solution
- 5.1.6. The OMEGA = 0 Solution
- 5.1.7. Numerical Games with the
Jeans Mass
- 5.2. Statistical Characterization of
- 5.2.1. What Comes First -
Galaxy-size or Cluster-size Potentials?
- 5.2.2. Biasing in the Universe
- 5.3. Some Possible Cosmogenic
- 5.3.1. The Power Spectrum of the
Galaxy Distribution
- 5.3.2. Can CDM be Saved?
- 5.3.3. Beyond CDM: More Exotic
- 5.4. Observational Constraints
- 5.4.1. Large Scale Constraints
- 5.4.2. Small Scale Constraints
- 5.5. Summary