Data Sets in NED

Data Sets in NED

Very large survey catalogs typically require specialized processing to transform selected fields into the form required for cross-matching and integration into NED's generalized database, which is designed to join data across missions and surveys. They also contain many metadata fields that flag special conditions and caveats for the primary data entries. These pages describe how some of these issues were handled while integrating specific data sets into NED.

DESI Early Data Release (EDR) Catalog
Chandra Source Catalog (CSC 2.0.1)
AllWISE Source Catalog
2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC)
Spitzer Source List (SSL)
SDSS DR13 Optical Spectra Catalog
SDSS DR6 Sources
IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC) and Faint Source Catalog (FSC)
GALEX All-Sky Survey Catalog (GASC) and Medium Imaging Survey Catalog (GMSC)

See also the Source Nomenclature service.