Archived Release Notes

February 2024 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

171,579 new object links (pointers) to 813 new references including:

  • 7,070 galaxies from Systematically Measuring Ultra-diffuse Galaxies (SMUDGes) (Zaritsky, D. et al., 2023ApJS..267...27Z )
  • 70,438 Chandra sources from Classifying Unidentified X-Ray Sources in the Chandra Source Catalog Using a Multiwavelength Machine-learning Approach (Yang, H. et al., 2022ApJ...941..104Y )
  • 2,038 radio sources from The GLEAM 4-Jy (G4Jy) Sample (White, S. V. et al., 2020PASA...37...18W )
  • 6,143 positions and redshifts for clusters of galaxies from AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3 (Lesci, G. F. et al., 2022A&A...665A.100L )
  • 7,100 positions and redshifts for clusters of galaxies from Evolution of the cluster optical galaxy luminosity function in the CFHTLS (Sarron, F. et al., 2018A&A...613A..67S )

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 67,441 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 21,421 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources
  • 847 Supernovae through December 2023 from Transient Name Server


  • 161,668 additional redshifts
  • 24,185 more objects with redshifts

December 2023 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

When ingesting the Chandra Source Catalog, the photometry and diameter data for u band (0.2-0.5 keV) and h band (2.0-7.0 keV), and for s band (0.5-1.2 keV) and m band (1.2-2.0 keV), were accidentally swapped. This has now been corrected.

Database Restructuring and Software Updates

  • Major transformations of the NED data system have been accomplished, including updates to equipment, network, database structure, query software, and the user interface.
  • Many database tables have been restructured (refactored) to support updates and improvements to data ingestion and data management procedures, query performance, metadata, and data presentation.
  • Numerous search functions have been rewritten using a micro-services design to access the newly refactored database tables, improving query performance and efficiency of software enhancements going forward.
  • The user interface has been updated to call the new micro-services, and query results now have cleaner and more compact data presentations, including improvements to column labeling and tooltips in several tabs in the results page returned from a By Name object search: Coordinates, Redshifts, and Diameters. (Updates to other data types are in progress.)
  • In the object Overview tab, the mean Redshift-independent Distance and dispersion is now displayed (replacing the number of available measurements), and there is consistent behavior when clicking on reference links.
  • In the Redshifts tab, the detection technique and methods are now presented in the table of individual redshift measurements (scroll to the bottom and click the blue bar to show/hide).
  • Improvements have been made to the accuracy of foreground Galactic extinction calculations and their display.

Users Survey

We wish to thank everyone who participated in the 2023 NED User Survey (Oct 18 to Dec 4). The valuable feedback provided deepens our understanding of the evolving needs of the community as we continue to expand NED's holdings and science functionality.

August 2023 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

171,196 new object links (pointers) to 1,342 new references including:

  • 17,474 radio sources from Tracing Milky Way scattering by compact extragalactic radio sources (Koryukova, T. A. et al., 2022MNRAS.515.1736K)
  • Over 33,000 spectroscopic redshifts from The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from Data Releases 6 to 9 (Jin, Jun-Jie et al., 2023ApJS..265...25J), and OzDES multifibre spectroscopy for the Dark Energy Survey: 3-yr results and first data release (Childress,M.J. et al., 2017MNRAS.472..273C), and CANDELS Lya Emission At Reionization (CLEAR) survey (Simons H.W.W. et al., 2023ApJS..266...13S)
  • 1,207 Clusters of Galaxies from The XMM Cluster Survey analysis of the SDSS DR8 redMaPPer catalogue (Giles, P.A. et al., 2022MNRAS.516.3878G)
  • 23 dropout galaxies at z ~ 9-16 from A Comprehensive Study of Galaxies at z ~ 9-16 Found in the Early JWST Data: Ultraviolet Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Star Formation History at the Pre-reionization Epoch (Yuichi, H. et al., 2023ApJS..265....5H)

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 153,358 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 27,164 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources
  • 658 Supernovae through July 2023 from Transient Name Server


  • 98,234 additional redshifts
  • 23,625 more objects with redshifts

NED Facilitates Gravitational Wave Counterpart Searches

The NED gravitational wave follow-up (GWF) service is continuing to cross-match galaxies with LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) GW events for the fourth observing run. Recent updates to NED-GWF include the displaying of additional GW event information and the utilization of a new galaxy prioritization scheme based on the joint WISE luminosity and the 3D volume probabilities. Additionally, the service is now using a well-vetted galaxy sample extracted directly from the NED database called the Local Volume Sample (NED-LVS; Cook et al. 2023). NED-LVS uses a subset of ~2 million objects with distances (based on redshifts and redshift-independent distances) out to 1000 Mpc. Photometry from all-sky surveys (GALEX, 2MASS, and AllWISE) are also extracted, with ~90% of objects having at least one measurement. These fluxes are used to derive physical properties (SFR and stellar mass) and to estimate the completeness relative to expected local luminosity densities. For instance, NED-LVS is ~70% complete in the volume of LVK S230518h at 200 Mpc. For more details or to download the entire sample please go to the NED-LVS webpage.

April 2023 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

119,101 new object links (pointers) to 1,076 new references including:

  • X-ray detections, optical idetifications, redshifts, and positions from the eROSITA X-ray telescope on board the Spectrum-Poentgen-Gamma (SPG) observatory including: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - Catalog of galaxy clusters and groups (Liu, T. et al., 2022A&A...661A...2L ) and SRG/ART-XC all-sky X-ray survey: Catalog of sources detected during the first year (Pavlinsky, M. et al., 2022A&A...661A..38P )
  • 8,683 QSOs from Search for extended Lyman-a emission around 9k quasars at z = 2-3 (Shimakawa, R 2022MNRAS.514.3910S )
  • 7,628 AGNs from The Fourth Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope: Data Release 3 (Ajello, M. et al., 2022ApJS..263...24A )
  • 5,760 diffuse galaxies from Systematically Measuring Ultra-diffuse Galaxies (SMUDGes). III. The Southern SMUDGes Catalog (Zaritsky, D. et al., 2022ApJS..261...11Z )
  • 5,378 galaxies and spectroscopic redshifts from The Active Galactic Nuclei in the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey (HETDEX). I. Sample Selection (Liu, C. et al., 2022ApJS..261...24L )

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 90,766 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 15,215 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources
  • 804 Supernovae through February 2023 from Transient Name Server


  • 77,823 additional redshifts
  • 9,948 more objects with redshifts

November 2022 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

71,268 new object links (pointers) to 909 new references including:

  • 9,896 radio sources from MIGHTEE: total intensity radio continuum imaging and the COSMOS/XMM-LSS Early Science fields (Haywood, I. et al., 2022MNRAS.509.2150H)
  • 3,559 IDEOS galaxies from The Infrared Database of Extragalactic Observables from Spitzer. II. The Database and Diagnostic Power of Crystalline Silicate Features in Galaxy Spectra (Spoon, H.W.W. et al., 2022ApJS..259...37S)
  • 2,013 QSOs from The 3HSP catalog of extreme and high-synchrotron peaked blazars. (Chang, Y.-L. et al., 2019A&A...632A..77C)
  • 2,210 dwarf galaxies from Structure and morphology of the MATLAS dwarf galaxies and their central nuclei (Poulain, M. et al., 2021MNRAS.506.5494P)
  • 944 galaxy clusters from the Catalog of X-ray-selected extended galaxy clusters from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RXGCC) (Xu, W. et al., 2022A&A...658A..59X)
  • 934 galaxies and redshifts from Multiwavelength Analysis of A1240, the Double Radio-relic Merging Galaxy Cluster Embedded in an 80 Mpc-long Cosmic Filament (Cho, H. et al., 2022ApJ...925...68C)
  • 667 blazars from The Relativistic Jet and Central Engine of Fermi Blazars (Xiao, H. et al., 2022ApJ...925...40X)
  • 529 Fast Radio Bursts from Uncloaking hidden repeating fast radio bursts with unsupervised machine learning (Chen, B.H. et al., 2022MNRAS.509.1227C)

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 53,819 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 6,891 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources
  • 1,277 Supernovae through September 2022 from Transient Name Server, and The Zwicky Transient Facility Type Ia supernova survey: first data release and results (Dhawan, S. et al., 2022MNRAS.510.2228D, and Late-onset Circumstellar Medium Interactions are Rare: An Unbiased GALEX View of Type Ia Supernovae (Dhawan, S. et al., 2022ApJ...926...98D)


  • 35,372 additional redshifts
  • 5,061 more objects with redshifts

August 2022 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

130,832 new object links (pointers) to 904 new references including:

  • 142 Gamma-ray sources from the Catalog of Long-term Transient Sources in the First 10 yr of Fermi-LAT Data (Baldini, L. et al., 2021ApJS..256...13B )
  • 4,052 X-ray sources from The XMM-SERVS Survey: XMM-Newton Point-source Catalogs for the W-CDF-S and ELAIS-S1 Fields (Ni, Q. et al., 2021ApJS..256...21N )
  • 4,770 radio sources and 1,098 X-ray sources from The XXL Survey. XXXVI. Evolution and black hole feedback of high-excitation and low-excitation radio galaxies in XXL-S (Butler, A. et al., 2019A&A...625A.111B )
  • 2,326 X-ray clusters from ComPRASS: a Combined Planck-RASS catalogue of X-ray-SZ clusters (Tarrio P. et al., 2019A&A...626A...7T )
  • 1,296 galaxies from Classifying Seyfert Galaxies with Deep Learning (Chen, Y. C., 2021ApJS..256...34C )
  • 2,753 galaxies from Searching for Low-redshift Faint Galaxies with MMT/Hectospec (Cheng, C. et al., 2021ApJS..256....4C )

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 74,698 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 18,407 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources
  • 1,401 Supernovae through June 2022 from Transient Name Server and ASASSN


  • 124,707 additional redshifts
  • 21,796 more objects with redshifts

April 2022 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

85,032 new object links (pointers) to 1,334 new references including:

  • 4,195 galaxy clusters from The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Catalog of >4000 Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Galaxy Clusters (Hilton, M. et al., 2021ApJS..253....3H )
  • 2,684 galaxies from High-redshift Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies: A Candidate Sample (Rakshit, S. et al., 2021ApJS..253...28R )
  • 727 galaxies from The Third Data Release of the KODIAQ Survey (O'Meara, J. et al., 2021AJ....161...45O )
  • 14,069 dwarf galaxies from The Fornax Deep Survey with the VST. IV. A size and magnitude limited catalog of dwarf galaxies in the area of the Fornax cluster (Venhola, A. et al., 2018A&A...620A.165V )
  • 6,287 radio sources from The XXL Survey. XXVI. Optical and near-infrared identifications of the ATCA 2.1 GHz radio sources in the XXL-S Field (Ciliegi, P. et al., 2018A&A...620A..11C )
  • 5,434 radio sources from The XXL Survey. XXIX. GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations (Vernesa, S. et al., 2018A&A...620A..14S )

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 79,995 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 19,700 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources
  • 1,961 Supernovae through October 2021 from ASASSN, and Transient Name Server
  • 57 Gamma-Ray Bursts through Oct 2021 from Swift GRBs with XRT positions


  • 53,572 additional redshifts
  • 5,090 more objects with redshifts


3,883 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:

  • VIS: HST magnitudes from Detection of a Large Population of Ultradiffuse Galaxies in Massive Galaxy Clusters: Abell S1063 and Abell 2744 (Lee, M. G. et al., 2017ApJ...844..157L)
  • RADIO: VLA fluxes from An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the COSMOS field: The extent of the radio-emitting region revealed by 3 GHz imaging with the Very Large Array (Miettinen, O. et al., 2017A&A...602A..54M)
  • XRAY: Chandra fluxes from X-Ray Scaling Relations of Early-type Galaxies (Babyk, Iu. V. et al., 2018ApJ...857...32B)
  • UV: GALEX magnitudes from Ultra-diffuse Galaxies at Ultraviolet Wavelengths (Singh, P. R. et al., 2019AJ....157..212S)

December 2021 Release Highlights

Performance and User Experience Improvements

  • Batch job status reports have been updated to more accurately indicate the processing stages: accepted → waiting → running → complete.
  • Formatting of the error message displayed when no constraints are provided in a By Parameters search has been improved.
  • Extra spacing and overhead information were removed from the NED abstract page returned from a Reference Lookup query, and in the Query Summary in the Job Status page when a By Parameters query is submitted and VOTable (xml) format is requested for output.
  • Double spaces adopted previously in IRAS and ESO object names were readjusted to single space, e.g., "IRAS    12345+1828" ⇒ "IRAS 12345+1828", "ESO 364-    ?024" ⇒ "ESO 364- ?024".
  • Some backend system components and services have been updated, including the latest Drupal security and functional upgrades.

November 2021 Release Highlights

Database Contents

The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC 2.0.1) has been integrated into NED. CSC 2.0.1 includes measured properties such as positions, photometry and source extent information for 317,167 unique compact and extended X-ray sources in the sky, out of which 80% were cross-matched with existing objects and 20% became new objects in NED. Please refer to Holdings » Data Sets » Chandra Source Catalog (CSC 2.0.1) for more information on the catalog ingestion and validation. Below is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

989,006 new object links (pointers) to 1,167 new references including:

  • 932,378 2MASS sources from 2MASS Photometric Redshift catalog (Bilicki, M. et al., 2014ApJS..210....9B )
  • 11,699 galaxies from Mean Estimate Distances for Galaxies with Multiple Estimates in NED-D (Steer, I., 2020AJ....160..199S )
  • 4,282 galaxies from Ultraviolet and optical view of galaxies in the Coma supercluster (Mahajan S. et al., 2018MNRAS.478.4336M )
  • 2,720 galaxies from SDSS-IV MaNGA: stellar angular momentum of about 2300 galaxies (Graham M. T. et al., 2018MNRAS.477.4711G )
  • 1,916 galaxies from High-redshift Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies: A Candidate Sample (Rakshit S. et al., 2021ApJS..253...28R )

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 323,338 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 63,225 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources.


5,348,301 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:

  • VIS: VLT line fluxes from Extreme emission-line galaxies out to z ∼ 1 in zCOSMOS. I. Sample and characterization of global properties (Amorin, R. et al., 2015A&A...578A.105A)
  • Radio: RATAN fluxes from The observed radio/gamma-ray emission correlation for blazars with the Fermi-LAT and the RATAN-600 data (Mufakharov, T. et al., 2015MNRAS.450.2658M)
  • X-Ray : XMM fluxes from Baryon content and dynamic state of galaxy clusters: XMM-Newton observations of A1095 and A1926 (Ge, Chong et al., 2016MNRAS.459..366G)
  • SUBMM: SCUBA and LABOCA fluxes from The Space Density of Luminous Dusty Star-forming Galaxies at z > 4: SCUBA-2 and LABOCA Imaging of Ultrared Galaxies from Herschel-ATLAS (Ivison, R.J. et al., 2016ApJ...832...78I)
  • IR: AKARI fluxes from A New Sample of Obscured AGNs Selected from the XMM-Newton and AKARI Surveys (Terashima, Yuichi et al., 2015ApJ...814...11T)

July 2021 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

Newly automated procedure to assign fiducial redshifts: Many objects in NED have multiple redshift measurements, and the fiducial (preferred) redshifts that appear in each object’s Overview and in multi-object search result tables have historically been chosen by human experts during the data ingestion process. However, due to the dramatic increase in redshift measurements appearing in sky survey catalogs and in the astrophysical literature, a new automated decision tree algorithm has been implemented. This has resulted in thousands of updates to previous selections, as well as over 879,000 objects that previously had no assigned fiducial redshift. Further information is available here.

References and Object Pointers

1,672,972 new object links (pointers) to 676 new references including:

  • 4,415 AKARI/IRC sources from AKARI/IRC source catalogues and source counts for the IRAC Dark Field, ELAIS North and the AKARI Deep Field South (Davidge, H. et al., 2017MNRAS.472.4259D )
  • 5,065 4FGL gamma-ray sources from Fermi Large Area Telescope Fourth Source Catalog (Abdollahi, S. et al., 2020ApJS..247...33A )
  • 1,342 9Y-MST (9-year Fermi-LAT Minimum Spanning Tree) gamma-ray sources from A MST catalogue of gamma-ray source candidates above 10 GeV and at Galactic latitudes higher than 20 degrees (Campana, R. et al., 2018A&A...619A..23C )
  • 2,480 more GLEAM (GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array) radio sources from Interplanetary scintillation studies with the Murchison Widefield Array - II. Properties of sub-arcsecond compact sources at low radio frequencies (Chhetri, R. et al., 2018MNRAS.474.4937C )
  • 2,070 galaxies and 462 compact galaxy groups from Improving Hickson-like compact group finders in redshift surveys (Diaz-Gimenez, E. et al., 2018A&A...618A.157D )
  • 925 Lyman-Alpha Break and lensed galaxies from Size-Luminosity Relations and UV Luminosity Functions at z = 6-9 Simultaneously Derived from the Complete Hubble Frontier Fields Data (Kawamata, R. et al., 2018ApJ...855....4K )
  • 879 galaxies and redshifts from the VIMOS survey of the CANDELS CDFS and UDS fields The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey: Observations and first data release (Pentericci, L et al., 2018A&A...616A.174P )
  • 833 500R (500 µm risers) and 145 SD850 (SPIRE drop-outs) infrared sources from A Systematic Search for the Reddest Far-infrared and Submillimeter Galaxies (Yan, H. et al., 2020ApJS..249....1Y )
  • 1,235 Supernovae through February 2021 from ASASSN, Transient Name Server, and Supernova Legacy Survey

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 79,881 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 15,312 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources.


59,470 additional redshifts including:

  • 5,415 redshifts for x-ray sources from The Chandra Deep Wide-field Survey A New Chandra Legacy Survey in the Boötes Field (Masini, A. et al., 2020ApJS..251....2M )
  • 1,036 redshifts from The HectoMAP Cluster Survey (Sohn, J. et al., 2018ApJ...855..100S )
879,266 more objects now have fiducial (preferred) redshifts after implementation of a new automated decision tree.


888,494 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:

  • VIS: HST magnitudes from Crowded Field Galaxy Photometry: Precision Colors in the CLASH Clusters (Connor, Thomas et al., 2017ApJ...848...37C)
  • Radio: VLA fluxes from The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Continuum data and source catalog release (Smolcic, V. et al., 2017A&A...602A...1S)
  • X-Ray : MAXI fluxes from The 7-year MAXI/GSC X-Ray Source Catalog in the High Galactic Latitude Sky (3MAXI) (Kawamuro, T. et al., 2018ApJS..238...32K)
  • MM: ALMA fluxes from Demonstrating a New Census of Infrared Galaxies with ALMA (DANCING-ALMA). I. FIR Size and Luminosity Relation at z = 0-6 Revealed with 1034 ALMA Sources (Fujimoto, Seiji et al., 2017ApJ...850...83F)
  • FIR: Herschel fluxes from The Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey: Herschel Image Atlas and Aperture Photometry (Chu, Jason K. et al., 2017ApJS..229...25C)

May 2021 Release Highlights

Performance and User Experience Improvements

  • For By Name and Near Name search, when an input name is ambiguous, a drop-down list of possible names is provided for users to choose from.
  • The search options (e.g., redshift constraints, object type, cosmological parameters) for By Name search and Near Name or Position (Cone) search are now preserved and kept on the screen for the next search.
  • When performing By Name and Near Name or Position (Cone) searches, a spinning wheel is added to indicate the search is in progress after the "Go" button is clicked. It disappears when the search result is returned.
  • The full tool bar for "Survey Coverage" maps is now encapsulated inside the display area, enabling easy interaction with the maps.
  • Various system updates were carried out to improve the performance of searches.

March 2021 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Cross-IDs

  • 517,076 new object links (pointers) added to 845 new refrences
  • 3,176 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects


  • 890,185 additional redshifts from Two Micron All Sky Survey Photometric Redshift Catalog: A Comprehensive Three-dimensional Census of the Whole Sky (Bilicki, Maciej et al., 2014ApJS..210....9B)


29,067 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:

  • VIS: OSSY line fluxes from Shocked POststarbust Galaxy Survey. I. Candidate Post-starbust Galaxies with Emission Line Ratios Consistent with Shocks (Alatalo, Katherine et al., 2016ApJS..224...38A)
  • Xray: Chandra fluxes from X-rays beware: the deepest Chandra catalogue of point sources in M31 (Vulic, N. et al., 2016MNRAS.461.3443V)
  • Radio: 21 Centimeter Array fluxes from Radio Sources in the NCP Region Observed with the 21 Centimeter Array (Zheng, Qian et al., 2016ApJ...832..190Z)
  • FIR: Herschel fluxes from HerMES: a search for high-redshift dusty galaxies in the HerMES Large Mode Survey - catalogue, number counts and early results (Asboth, V. et al., 2016MNRAS.462.1989A)

Other improvements

  • A new video tutorial is added to give an overview of the NED user interface, and highlight the tools and services that it provides.
  • Some known issues in the user interface have been resolved.

January 2021 Release Highlights

User Interface

  • The Objects in Refcode has been improved to accelerate the queries, and at the same time set a limit of 1,000 records for the displayed search results. The full result can be downloaded via the resource link above the data display area when the returned number of objects is over 1,000 but under 100,000. When the returned number of objects exceeds 100,000, please contact the NED helpdesk for further assistance.
  • A new version of Firefly deployed in this NED release provides better accessibility for long entries in the Notes and References tabs of object search results. A mouse-over at the end of any long cell entry now displays an ellipsis ('...'), which allows the user to either view the full content or copy it to the clipboard.
  • The Object Name in tables returned from multi-object searches are now links. When clicking on an object name, it will direct you to the "Detailed Information for a Named Object". These links were previously on the sequential numbers in the No. column ahead of the Object Name.
  • The default page size in Firefly tables has been increased from 100 to 1,000 rows. This applies to all the search result tables.
  • The Output Options in the Objects with parameter Constraints search form has been simplified to include only the three most frequently-used table formats: CSV (Text) - Bar Separated Values, TSV (Text) - Tab Separated Values, and VOTable (xml).

December 2020 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

1,991,875 new object links (pointers) to new references including:

  • 22,350 LAMOST Galaxies and redshifts from The LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area (LaCoSSPAr) in the Southern Galactic Cap. I. The Spectroscopic Redshift Catalog (Yang, M. et al., 2018ApJS..234....5Y ) and The Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Quasar Survey: The Fourth and Fifth Data Releases new large set of spectroscopic multiply lensed sources (Yao, S. et al., 2019ApJS..240....6Y )
  • 21,754 CLASH galaxies and redshifts from Crowded Field Galaxy Photometry: Precision Colors in the CLASH Clusters (Connor, T. et al., 2017ApJ...848...37C ) and A refined mass distribution of the cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 from a new large set of spectroscopic multiply lensed sources (Caminha, G. B. et al., 2017A&A...600A..90C )
  • 20,255 CASBaH galaxies and redshifts from The COS Absorption Survey of Baryon Harbors: The Galaxy Database and Cross-correlation Analysis of O VI Systems (Prochaska, J. X. et al., 2019ApJS..243...24P )
  • 17,292 Galaxies and redshifts from Comparison of hydrostatic and dynamical masses of distant X-ray luminous galaxy clusters (Foex, G. et al., 2017A&A...606A.122F )
  • 4,536 ICRF positions from Structure Effects for 3417 Celestial Reference Frame Radio Sources Xu, M. H. et al., 2019ApJS..242....5X )
  • 872 Supernovae through June 2020 from ASASSN , and Transient Name Server

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 387,194 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 92,059 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources.


  • 320,356 additional redshifts
  • 30,379 more objects with redshifts


2,983,224 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:

  • VIS : HST magnitudes from A comprehensive HST BVI Catalogue of Star Clusters in Five Hickson Compact Groups of Galaxies (Fedotov, K. et al., 2015MNRAS.449.2937F)
  • NIR : Spitzer IRAC magnitudes from S-CANDELS: The Spitzer-Cosmic Assembly Near-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey. Survey Design, Photometry, and Deep IRAC Source Counts (Ashby, M.L.N. et al., 2015ApJS..218...33A)
  • RADIO : LOFAR fluxes from LOFAR/H-ATLAS: a deep low-frequency survey of the Herschel-ATLAS North Galactic Pole field (Hardcastle, M.J. et al., 2016MNRAS.462.1910H)
  • XRAY : Chandra fluxes from The 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North Survey and the 250 ks Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Improved Point-source Catalogs (Xue, Y.Q. et al., 2016ApJS..224...15X)
  • FIR : Herschel fluxes from Herschel protocluster survey: a search for dusty star-forming galaxies in protoclusters at z = 2-3 (Kato, Y. et al., 2016MNRAS.460.3861K)

August 2020 Release Highlights

User Interface

  • A new References by Author Name form under Literature on the top menu bar enables author name searches in ADS constrained to articles containing objects in NED.
  • Reference Lookup search results now display the number of objects in NED for the reference, when applicable.
  • Instead of only displaying tabs with data, which caused them to shift position in search results for different objects, results from a By Name object search now include all the data tabs. Tabs containing no data are grayed out and are not clickable.
  • Under the Overview tab in By Name search results, a "View in IRSA Finderchart" link is provided to explore available images for the given object using the IRSA Finderchart service.
  • Under the Photometry & SED tab in By Name object search results, Photometry and Flux Density are displayed as decimal numbers when the measured values are between 0.001 and 10 million. Values outside this range are displayed in scientific notation.
  • SED plots in the Photometry & SED tab are improved by adding upward pointing arrows to represent lower limit values. An example can be viewed in the SED of NGC 1068.
  • The width of the following input fields have been increased to provide a complete view of the entered values in search forms: Object name for a By Name search, Object name for Near Name search, Coordinates for a Near Position search, and IAU name for an IAU search.

June 2020 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

664,852 new object links (pointers) to 1,742 new references including:

  • 82,091 COSMOS2015 sources published in Cosmic Web of Galaxies in the COSMOS Field: Public Catalog and Different Quenching for Centrals and Satellites (Darvish, B. et al. 2017ApJ...837...16D ) and Infrared Selection of Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Field (Chang, Y. et al. 2017ApJS..233...19C )
  • 23,929 Galaxies and Galaxy Groups from Galaxy Groups Within 3500 km s-1 (Kourkchi, E. and Tully, R. B. 2017ApJ...843...16K )
  • 19,179 LARGESS galaxies and redshifts from The Large Area Radio Galaxy Evolution Spectroscopic Survey (LARGESS): survey design, data catalogue and GAMA/WiggleZ spectroscopy (Ching, J. et al. 2017MNRAS.464.1306C )
  • 823 Fermi gamma-ray sources from The Second Catalog of Flaring Gamma-Ray Sources from the Fermi All-sky Variability Analysis (2FAV) (Abdollahi, S. et al. 2017ApJ...846...34A )
  • 564 NuSTAR X-ray sources from The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: The 40-month Catalog and the Properties of the Distant High-energy X-Ray Source Population (Lansbury, G.B. et al. 2017ApJ...836...99L )
  • 1,709 Galaxies and redshifts from An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Spectroscopic Redshifts (Danielson, A.L.R. et al. 2017ApJ...840...78D )
  • 1,228 Cosmic Voids from A Cosmic Void Catalog of SDSS DR12 BOSS Galaxies (Mao, Q. et al. 2017ApJ...835..161M )
  • 3,199 Supernovae through Dec 2019 from ASASSN, and Transient Name Server, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey
  • 172 Gamma-Ray Bursts through Dec 2019 from Swift GRBs with XRT positions

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 22,400 new objects from the literature
  • 232,776 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects


  • 149,427 additional redshifts
  • 5,784 more objects with redshifts


449,987 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:

  • NIR: VISTA magnitudes from A Comparative Study of Density Field Estimation for Galaxies: New Insights into the Evolution of Galaxies with Environment in COSMOS out to z ∼ 3 (Darvish, Behnam et al., 2015ApJ...805..121D)
  • Radio: FIRST fluxes from Nature and evolution of powerful radio galaxies at z ~ 1 and their link with the quasar luminosity function (van Velzen, Sjoert et al., 2015MNRAS.446.2985V)
  • FIR: Herschel fluxes from PACS photometry of the Herschel Reference Survey - far-infrared/submillimetre colours as tracers of dust properties in nearby galaxies (Cortese, L. et al., 2014MNRAS.440..942C)
  • Xray: Swift fluxes from Constraining the rate and luminosity function of Swift gamma-ray bursts (Howell, E.J., 2014MNRAS.444...15H)
  • UV & VIS: GALEX and KPNO magnitudes from GALEX catalogue of UV point sources in M33 (Mudd, Dale & Stanek, K.Z. 2015MNRAS.450.3811M)


  • 350 images for 70 galaxies from Chandra Early-type Galaxy Atlas (Kim et al. 2019ApJS..241...36K )
  • 119 images from A Near-infrared Census of the Multicomponent Stellar Structure of Early-type Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster (Janz et al. 2014ApJ...786..105J )
  • 5 images for MESSIER 033 from Dust Heating Sources in Galaxies: The Case of M33 (HERM33ES) (Boquien et al. 2011AJ....142..111B )
  • 1 cube for NGC 6251 from The XMM-Newton view of the X-ray halo and jet of NGC 6251 (Sambruna et al. 2004A&A...414..885S)


  • 2196 spectra from Far-infrared Line Spectra of Active Galaxies from the Herschel/PACS Spectrometer: The Complete Database (Fernández-Ontiveros et al. 2016ApJS..226...19F)
  • 82 spectra from The quasar MBH-Mhost relation through cosmic time - I. Data set and black hole masses (Decarli et al. 2010MNRAS.402.2441D)

Redshift-independent Distances

  • The Galaxy Distances Tabulation (NED-D) contains 272,573 distances for 147,363 galaxies.

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April 2020 Release Highlights

User Interface

  • A few left-most columns in search result tables are frozen to keep the context information visible when scrolling horizontally. These include:
    • No. and Object Name columns in the Near Name or Near Position (Cone) search, In Refcode search, and By Parameters search results. For By Parameters search, select "XML VOTable" in the Output Options.
    • No., RA, and DEC columns in the "Measured Positions" table under the Coordinates tab on the "Detailed Information for a Named Object" page.
    • No., Frequency targeted, Published Velocity, and Published Velocity Uncertainty columns in the "Measured Redshifts" table under the Redshifts tab on the "Detailed Information for a Named Object" page.
    • No., Frequency Targeted, and Refcode columns in the "Measured Diameters" table under the Diameters tab on the "Detailed Information for a Named Object" page.
    • No., Observed Passband, Photometry Measurement, Uncertainty, and Units columns in the "Photometry" table under the Photometry tab on the "Detailed Information for a Named Object" page.
    • No. and Refcode columns in the "Notes" table under the Notes tab on the "Detailed Information for a Named Object" page.
    • Refcode column in the "Literature References" table under the References tab on the "Detailed Information for a Named Object" page.
  • The "Survey Coverage" tab in By Name object search results has been changed to display HEALPix Multi-Order Coverage (MOC) maps using semi-transparent colors. Compared with the prior default of unfilled polygonal outlines, this new setting makes it easier to distinguish observed regions from gaps in survey coverage.
  • A new input format (HHMMSS[d|.d]+DDMMSS[d|.d], where d denotes the decimal part of preceding element) is now supported for IAU-style Near Name or Near Position (Cone) searches. See detailed examples by clicking the tooltip ("?") symbol on the Cone Search page.
  • A new video tutorial is added to explain the display of spatial coverage of astronomical surveys in the vicinity of NED objects, and demonstrate how to use the IPAC Firefly tool to interactively explore the data (zoom, pan, etc.) and to change the display settings.

Feburary 2020 Release Highlights

User Interface

Database Contents

Here is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

References and Object Pointers

723,652 new object links (pointers) to 1,953 new references including:

  • 31,502 redshifts and ALFALFA galaxies from The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The ALFALFA Extragalactic H I Source Catalog (Haynes, M. et al. 2018ApJ...861...49H )
  • 561,585 SDSS sources from Pattern recognition in the ALFALFA.70 and Sloan Digital Sky Surveys (Teimoorinia, H. et al. 2017MNRAS.464.3796T )
  • 68,277 Sources and redshifts from Covering factors of the dusty obscurers in radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars (Gupta, M. et al. 2016MNRAS.461.2346G )
  • 14,572 HII Regions in NGC 1316 from The complex star cluster system of NGC 1316 (Fornax A) (Sesto, L. et al. 2016MNRAS.461.4260S )
  • Over 6,000 more supernovae through Sep 2019 from ASASSN, PS1, and Transient Name Server

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 42,021 new objects from the literature
  • 119,619 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects


  • 132,054 additional redshifts
  • 3,511 more objects with redshifts


295,394 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:

  • UV, VIS & NIR: GALEX and VISTA magnitudes from Bulgeless Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift: Sample Selection, Color Properties, and the Existence of Powerful Active Galactic Nuclei (Bizzocchi, Luca et al., 2014ApJ...782...22B)
  • MIR & FIR: Spitzer and Herschel fluxes from Hidden starbursts and active galactic nuclei at 0 < z < 4 from the Herschel-VVDS-CFHTLS-D1 field: Inferences on coevolution and feedback (Lemauz, B.C. et al., 2014A&A...572A..90L)
  • RAD : ATCA fluxes from ATLAS 1.4 GHz Data Release 2 - I. Observations of the CDF-S and ELAIS-S1 fields and methods for constructing differential number counts (Hales, C.A. et al., 2014MNRAS.441.2555H)
  • XRAY : Chandra fluxes from Compton thick active galactic nuclei in Chandra surveys (Brightman, Murray et al., 2014MNRAS.443.1999B)


  • 184 images for 92 objects from The Extended Disc Galaxy Exploration Science Survey: description and surface brightness profile properties (Staudaher et al. 2019MNRAS.486.1995S )


  • 31,198 spectra from The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The ALFALFA Extragalactic H I Source Catalog (Haynes et al. 2018ApJ...861...49H )
  • 250 spectra from The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey - VIII. Final data release. The effect of group environment on the gas content of massive galaxies (Catinella et al. 2013MNRAS.436...34C )
  • 240 spectra from The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey. VI. Second data release and updated gas fraction scaling relations (Catinella et al. 2012A&A...544A..65C )
  • 176 spectra from The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey - I. Gas fraction scaling relations of massive galaxies and first data release (Catinella et al. 2010MNRAS.403..683C )

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January 2020 Release Highlights

User Interface

  • For By Name, Near Name or Near Position (Cone), In Refcode, and By Parameters search, a checkbox column is added on the left to all result tables to enable selecting the rows of interest.
  • A new "View References in ADS" button is added on the upper left corner of all search result tables containing a "Refcode" column, which include tables under the "Coordinates", "Redshifts", "Distances", "Classifications", "Galactic Extinctions", "Notes", "Diameters", "Photometry & SED", and "References" tabs. A maximum of 50 unique "Refcode" values can be collected from the selections and sent out to ADS for a reference search. When no row is selected, the default is to send all the unique refcodes to ADS, with a maximum of 50 as well.
    Caution: The number of reference codes sent to ADS may differ from the number of references returned by ADS due to some NED reference codes not recognized by ADS. NED is working with the ADS team to match up all the reference codes.
  • A new "Survey Coverage" tab is added to the "Detailed Information for a Named Object" page, where HiPS image centered on the searched object is overlayed with SDSS9 color MOC in orange and GALEX GR6 AIS MOC in green.
  • The NED gravitational wave follow-up (GWF) service has extended the distance limit from 200 Mpc to 1 Gpc. Please see the NED-GWF Overview page for more details.
  • A tutorial on how to use the Near Name or Near Position (Cone) search is available here.

Other improvements

  • Some known issues in the user interface have been resolved.

2019 Release Highlights

October 2019 Release Highlights

Database Contents

After the ingestion of the AllWISE Source Catalog, NED now has over 1.1 billion distinct objects, and about 14 billion photometric data points. Below is a snapshot of NED's holdings at this release.

AllWISE Source Catalog

  • All 747,634,026 sources from the AllWISE Source Catalog (Cutri, R. M. et al. 2013wise.rept....1C ) were integrated into NED. Out of them, 307,940,233 matched with existing NED objects, 439,693,793 became new distinct objects.

References and Object Pointers

1,048,072 new object links (pointers) and 2,032 new references including:
  • 217,813 Chandra X-ray sources from CHANDRA ACIS Survey of X-Ray Point Sources: The Source Catalog (Wang, S. et al. 2016ApJS..224...40W )
  • 126,068 Brightest Cluster Galaxies identified in WHL Galaxy Clusters from A Catalog of 132,684 Clusters of Galaxies Identified from Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (Wen, Z. L. Han, J.L. and Liu, F.S. 2012ApJS..199...34W )
  • 125,716 Sources and photometric redshifts from the Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS) from An Application of Multi-band Forced Photometry to One Square Degree of SERVS. (Nyland, K. et al 2017ApJS..230....9N )
  • 117,883 Sources and photometric redshifts in the VVDS-F22 field from Deep CFHT Y-band Imaging of VVDS-F22 Field. I. (Liu, D. et al 2017AJ....153...53L )
  • 41,457 more CANDELS sources from CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: (Stefanon, M. et al. 2017ApJS..229...32S )
  • 16,800 Globular Clusters and Visual Sources around MESSIER 087 from Galaxy structure from multiple tracers - I. A census of M87's globular cluster populations (Oldham, L. J. et al. 2016MNRAS.455..820O )
  • 700 supernovae through Dec 2018 from ASASSN, PS1, and Transient Name Server.

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 833,740 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects.
  • Apart from the ALLWISE sources mentioned above, 237,953 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources.


  • 429,143 additional redshifts
  • 116,466 more objects with redshifts


34,691 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including :
  • RADIO: Effelsberg fluxes from The Radio Spectral Energy Distribution and Star-Formation Rate Calibration in Galaxies (Tabatabaei, F. S. et al. 2017ApJ…836..185T)
  • SUBMM & FIR: Herschel fluxes from Herschel-ATLAS First Data Release of the Science Demonstration Phase Source Catalogues (Rigby, E.E. et al. 2011MNRAS.415.2336R)
  • XRAY: XMM fluxes from The 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey. III. Clusters Associated with Spectroscopically Targeted Luminous Red Galaxies in SDSS-DR10 (Takey, A. et al. 2014A&A...564A..54T)
  • VIS: CFHT magnitudes from Multi-color Detection of Gravitational Arcs (Mauri, Matteo et al. 2014A&A...567A.111M)


  • 14 HI images and cubes for 4 objects from A High-resolution Mosaic of the Neutral Hydrogen in the M81 Triplet (de Blok et al. 2018ApJ...865...26D )


  • 1,138,363 spectra from Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR6 (Sloan Digital Sky Survey Team 2007SDSS6.C...0000:)

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August 2019 Release Highlights

User Interface

  • The full Refcode is now displayed for links to ADS abstract pages.
  • For Near Name or Near Position (Cone) and In Refcode search, the results are now displayed in a tri-view, with objects overlaid on a background image on the top left, histogram of redshifts on the top right, and an interactive table listing the objects satisfying the selection criteria in the bottom.
  • For By Parameters search, when user selects "XML VOTable ..." as output format, a "View" button is added on the results page, next to "Download". Clicking on the link will display the result in a table below the Query Summary.
  • A tutorial for interacting with SED plots is available here.
  • Numeric values in tables are now right-justified for better legibility in interactive tables.

Other improvements

May 2019 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here. Graphic summaries are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

1,667,172 new object links (pointers) and 1,297 new references including:
  • Pointers from 348 articles from AJ, ApJ, ApJS, A&A, and MNRAS for January to April, 2019.
  • 438,214 galaxies from Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): curation and reanalysis of 16.6k redshifts in the G10/COSMOS region (Davies, L. J. M. et al. 2015MNRAS.447.1014D )
  • 81,172 AGN galaxies using ALLWISE data from Identification of 1.4 Million Active Galactic Nuclei in the Mid-Infrared using WISE Data (Secrest, N. J. et al. 2015ApJS..221...12S )


  • 25,414 new photometric data points from the SPIRE instrument on-board the Herschel telescope integrated into SEDs, mostly from Herschel-ATLAS: first data release of the Science Demonstration Phase source catalogues (Rigby, E. E. et al. 2011MNRAS.415.2336R )



  • 501,632 spectra from Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2007 vol.p. (Sloan Digital Sky Survey Team 2007SDSS6.C...0000:)

Other improvements

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March 2019 Release Highlights

We are pleased to announce a new Gravitational Wave Follow-up (GWF) service, designed to leverage the data in NED to facilitate searches for electromagnetic counterparts of GW events. Within minutes after the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)-Virgo collaboration issues a new GW alert on the NASA Gamma-ray Coordinates Network (GCN), NED responds by posting a list of candidate galaxies in the event’s 90% probability volume. The goal is to help the community plan efficient follow-up observations to quickly find and study corresponding transient electromagnetic signals. To get started, in the menu bar select Services » Gravitational Wave Followup » Overview.

In the menu bar, the link to the Classic Home Page and Level 5 are now located under Services.

This release also includes a number of improvements to the user interface:

  • A new form is provided to view information about a reference. See Tools » Reference Lookup.
  • In the Spectra tab of a By Name query response, links to ‘Full descriptions’ have been restored.
  • Improved display of RA, Dec, Separation and other fields in object search results.
  • A help topic that was missing when the user clicked “?” in the Tools » Ticket Status form has been restored.
  • Improved input validation in the Search Objects By Name form.

2018 Release Highlights

December 2018 Release Highlights

User Interface

  • Inclusion of error bars and upper limits on Spectral Energy Distribution plots
  • A new dedicated tab containing Galactic Extinction values for over 100 filters
  • Better connectivity of references to ADS
  • Resolution of various known issues

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here. Graphic summaries are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

842,510 new object links (pointers) to 1,663 new references including:
  • 191,072 Galaxies in the COSMOS field from A Comparative Study of Density Field Estimation for Galaxies: New Insights into the Evolution of Galaxies with Environment in COSMOS out to z~3 (Darvish, B. et al. 2015ApJ...805..121D )
  • 133,159 WHL Galaxy Clusters from Calibration of the Optical Mass Proxy for Clusters of Galaxies and an Update of the WHL12 Cluster Catalog (Wen, Z. L. and Han, J. L. 2015ApJ...807..178W )
  • 2,740 LAMOST QSOs from The Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from the First Data Release (Ai, Y. L. et al. 2016AJ....151...24A )
  • 16,800 Globular Clusters and Visual Sources around MESSIER 087 from Galaxy structure from multiple tracers - I. A census of M87's globular cluster populations (Oldham, L. J. et al. 2016MNRAS.455..820O )
  • 16,351 supernovae through June 2018 from ASASSN, PS1, and Transient Name Server
  • 90 Gamma-Ray bursts from Jul 2016 through Oct 2017


  • 165,543 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 676,967 new NED objects including galaxies, quasars, clusters of galaxies, supernovae, globular clusters as well as unidentified radio, visual, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray sources


  • 707,252 additional redshifts
  • 184,727 more objects with redshifts


  • 267,819 spectra from Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2007 vol.p. (Sloan Digital Sky Survey Team 2007SDSS6.C...0000:)


  • Completed set of 264 images from THINGS: The H I Nearby Galaxy Survey (Walter et al. 2008AJ....136.2563W)

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November 2018 Release Highlights

The following improvements have been made to the user interface:

  • Three search forms from the classic UI (Near Name, Near Position, and IAU Format) have been consolidated into a single form to simplify searching for objects Near Name or Near Position (Cone), including an option for IAU style input. This new form also supports optional search constraints on redshift, object type and name prefix, as well as changes to the default cosmological parameters and output formats. By name, near name and near position searches with NED's default search options can also be performed by using the single entry box on the NED homepage. (Click the help (?) icon there for examples.)
  • Tabular results of object searches — Near Name or Near Position (Cone) and In Refcode, now have the same appearance and interactive features as the tables in By Name search results, implemented using the IPAC Firefly package. Coming soon: visualization of NED objects overlaid on survey imagery of the search region.
  • The pre-selected ("quick pick") cosmological parameters in the object search forms (By Name, Cone, In Refcode, and By Parameters) have been updated to include results from Nine-Year WMAP (2013ApJS..208...19H) and Planck 2015 (2016A&A...594A..13P).
  • NOTE: Quantities derived from redshift (luminosity distance, scales, sizes, etc.) in the new UI are now computed using the cosmological parameters from the Planck 2015 (2016A&A...594A..13P) results. You can change these default settings in the Cosmological Parameters section of the Search Options in any of the object search forms.
  • Updates to the UI help system including tool tips for Coordinates, Extinction and Velocity Calculators, and to the documentation pages on Search Objects and Calculators.
  • In the Images tab of the By Name query reports, one-click access to the same object in the IRSA Finderchart service is now provided. Once you are in the Finderchart UI, you can click on the Search button (upper left corner) to change the field of view, select different images, etc.
  • A tutorial video showing Image Search capabilities is available here.

This release also includes solutions to various known issues. See also: Prior Release Notes.

July 2018 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here. Graphic summaries are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

  • 1,176,297 new object links (pointers) to 3,248 new references
  • This release completes the results of cross-matching 471 million 2MASS Point Source Catalog (Skrutskie, M. F. et al. 2006AJ....131.1163S) sources with the contents of NED. Approximately 57 million of the sources (12% of the entire 2MASS PSC) were cross-identified with prior NED objects, and the rest became new objects in the database.. This release includes the fusion of their J, H, Ks photometric data into object SEDs. For further information, please see 2MASS PSC holdings.



  • 53 spectra from Decomposing Star Formation and Active Galactic Nucleus with Spitzer Mid-infrared Spectra: Luminosity Functions and Co-evolution (Fu et al. 2010ApJ...722..653F)
  • 31 spectra from High molecular gas fractions in normal massive star-forming galaxies in the young Universe (Tacconi et al. 2010Natur.463..781T)
  • 51 spectra from The Nuclear Near-Infrared Spectral Properties of Nearby Galaxies (Mason et al 2015ApJS..217...13M)
  • 929 spectra from The COSMOS Active Galactic Nucleus Spectroscopic Survey. I. XMM-Newton Counterparts (Trump et al 2009ApJ...696.1195T)


  • 64 images from High molecular gas fractions in normal massive star-forming galaxies in the young Universe (Tacconi et al. 2010Natur.463..781T)
  • 20 images from V, R, I and H{alpha} photometry of circumnuclear star-forming regions in four galaxies with different levels of nuclear activity (Angeles et al. 2000MNRAS.311..120D)

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June 2018 Release - The New Interface of NED

The NED team is pleased to present a new user interface! The original web interface is being phased out and replaced with a modern, streamlined approach that simplifies and consolidates query forms, and provides interactive tables with linked graphics in the results.

Featured upgrades include:

  • A single search box on the main screen lets you easily search for objects by entering an object name, an object name or coordinates with a search radius, or a refcode. Image searches are also supported (click the ? icon by the search box for examples.)
  • Information for a single object is presented in a modern, convenient way:
    • A new Overview page summarizes key quantities, as available
    • Detailed data in different categories are organized in tabs
    • Integration of the IPAC Firefly toolkit provides interactive tables (including sorting, filtering, data downloads) and linked graphics
    • FITS images can be viewed in your browser using the IPAC Firefly image viewer (replaces the Aladin Java applet)
    • Documentation has been updated and re-organized (see Information in the main menu bar above)
  • Modernized forms for the calculators (under Tools in the menu bar): coordinate transforms, Galactic extinction, and velocity corrections
  • References now link to the new ADS interface
  • New API to query the NED Object Directory using the VO Table Access Protocol (TAP)

Some familiar NED features are not yet integrated into the new interface: Search Objects by IAU Name, Search Objects by Classifications, Build Data Table from Input List, Search References by Object Name, the Galaxy Environment tool, and Level 5. These will be included in upcoming releases, and meanwhile they remain available in the 'Classic Services' menu option (above). Please refer to the Known Issues page for more information.

We welcome your feedback and comments.

2017 Release Highlights

November 2017 Release Highlights


We are seeking input from people interested in testing and providing feedback to the NED team on the latest version of the New User Interface. A list of the new features can be found here. For access instructions, please contact us.

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here. Graphic summaries are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

  • 3,474,235 new object links (pointers) to 1,872 new references
  • 150,000,000 2MASS Point Source Catalog sources from The Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) (Skrutskie, M. F. et al. 2006AJ....131.1163S)

    Fundamental parameters for 471 million sources in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC) are being integrated into NED using an updated data ingestion and cross-matching pipeline. This release contains the results of cross-matching 150 million sources (32% of the entire catalog) that are located at declination south of -37 degrees. Among these 2MASS PSC sources, 92% are new objects to NED, and 8% have new cross-identifications with prior NED objects, including the fusion of their photometric data into object SEDs. Cross-matching and data fusion for the rest of the catalog is in progress in the Production database, and will be available in a NED update in early 2018.


Redshift-Independent Distances


585 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:
  • VIS : VLT fluxes from Metallicity evolution, metallicity gradients, and gas fractions at z ~ 3.4 (Troncoso, P. et al. 2014A&A...563A..58T)
  • RADIO : ATCA fluxes from A Deep Chandra ACIS Survey of M83 (Long, Knox et al. 2014ApJS..212...21L)
  • SUBMM : Planck and Herschel fluxes from The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. XV. Planck submillimetre sources in the Virgo Cluster(Baes M. et al. 2014MNRAS.437.3063K)
  • XRAY : Fermi fluxes from Why are some BL Lacertaes detected by Fermi, but others not? (Wu, Zhongzu et al. 2014A&A...562A..64W)

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June-July 2017 Release Highlights


Some objects that were assigned a SDSS-DR13 spectroscopic redshift as the highest-ranked ("preferred") value in the 2017 June NED release were later found to be inconsistent with previously established redshifts in NED. In the July 20 NED update, the preferred redshift for such objects have been returned to the values assigned prior to June 28, 2017. If you used redshifts or information derived from redshifts between June 29 and July 20, 2017, we encourage you to access NED again for the latest updates. We apologize for any inconvenience.

It is important to note that as the volume, rate, and complexity of data flowing into NED grow, the team is continuously refining and vetting the results of rule-based algorithms that assign ranks and select "preferred" values of fundamental measurements such as the positions and redshifts that appear by default in object search results. Therefore, the highest ranked values will continue to change over time as new data are merged into the database and ranking criteria become more sophisticated via scientific vetting. Also, we encourage users interested in comparing the uncertainties, measurement methods and other metadata, or investigating potential physical differences among the individual measurements available from various survey catalogs and publications, to inspect the detailed data frames available in NED.

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here.



3,231 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:
  • RADIO : VLA fluxes from X-ray emission from star-forming galaxies - III. Calibration of the LX-SFR relation up to redshift z ~ 1.3 (Mineo, S. et al. 2014MNRAS.437.1698M)
  • VIS : VLT magnitudes from On the connection between the intergalactic medium and galaxies: the H I-galaxy cross-correlation at z <~ 1 (Tejos, Nicolas et al. 2014MNRAS.437.2017T)
  • XRAY : Chandra fluxes from First X-ray observations of low-power compact steep spectrum sources (Kunert-Bajraszewska, M. et al. 2014MNRAS.437.3063K)


  • 44 images from Powerful Activity in the Bright Ages. I. A Visible/IR Survey of High Redshift 3C Radio Galaxies and Quasars (Hilbert et al. 2016ApJS..225...12H)


  • 81,001 spectra from The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: survey design and first data release (Drinkwater et al. 2010MNRAS.401.1429D)
  • 64 spectra from Optical Spectra of a Complete Sample of Radio Sources. I. The Spectra (Lawrence et al. 1996ApJS..107..541L)

Latest Review Articles in LEVEL 5 Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology

May 2017 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

  • Over 650,000 new objects with spectroscopic redshifts from the SDSS DR13 Optical Spectra Catalog ( 2016SDSSD.C...0000: ); see also .
  • 354,866 new object links (pointers) to 854 new references including:
  •     327,106 WINGS sources from OmegaWINGS: OmegaCAM-VST observations of WINGS galaxy clusters (Gullieuszik, M. et al. 2015A&A...581A..41G )


March 2017 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

2,211,822 new object links (pointers) to 1,562 new references including:
  • 137,796 Infrared sources (S-CANDELS) from S-CANDELS: The Spitzer-Cosmic Assembly Near-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey. Survey Design, Photometry, and Deep IRAC Source Counts (Ashby, M.L.N. et al. 2015ApJS..218...33A )
  • 59,192 Radio sources from the Nature and evolution of powerful radio galaxies at z ~ 1 and their link with the quasar luminosity function (van Velzen, S. et al. 2015MNRAS.446.2985V )
  • 23,347 Swift AGNs (SACS) and clusters of galaxies (SWCL) from The SWIFT AGN and Cluster Survey. (Dai, X. et al. 2015ApJS..218....8D )
  • 581,945 galaxies from The connection between galaxy structure and quenching efficiency (Omand, C. et al. 2014MNRAS.440..843O )
  • 184,834 quasars from The second release of the Large Quasar Astrometric Catalog (LQAC-2) (Souchay, J. et al. 2012A&A...537A..99S )
  • 18,093 Star clusters from A comprehensive HST BVI catalogue of star clusters in five Hickson compact groups of galaxies (Fedotov, K. et al. 2015MNRAS.449.2937F )

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 351,184 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 138,219 new NED objects


  • 186,940 additional redshifts
  • 7,496 more objects with redshifts


19,668 new photometric data points integrated into SEDs, including:
  • XRAY : 0.3-10 keV fluxes from An Environmental Study of the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source Population in Early-type Galaxies (Plotkin, Richard. M. et al. 2014ApJ...780....6P)
  • VIS and NIR : HST, VLT, and Spitzer fluxes from Tracing the Mass Growth and Star Formation Rate Evolution of Massive Galaxies from z ~ 6 to z ~ 1 in the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (Lundgren, Britt F. et al. 2014ApJ...780...34L)
  • SUBMM : Herschel fluxes from HerMES: Candidate High-redshift Galaxies Discovered with Herschel/SPIRE (Dowell, C. Darren et al. 2014ApJ...780...75D)


  • 90 images from Maps of the Magellanic Clouds from Combined South Pole Telescope and PLANCK Data (Crawford et al. 2016ApJS..227...23C)
  • 14 images from On the Classification of UGC 1382 as a Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxy (Hagen et al. 2016ApJ...826..210H)
  • 214 images from The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Early Data Release (Allen et al. 2015MNRAS.446.1567A)
  • 65 images from Investigations of dust heating in M81, M83 and NGC 2403 with the Herschel Space Observatory (Bendo et al. 2012MNRAS.419.1833B)


  • 4041 spectra from Update on H I data collection from Green Bank, Parkes and Arecibo telescopes for the Cosmic Flows project (Courtois and Tully, 2015MNRAS.447.1531C)
  • 366 spectra from COLD GASS, an IRAM legacy survey of molecular gas in massive galaxies - I. Relations between H_2_, H I, stellar content and structural properties (Saintonge et al. 2011MNRAS.415...32S)
  • 6 spectra from 3-5 micron Spectroscopy of Obscured AGNs in ULIRGs (Sani et al. 2008ApJ...675...96S)

Latest Review Articles in LEVEL 5 Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology

2016 Release Highlights

December 2016 Release Highlights

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

1,066,699 new object links (pointers) to 508 new references including:
  • 854,328 galaxies from Stellar Masses and Star Formation Rates for 1M Galaxies from SDSS+WISE (Chang, Yu-Yen et al. 2015ApJS..219....8C )
  • 100,112 quasars from The large quasar reference frame (LQRF) (Andrei, A. H . et al. 2009A&A...505..385A )
  • 108,467 quasars from The construction of the large quasar astrometric catalogue (LQAC) (Souchay, J. et al. 2009A&A...494..799S )
  • 2,191 quasars from Auxilliary Quasar Solution for the QSOs that were matched to ICRF2 sources in Gaia DR1 (Gaia Collaboration 2016yCat.1337....0G )

Redshift-Independent Distances


6,160 new photometric data points including:
  • RADIO : 1.4 GHz fluxes from mJIVE-20: A Survey for Compact mJy Radio Objects with the Very Long Baseline Array (Deller, A.T. and Middelberg, E. 2014AJ....147...14D)
  • VIS : KPNO magnitudes from Beyond the Brim of the Hat: Kinematics of Globular Clusters out to Large Radii in the Sombrero Galaxy (Dowell, Jessica L. et al. 2014AJ....147..150D)
  • NIR : Magnitudes from New 2MASS Near-infrared Photometry for Globular Clusters in M31 (Wang, Song et al. 2014AJ....148....4W)


  • 20 images from The resolved star-formation relation in nearby active galactic nuclei (Casasola et al. 2015A&A...577A.135C)


  • 469 spectra from A Uniform Analysis of the Ly{alpha} Forest at z = 0-5. III. Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph Spectral Atlas (Bechtold et al. 2002ApJS..140..143B)
  • 39 spectra from A Uniform Analysis of the Ly{alpha} Forest at z = 0-5. I. The Sample and Distribution of Clouds at z > 1.7 (Scott et al. 2000ApJS..130...37S)
  • 6 spectra from Simulation Analysis of Lyman-alpha forest spectra. I Empirical description at z ~ (Dobrzycki and Bechtold 1996ApJ...457..102D)
  • 33 spectra from The Lyman-alpha forest near 34 Quasi-Stellar objects with z > 2.6 (Jill Bechtold 1994ApJS...91....1B)

Latest Review Articles in LEVEL 5 Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology

October 2016 Release Highlights

Spitzer Source List

We have cross-matched the Spitzer Enhanced Imaging Products (SEIP) Source List with NED, integrating selected quantities including photometry in 5 IR bands:

  • 42,089,764 SSTSL2 sources from the SEIP cross-matched with NED, yielding:
    • 37.4 million new NED objects
    • 4.7 million cross-IDs to existing NED objects
  • 360.5 million photometric data points in the IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0 micron, and the MIPS 24 micron bands.

August-September 2016 Revisions

References and Object Pointers

2,049,873 new object links (pointers) to 962 new references including:
  • 1,723,545 candidate QSOs from Quasar candidates selection in the Virtual Observatory era (D'Abrusco, R. et al. 2009MNRAS.396..223D)
  • 34,929 galaxies in the GOODS-CDFS field from CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: GOODS-South Field (Guo Y. et al. 2013ApJS..207...24G)
  • 16,910 galaxies in the COMBO-17 field from A Public, K-Selected, Optical-to-Near-Infrared Catalog of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) from the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC) Taylor E.N. et al. 2009ApJS..183..295T)
  • 3,414 ICRF radio sources from The Second Realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame by Very Long Baseline Interferometry (Fey, A. L. et al. 2015AJ....150...58F)
  • 2,224 star clusters in M51 from A Catalog of Bright Star Clusters in the Interacting Galaxy M51 (Hwang, N. and Lee, M.G. 2008AJ....135.1567H)

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 210,889 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 67,048 new NED objects


  • 34,993 additional redshifts
  • 4,929 more objects with redshifts


3,067 new photometric data points, including:
  • VIS : BATC magnitudes from Age and Mass Studies for Young Star Clusters in M31 from SEDS-FIT (Wang, Song et al. 2012AJ....144..191W)
  • UV and IR: GALEX and WISE magnitudes from Multi-wavelength study of 14000 star-forming galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Izotov, Y. I. et al. 2014A&A...561A..33I)
  • RADIO : VLA HI flux from VLA-ANGST: A High-resolution H I Survey of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies (Ott, Jurgen et al. 2012AJ....144..123O)


  • 46 images from CARMA Survey toward Infrared-bright Nearby Galaxies (STING). III. The Dependence of Atomic and Molecular Gas Surface Densities on Galaxy Properties (Wong, Tony et al. 2013ApJ...777L...4W)
  • 118 images from Nobeyama CO Atlas of Nearby Spiral Galaxies: Distribution of Molecular Gas in Barred and Nonbarred Spiral Galaxies (Kuno, Nario et al. 2007PASJ...59..117K)
  • 214 images from Resolved atomic super-clouds in spiral galaxies (R. Braun 1995A&AS..114..409B)


  • 10,643 spectra from zCOSMOS: A Large VLT/VIMOS Redshift Survey Covering 0 < z < 3 in the COSMOS Field (S. J. Lilly et al. 2007ApJS..172...70L)

Latest Review Articles in LEVEL 5 Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology

June-July 2016 Revisions

User Interface

Try our next-generation user interface, which features a Simple Search box on the main screen.

In response to a query such as "NGC 1365 images" in the Simple Search box (or using the image search form), the results can be rapidly sorted on various columns (e.g., spectral region) and searched for any string. A link to the IRSA Finderchart service enables users to change the field of view, or interact with imagery from major sky surveys such as 2MASS, WISE, and SDSS at the same location.

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

  • 995,490 new object links (pointers) to 1,335 new references including:
  • 637,408 galaxies and galaxy groups from Galaxy Groups in the SDSS DR4 (Yang, X. et al. 2007ApJ...671..153Y )
  • 279,780 SDSS QSOs from The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: tenth data release (Paris, I. et al. 2014A&A...563A..54P )
  • 22,466 SDSS DR7 QSOs from Tracing a high redshift cosmic web with quasar systems (Einasto, M. et al. 2014A&A...568A..46E )
  • 355 SMC stars and star clusters from A slitless spectroscopic survey for H{alpha} emission-line objects in SMC clusters (Hales, C. et al. 2010A&A...509A..11M )


  • MIR : Gemini, VLT and Subaru fluxes from The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei - I. The N- and Q-band imaging atlas (Asmus, D. et al. 2014MNRAS.439.1648A
  • VIS : KPNO magnitudes from An Updated Catalog of M33 Clusters and Candidates: UBVRI Photometry and Some Statistical Results (Ma, Jun 2012AJ....144...41M
  • IR : WISE magnitudes from SDSS Quasars in the WISE Preliminary Data Release and Quasar Candidate Selection with Optical/Infrared Colors (Wu, Xues-Bing et al. 2012AJ....144...49W


  • 116 images and cubes from The ATLAS3D project - XVIII. CARMA CO imaging survey of early-type galaxies (Alatalo et al. 2013MNRAS.432.1796A)
  • 385 images and cubes from The ATLAS3D project - XIII. Mass and morphology of H I in early-type galaxies as a function of environment (Serra et al. 2012MNRAS.422.1835S)


  • 436 spectra from The ATLAS 3D project - IV. The molecular gas content of early-type galaxies (Young et al. 2011MNRAS.414..940Y)
  • 83 spectra from Molecular gas and star formation in the SAURON early-type galaxies (Combes et al. 2007MNRAS.377.1795C)

Latest Review Articles in LEVEL 5 Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology

March-May 2016 Revisions

User Interface

Try our next-generation user interface, which features a Simple Search box on the main screen.

In response to a query such as "NGC 1365 images" in the Simple Search box (or using the image search form), the results can be rapidly sorted on various columns (e.g., spectral region) and searched for any string. A link to the IRSA Finderchart service enables users to change the field of view, or interact with imagery from major sky surveys such as 2MASS, WISE, and SDSS at the same location.

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

  • 1,094,528 new object links (pointers) to 814 new references

Cross-IDs and New Objects

  • 252,341 sources from the literature cross-identified with NED objects
  • 71,412 new NED objects

Featured Additions to Objects and Basic Data

  • 63,111 galaxies in the Shapley supercluster from Shapley Optical Survey (Mercurio, A. et al. 2006MNRAS.368..109M )
  • 56,152 COSMOS, AEGIS, GEMS, and GOODS galaxies from Bulgeless Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift (Bizzocchi, L. et al. 2014ApJ...782...22B )
  • 17,019 galaxies and redshifts observed with Hectospec from SHELS: A Complete Galaxy Redshift Survey with R <= 20.6 (Geller, M. et al. 2014ApJS..213...35G )
  • 2,531 radio sources in the CDF-S and ELAIS-S1 fields from ATLAS 1.4 GHz Data Release 2 (Hales, C. et al. 2014MNRAS.441.2555H )
  • 4,364 HII regions in M31 from A New Catalog of H II Regions in M31 (Galametz, A. et al. 2011AJ....142..139A )
  • Over new 600 supernovae from ASASSN, DES, GAIA, MASTER, MLS, and SNHunt surveys via hundreds of ATels ( The Astronomer's Telegram )

Redshift-Independent Distances


  • 919 images from CHANG-ES. IV. Radio Continuum Emission of 35 Edge-on Galaxies Observed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in D Configuration---Data Release 1. (Wiegert et al. 2015AJ....150...81W)
  • 783 images from The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei - I. The N- and Q-band imaging atlas (Asmus et al. 2014MNRAS.439.1648A)


  • 497 spectra from The Extragalactic Distance Database: All Digital H I Profile Catalog (Courtois et al. 2009AJ....138.1938C)
  • 176 spectra from HI observations of edge-on spiral galaxies (Huchtmeier et al. 2005A&A...435..459H)
  • 4 spectra from Irregular galaxies with extended HI emission (Hunter D. A., Gallagher J. S. III. 1985AJ.....90.1789H)
  • 2 spectra from Gas dynamics in barred spiral galaxies - II. NGC 7496 and 289 (Pence W. D., Balckman C. P. 1984MNRAS.210..547P)

Latest Review Articles in LEVEL 5 Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology

January-February 2016 Revisions

User Interface

Try our next-generation user interface, which features a Simple Search box on the main screen. Results from searching Objects and Unprocessed Catalog Sources and Source Nomenclature now have improved table formatting, with options to change the number of rows per page, to sort on selected columns, and to search all columns.

Database Contents

Tabular summaries of NED's current holdings are presented here.

References and Object Pointers

  • 43,411 new object links (pointers) to 1,207 new references including:
  • 5,835 galaxies from A Catalog of Visually Classified Galaxies in the Local (z ~ 0.01) Universe (Ann, H. B. et al., 2015ApJS..217...27A)
  • 2,735 2FGL sources from Refining the Associations of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Source Catalogs (Massaro, F. et al., 2015ApJS..217....2M)
  • 2,673 galaxies from Box/peanut and bar structures in edge-on and face-on nearby galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - I. Catalogue (Yoshino, A. and Yamauchi, C. 2015MNRAS.446.3749Y)
  • 1,187 Supernova Remnants in 18 galaxies from Optical supernova remnants in nearby galaxies and their influence on star formation rates derived from Halpha emission Vucetic M.M.. et al., 2015MNRAS.446..943V)
  • 733 galaxies from Halpha3: an Halpha imaging survey of HI selected galaxies from ALFALFA . V. The Coma supercluster survey completion (Gavazzi, G. et al., 2015A&A...576A..16G)
  • 149 Globular clusters in M31 from M31 Globular Clusters in the Hubble Space Telescope Archive. I. Cluster Detection and Completeness (Bond, H.E. 2015AJ....149..132B)
  • 82 Planetary Nebulae in 6 galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope Snapshot Search for Planetary Nebulae in Globular Clusters of the Local Group (Barmby, P. and Huchra. J.P. 2001AJ....122.2458B)


  • Vis : V and B magnitudes from The Observed Properties of Dwarf Galaxies in and around the Local Group (McConnachie, Alan W. 2012AJ....144....4M)
  • MIR : Gemini fluxes from The Nuclear Infrared Emission of Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (Mason, R. E. et al. 2012AJ....144...11M)

Redshift-Independent Distances


  • 768 images from The Spitzer Local Volume Legacy (LVL) global optical photometry (Cook, David O. et al. 2014MNRAS.445..881C)


  • 28 spectra from A spectral atlas of H II galaxies in the near-infrared (Martins, Lucimara P. et al. 2013MNRAS.431.1823M)
  • 371 spectra from Spectrophotometry of Nearby Field Galaxies: The Data (Rolf A. Jansen et al. 2000ApJS..126..331J)
  • 258 spectra from A study of the large-scale structure in the distribution of galaxies centered about the Cancer cluster. II. (Bicay M.D., Giovanelli R. 1986AJ.....91..732B)

Review Articles in LEVEL 5 Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology