5.7. Cooling flows and accretion by cDs
If the rate of cooling in the intracluster gas is sufficiently rapid,
gas may cool and flow into the center of the cluster.
Lea et al.
Silk (1976),
Cowie and Binney
(1977), and
Fabian and Nulsen (1977)
noted that the cooling times tcool
(equation 5.23) in the more luminous X-ray clusters are comparable to the
Hubble time th (the age of the universe and
approximate age of clusters). This
might be a coincidence, but it would also be a natural consequence of
the cooling of the intracluster gas. Imagine that a certain amount of
gas was introduced into
the cluster when it formed. Initially, the cooling time in this gas
might be much
longer than the age of the cluster, and cooling would be unimportant.
However, as long as cooling was more rapid than heating, and the gas was
not removed from the cluster, the cooling time would not increase, and
eventually the age of the cluster would exceed the cooling time. Once
this occurs, the gas will cool in the cluster core, and the pressure of the
surrounding gas will cause the cool gas to flow into the cluster center. The
surrounding hot intracluster gas will always have
Silk (1976) and
Cowie and Binney (1977)
showed that this cooling condition could explain
a number of the observed correlations between the optical and X-ray
properties of clusters, particularly the Lx -
r relation
(equation 4.8). The
subject of these cooling flows has been reviewed recently by
Fabian et al.
Silk (1976)
suggested that the intracluster gas was introduced into the cluster
when it formed, and that cooling has reduced the amount of intracluster
gas so as to maintain tc
Cowie and Binney
on the other hand, argued that
the intracluster gas is constantly being replenished by ejection from
cluster galaxies. Then, the density of gas in the cluster center would
increase until the age exceeded the cooling time. After this point, a
stable steady-state would
be achieved, in which the rate of ejection of gas by galaxies into the
cluster was balanced by the rate of removal of gas through cooling in the
cluster core
(Cowie and Binney, 1977;
Cowie and Perrenod,
As long as the mass ejection rate is not too low, cooling would regulate the
inflow, and the densest hot gas at the cluster center would always have
The equations for a steady-state cooling flow in a spherically symmetric
cluster are identical to those for a wind (equation 5.90), except that
the heating rate h(r) is replaced by the cooling rate
(equations 5.21 and
5.22). Because the
cooling rate is proportional to the square of the density, it is useful
to define
(Tg). Then,
![]() |
![]() | (5.101) |
![]() |
and the other symbols are defined following equation (5.90). If the gas
is injected continuously into the cluster
= 0), then the boundary
conditions are set by requiring no inflow from outside the cluster. If
the gas is not constantly being added to the cluster
= 0),
then no cluster-wide steady-state flow will be
possible. However, these equations will still apply approximately within the
radius defined by setting the cooling time equal to the age of the
cluster (the
'cooling surface') . In order to match to the hydrostatic intracluster gas
distribution beyond this radius, the proper density and temperature
is specified on this surface. Because the inflow is generally extremely
subsonic except in the innermost parts, the outer parts of these cooling
flows are very nearly hydrostatic (the middle equation in 5.101 reduces to
5.55). The velocity is determined by the inflow rate
vr2, which
must be constant in a steady-state inflow without sources or sinks for
Thermal conduction (Section 5.4.2) has not been included in the cooling flow equations. Generally, the existence of cooling flows requires that conduction not be very important, since otherwise cooling in the cluster core will be balanced by heat transported inwards by conduction, rather than heat convected inwards by the cooling flow (Mathews and Bregman, 1978; Takahara and Takahara, 1979; Binney and Cowie, 1981; Nulsen et al., 1982). In most cases, conduction must be much slower than the Spitzer rate (equation 5.37) for a nonmagnetic plasma; the suppression of conduction might be due to a very tangled or circumferential magnetic field (Section 5.4.3).
These equations have been solved for cooling in clusters by
Cowie and Binney (1977),
assuming a King model for the cluster density (equation 2.13), mass
ejection by galaxies as given by Yahil and Ostriker
equation 5.91), pure
bremsstrahlung cooling (equation 5.21), and subsonic flow (dropping the
quadratic velocity terms in equations 5.101).
Figure 37 shows the density and
temperature variations in a typical model. The density rises
continuously into
the center; this contrasts with hydrostatic models, in which it levels off
(Section 5.5).
The temperature has a maximum at about two core radii and
declines into the cluster center. The behavior of these solutions in the
regions can be understood approximately. Assuming that the mass flux
is fixed ( = const),
that the flow is subsonic, that the gravitational
potential is not important (so that the pressure is nearly constant and the
flow is driven by pressure and cooling and not by gravity), and that
the cooling function is a power-law in the temperature
, the temperature and density are found to vary as
1 /
(Nulsen et al.,
For Tg
4 ×
107, cooling is due to thermal bremsstrahlung
(equation 5.21),
= 1/2,
r-6/5. At lower temperatures,
(equation 5.22) and
r-5/6. When the gas has cooled sufficiently for the
gravitational potential to be important (or if the potential gradient is
increased by a central galaxy), then the temperature tends to vary as
kTg / µmp
/ r, where m(r) is the total mass within r
(Fabian and Nulsen,
![]() |
Figure 37. The gas temperature and density
in a cluster with a steady-state cooling flow, from the models in
Cowie and Binney
The gas density is normalized to its value at the cluster core radius,
and the gas temperature is
normalized to µmp
Evidence for the existence of such cooling flows in X-ray clusters
includes the detection of peaks in the soft X-ray surface brightness at
the cluster center
(Branduardi-Raymont et
al., 1981;
Fabian et al.,
Canizares et al.,
Fabricant and
Gorenstein, 1983;
Jones and Forman, 1984;
Stewart et al.,
the measurement of inverted temperature gradients dTg
/ dr > 0
(Gorenstein et
al., 1977;
Ulmer and Jernigan,
White and Silk, 1980),
and the observation of central X-ray surface brightnesses and
temperatures that imply cooling times much less than the Hubble time
(Canizares et
al., 1983;
Stewart et al.,
The strongest evidence comes from the
detection of soft X-ray line emission from low ionization stages produced at
temperatures of Tg
106 - 107 K, coming from the cluster center
(Canizares et
al., 1979,
Canizares, 1981;
Mushotzky et al.,
Lea et al., 1982;
Nulsen et al.,
Culver et al., 1983;
Mushotzky, 1984;
Section 4.3.3).
Theoretical models for cooling flows can be used to estimate the rates of cooling in clusters from these X-ray observations. A simple estimate may also be derived by noting that for steady-state, isobaric cooling, the luminosity emitted in any temperature range dTg is
![]() | (5.102) |
if the gravitational potential does not change significantly during the
(Cowie, 1981).
Here, µ is the mean atomic mass. This equation
can be used to estimate the luminosity in any spectral feature produced
in the cooling flow by integrating dL(Tg) over
the fraction of the total
emission in that feature as a function of temperature. A more accurate
semi-empirical method of determining cooling rates for clusters has been
Canizares et al.
Stewart et al.
and Fabian et al.
This method is essentially that of
Section 5.5.4. First, the X-ray surface
brightness is deconvolved to give the X-ray emissivity as a function of
(equation 5.81). Second, the hydrostatic equation is used to derive the
gas temperature as a function of position, assuming some form for the
gravitational potential (equation 5.85). (Note that the hydrostatic equation
holds for the outer portions of these cooling flows because they are very
subsonic; see Section 5.7.2.)
Third, the cooling time is calculated in the
gas, and the gas is assumed to form a steady-state cooling flow within
the cooling surface at which tcool
th. Finally, the steady-state energy
equation (the last of equations 5.101) is used to determine the cooling rate
Table 4 gives a list of clusters
showing evidence for cooling flows, with estimates for the cooling rate
. The values for
range from 3 - 1000
yr. The Perseus cluster has one of the largest observed
cooling rates (see also Section 4.5.2).
A very small cooling rate of 3 - 20
/ yr is
found in M87 in the Virgo cluster; such a small cooling flow would be
difficult to observe in more distant clusters. It is particularly
that cooling flows have now been detected in poor clusters
(Canizares et
al., 1983),
as well as in a large number of rich clusters
(Stewart et al.,
It should perhaps be pointed out that all of the above evidence shows that
there is cool gas in the cores of these clusters, but it does not
directly show that
there is cooling gas flowing into the cluster core. That is, the
motion of
the gas has not been detected directly, as X-ray spectral observations
have insufficient resolution to detect Doppler shifts produced by the slow
inflow. It has occasionally been argued that the gas might actually be in
hydrostatic and thermal equilibrium, with the extra emission at the cluster
center being due to some central heat source (see, for example,
Tucker and Rosner,
Since the cooling rate of a gas at constant pressure
decreases with temperature at all temperatures of interest for X-ray
K), the higher the heating rate (or the nearer the cluster
center), the cooler the gas would be in thermal equilibrium. However, such
hydrostatic, thermal equilibrium models (in which one heats the gas
in order to cool it) can generally be shown to be thermally unstable
on the cooling time scale
(Stewart et al.,
Fabian et al.,
The gas must either heat up and expand out of the core, or cool down
and form a cooling flow on this time scale. Moreover, such a thermal
equilibrium model for the X-ray emission would not explain the observed
association of cooling flows with optical line emitting filaments, as
discussed below.